Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Brief Look at Home Remedy For Ear Mites

When does your pet need a home remedy ear mites treatment? Well, the chances of him having an infestation needing treatment are high - if you notice things like brown ear gunk that comes back after you clean it off, and the fact that he won't stop scratching his ears.

Ear mites are nearly invisible parasites that feed off the blood of animals - namely that of cats, and small rodents, but sometimes dogs as well. It's important to know that mites are easily passed from one pet to another - and it's an ongoing cycle, as mites multiply at a fast rate, and never break their feeding cycle. Not only do they causes painful discomfort to the infected animal, but if left untreated, bacterial infections can develop and lead to permanent conditions like hearing loss.

From these things, you know how important it is to have your furry friends treated as soon as possible, yet, making an expensive appointment with a veterinarian isn't always an option for some people. Fortunately, there are effective treatments you can use to rid your pet of mites, that are just as good as the pricey ones you pay for at the vet's office:

Mineral or corn oils - Inexpensive mineral oil can be used to combat mites, by smothering them. Corn oil does the same thing, but also soothes the irritated ear canals and speeds up the healing process, due to certain properties in its make up. To use, place some on a few cotton balls, and get a decent amount in the canals. Clean around the whole ear area. Repeat the process every day, for a total of three days.

Olive oil - Its benefits to one's health endless, killing mites is on the list, as well - although almond oil is equally effective in this case.

To make a solution, take 400 IU of vitamin E oil and mix it with one half ounce of olive oil, and administer through a dropper. You need to be sure the solution is room temperature - and no colder - when you squeeze the dropper into the animal's ear, or he'll probably physically show you his discomfort. Clean the ear area and the canals carefully, with several clean cotton swabs. This treatment needs to be repeated every other day, for a total of 6 six days, then allow the ears to rest for three more. Upon resuming the treatment, repeat the same "every other day" protocol, this time for six weeks - as this breaks the reproduction cycle.

Mix yellow dock root extract and water - Using this combination has proven effective in vanquishing ear mites. Mix 9 drops of yellow dock root extract with a tablespoon of water. Before you insert the solution into the ear canal, make sure it's room temperature. Because home remedies must often be repeated for a while in order to kill mite eggs, repeat this procedure every other day for six or seven weeks to make sure the eggs have stopped hatching.

White vinegar swabs - Swabbing with white vinegar diffused with water, works miracles in removing dirt and debris from an animal's ears, however, keep in mind it's very acidic and could sting a pet with irritated tissues or opens sores. Don't use this treatment if your pet has these conditions in his ears, or you will probably pay the price with a sharp nail or two to the hand.

Shampoo - Shampoo your furry companion, and then make the final rinse an infusion of yellow dock tea and water. This is an effective way to rid the coat of mites that have traveled beyond the "head zone".

So even if paying a vet for treatment isn't an option for you, one of the home remedies you've just learned should be able to help. In treating your friend, keep in mind that it won't exactly be a "treat" for him, so you may want to have someone standing by to assist you when you do it.

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