Friday, October 22, 2010

Top 5 Most Common Medical Problems in Pets

Veterinary surgeons perform potentially life-saving surgical procedures nearly every day of their career. Some procedures are more commonly required than others, but even for a small regularly surgery a vet requires top quality equipment. In order to be able to perform with confidence in the operation room, a vet needs to be able to have total confidence in their tools too. Trephine, disposable blades and other surgical grade equipment, are essential when you're in the process of surgically fixing a medical emergency, so vets and doctors only order the very best and latest technological solutions.

If, for example, your beloved pet cat requires major surgery, you'll be happier knowing that he or she will be going under the knife of a veterinary surgeon who uses up to the minute equipment.

Some of the most common conditions that require a vet to conduct surgery are:

Injuries caused by accidents.
Digestive system disorders such as investigating the cause of vomiting and diarrhoea
Heart disorders - murmurs or heart failure.
Hormone disorders such as diabetes or an overactive thyroid.
Leg, hip or shoulder problems from arthritis or a dislocated hip.

Many vets prefer to schedule surgical operations in the early afternoons in order to make sure the animals are recovering safely from their ordeal. Sometimes it's necessary to perform investigative surgery as X-Rays can only tell the vet a certain amount of information. In order to make the correct diagnosis, a vet may have to put your pet under anaesthetic to find out exactly what is causing a particular medical problem. In cases like this, if it's a straight forward issue the vet will probably just fix it there and then. However if it's a more serious condition a vet may need to consult with the pets owner before going ahead with expensive surgery. Sadly many complicated pet illnesses cannot be fixed using medicines, or surgery.

Bichon Frise Training With Crates

Bichon Frises are classically white dogs though they might have few small patches of cream, apricot or a bit of white fur around their facial areas. They are one of the smart, playful and intelligent dogs that love the human companionship. For successful bichon frise training, you need to have some knowledge of her nature and temperament. The most important part of bichon frise training is potty training which can be also easily accomplished with the use of crates.

For crate training, you need to bring your home a crate of suitable size where your bichon frise could move comfortably. Put a towel, an old rug or a small blanket for her comfort and confine her in that crate by praising and giving some treats. Don't force her to go in the crate. Instead put her food inside the crate so that she herself goes there and feel comfortable.

You should place the crate at appropriate place where she doesn't find herself alone. You should make her feel that crate is a reward for her and not a punishment. Put some treats and her favorite toys inside the crate so that she enjoys staying in the crate and feel it as her den.

The idea behind using crate is to prevent her from doing her potty there. As she regards it as her den, she won't mess up in that area and will try to come out from it for eliminating purposes. If she is unable to come out, then she will howl, cry or whine. Quickly take her outside, let her finish her business and put her inside the crate again.

If you see her whining at unusual times with the intention of coming out, then just ignore her. It will make her feel that it is useless to cry or whine. She will soon stop whining seeing that you are not paying any attention at all. As this becomes the routine, she develops it as a habit and you can easily accomplished potty training your bichon frise.

The crate is not only useful for potty training but it also helps in overall process of bichon frise training. The crate provides security to them. So, when you go away from your home for a long tour leaving your bichon frise at home, they won't feel uncomfortable and can wait for you patiently, staying inside her crate.

Pet Mobility - Aiding Your Handicapped Pet

If you have a handicapped pet, there are alternatives to putting him down to alleviate his suffering. Pet mobility aids such as slings, splint and harnesses can help your pet move about.

It will break the heart of any pet owner to see his handicapped pet suffering from being unable to walk and this is where pet mobility aids can help the dog lead a more active life. Just as humans have braces, walkers, wheelchairs and other mobility aids to help them live with their handicap, nowadays there is specific equipment and accessories made for pets that help them move about.

Orthopedic conditions such as Degenerative Myelopathy, Arthritis, Hip Displacement and other similar musculoskeletal conditions could make it painful for your dog to walk and sometimes it could end up losing the use of its legs. Exercise is very important for your pet's health and unless he is walked every day, you may reach a situation when you have to consider putting him down. Before you take such a drastic step, it is a good idea to explore the various pet mobility accessories available that might aid him in going outdoors for his daily walk. Even in cases such as a fracture, these devices can play a part in your dog's physiotherapy by helping him regain use of his muscles quicker.

