Thursday, June 10, 2010

Is it Possible to Understand Our Pets?

In general, animals live in the present moment and just 'get on with life', accepting what is, so it can be difficult to notice if they have had a spot of trauma during the daytime, particularly when we are not in the immediate vicinity. If it is a simple case of a caller at the door who has alarmed the animal, or they have been chased or bullied at some point, we are unlikely to spot any difference in their behaviour in a day-to-day situation. The event has been and gone, so it is a case for them of 'out of sight, out of mind'.

If we are used to two-way communication with our animals - by that I mean listening and hearing their messages to us in addition to our talking to them - it is possible to notice that something has occurred out of the norm. However, in the general scheme of things, unless the event was life threatening, extremely scary or recurring, it is best to leave it in the past - dragging it up again would serve no useful purpose.

There are times, however, when an animal is deeply unhappy about something. Due to their general 'get on with it' attitude to life and the busy-ness of our own lives, the sadness may go unnoticed. It may be that they are picking up on the human vibrations within the home and taking on the resulting negative energy. As with their human counterparts, if negative energy is left to compound, it may result in a physical complaint, which is the soul's way of indicating that something is wrong. And, yes, in case you're wondering, animals do have souls too.

There's a case I know of where a dog walks alongside her elderly mistress, patiently waiting every time the woman stops to pause for breath and carefully avoiding getting tangled with the walking stick. When let off the lead, the dog bounds around excitedly, full of energy and rushes off looking for the nearest rabbit. However, the dog understands that her mistress cannot walk briskly and adjusts her energy to match that of the woman while she is walking with her. She really has the sweetest, understanding nature. Now, however, the dog herself is limping - on the same side as her mistress's bad leg! This is a case of an animal taking on energy from the human owner and manifesting it in the form of a physical complaint. Even the woman herself says her dog is coming out in sympathy with her!

Can anything be done about stress in animals? I feel a lot can be done about it, if only we practise true communication such as observing, listening and trusting the information we receive. We all have intuition, animals rely on it more than we do, so with practice we can learn to trust what messages we pick up. We should realise that in energy terms we act as transmitters and receivers. We give off energy according to our existing emotions and thoughts and it is this energy that animals sense. All too often we forget to act as receivers and observe what is going on around us.

Animals are great teachers and fantastic allies, if only we allow them to be.

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