For example, a rear support harness is a useful pet mobility aid for helping your dog walk with your support and assistance. The harness has soft padding on the sleeves that are slipped on the rear legs with a handle or leash attached at the back with which you could physically lift the dog's rear end. This also helps the dog urinate or defecate more comfortably without getting other parts of his body soiled. It also has positive psychological benefits on your pet as it offers them some dignity and prevents them from going into depression from being unable to control their limbs. There are similar harnesses available for supporting the front legs. A belly harness helps to lift up your dog from the center and is useful if all his legs are weak.

There is a range of pet mobility aids such as slings, harnesses and splints that provide support to your pet's limbs to help both you and your pet deal with his handicap better.

While slings and harnesses are useful when the muscles of the limbs are weakened as they help in lifting the legs, splints are usually used for lower leg injuries such as a fracture to provide support to the limb and make the healing process faster.

There is no doubt that pet mobility aids are a godsend to both owners and pets as it provides an alternate solution to euthanasia for your pet.

Some Of The Best Accessories You Can Purchase For Your Pet

Pets are great company - sometimes even better company than people. To make sure that they stay great company, they need to be taken care of. It's not unlike a new-born child in that respect.

A pet is a great responsibility as well as a worthwhile companion. They have some basic needs that as domesticated animals need people -their owners- to provide for.

They need love the way people do. They need positive emotions from their caretakers and even have emotions of their own. They can even show their love by licking their master or by snuggling up to them when it's cold.

Some well purchased accessories can go a long way towards making your canine, feline or whatever friend a lot more comfortable and a lot happier.

Pet stores are stocked to the brim with useful accessories. These accessories aim to make the pet's quality of life better, to improve them and generally make them more content with their lot. This actually works to improve their health as well, as depression can manifest as an unexplainable listlessness or sickness.

Food bowls are a must, maybe even a mat under it to collect any stray food. Most animals are messy eaters. While they come in many colors and sizes, they should be only bought in one material - steel. Steel is tougher and has a longer lifespan than plastic. It can also be cleaned easily, which is a bonus for any pet owner.

You should also get your pet a collar. A collar will usually have some space for a name or a name tag. This is to make sure that if your friend gets lost, there's a way for strangers to bring him back. If you want to go for a walk with it, you'll need a leash to attach to the collar.

These are only the basic pet accessories you'll need to take care of your new pet.

The Artist and Animal Communication

I came across something the other day in my mom's "remem'ry drawer" that was both endearingly funny and insightful. This particular drawer that most mothers have somewhere in their houses is where they place things to "remem'ry" about their children's lives. At least, that's what my siblings and I (there are 6 of us) named this drawer when we were much younger - a combination of remember and memory - which was actually located in the bottom of my dad's dresser.

This special drawer holds report cards - good and bad alike - sweet and tender notes written in crayon for Mother's Day or birthdays, shockingly bad grade school photos that only a mother could love, and other such charming mementos of a son or daughter's childhood to cherish from time to time. The funny and insightful object I mentioned earlier was my signature when I was about 12 written in neat cursive with the letter "F" in Flynn in the traditional boat-with-a-cap-on-it style and it read: "Lizanne Flynn, The Great Artist". I think I was typical in my desires at that point in my life as is every other girl - to have a horse and be an artist. Our young feminine fantasies are the stuff of gossamer and lace and gifts of roses from adoring fans who marvel at both our talent and the product of that talent, be in it art or horseback-riding.

I've dabbled in many forms of creativity over the years - watercolor painting, crocheting (I still do this), jewelry-making (I still do that) to name a few. Others, such as pottery and painting with acrylics or oils I've yet to attempt - maybe someday. They all pale in comparison to the richness of color, complexity of medium, and daunting challenge of completely finishing a piece that is the essence of the art of animal communication. You see, energy is my medium and specifically the energy created by both human and non-human animals, sentient beings alike, complete with spiritual lives and lessons to be learned together. The work of art co-created and facilitated by an animal communicator has a life-long ripple effect for both animal and guardian as it is gilded with love and compassion for self and the other at the same time.

Attention to technique is sometimes involved at the beginning of an art project for instance, by using the correct mixture of clay and water as in pottery. There might be the preparation of the canvas with water or other substances. There's the selection of colors and paintbrushes, or yarn and hook or needle. Last but not least is, of course, subject matter. "What is to be created, what meaning will it have and how do I want it to be interpreted? What sort of emotion do I want my visual piece of creation to call forth from the observer? Am I trying to call attention to a cultural issue within our society or do I just want to create a picture of fall because it's my favorite season?" Yes, the scope is that broad and oftentimes just as formidable. Still, the creative voice within the artist perseveres and knows no rest until it is released from within and outwardly shared.

Once the tools are assembled the creative flame sparks and catches fire. At first the flames are small and low in number needing fuel from within the individual to continue burning. It is an assortment of talents and skills that are called forth perhaps unconsciously by the artist to provide the very breath the fire craves. These things lie dormant within an "other" space existing in all of us that is capable of such great feats of creativity it would be a shame not to visit it from time to time if only to reveal to ourselves our deep and divine potential. It is within this "other" space that an animal communicator works in creating their particular piece of art consisting of the interpretation of pictures, words, and feelings from non-human sentient beings, the animals.

I start with a blank canvas although to the animal's guardian who is asking for my help it appears much differently. It's fairly common for the unwelcome behavior issues of the animal (the majority of an animal communicator's work) to resemble a mixture of sharp, jagged edges and discordant colors that snarl and hiss with their disruptive nature in the lives of both human and non-human animals. Reframing of the picture's contents is necessary so that balance and harmony can once again reign supreme in their lives. In order to accomplish this goal a separate piece of artwork is created that provides a fresh perspective for all involved that can be cherished for its depth of emotion and simplicity (usually) of issue resolution. They'll hang side by side as a testament to the heart-centered relationship between human and non-human animal, both pictures necessary to keep the partnership focused on the progress made together.

My own attention to technique in this art form involves explaining the process to the human and ensuring that they understand the journey they are about to undertake with their animal companion may be, at times, uncomfortable. There may be delicate issues brought forth by the non-human animal which the human animal may not like to see. Securing permission from the guardian both as to the process and access to their energy along with their companion animal's energy is vitally important as they are the true creators of the finished project. Additionally, I ask for verification from the guardian that there was a recent vet visit to rule out any medical issues such as infection that may masquerade as emotional ones.

Technique complete, I can begin preparation of the canvas starting with a series of questions from the human that are designed to draw forth from the animal the answers the human so desperately seeks. "Why are you not using the litterbox? Why do you bark so much when the doorbell rings? Why are you afraid of the stairs?" These are just some of the questions that the animal's guardian may propose to begin the communication session. Once I hear the questions and talk with the guardian I start to get a tingling sense, a knowing if you will, of the dynamic between human and non-human animal that tells me where I'm going to add or subtract questions during the session. This occurs much in the same way a painter adds or subtracts colors or the way a weaver changes colors on the loom that affects the whole of the artwork. Here I follow the animal's lead as they best know what needs to be revealed to the human so that they can work productively together both during and after the session. Animals are, in fact, far more intuitive than humans given that they still depend on their intuition for well-being in situations where they lack human language skills - in other words, their daily existence in the human world.

It is at this point that my specific type of artwork begins to draw in the energy of both the human and non-human animal as each plays a role in co-creating the finished piece between them. I begin to unfold the wrinkles in the fabric of energy between animal and guardian so that I can access both human and non-human thoughts, emotions and higher selves. The interpretation of the animal communication artwork has specific and, at times, very personal meaning to both animal and guardian. There will be lessons that are part of the pact they each (perhaps unknowingly) signed when they entered each other's lives that comprise the ultimate subject matter of the artwork. During this process I need to be alert yet relaxed, questioning yet having no expectations so that I can move in concert with the images, words and feelings that flood my being. I need to trust that all will be revealed as necessary which has gotten much easier with time. Truly, this is a living piece of art as in the best of situations the energy will change between human and non-human animal. Words fail to describe what it is like to witness the absolutely spectacular healing happening at the soul level for both human and non-human animal when an energy shift occurs.

The information coming from the animal is from both their current life-form selves and their higher selves. The communication is usually very direct and honest which sometimes shocks the guardian into silence or perhaps tears. There's often laughter mixed in with the tears as animal's directness can also be quite funny and endearing to the guardian. It is never without compassion for the human and firmly gentle requests for a change in behavior - on the human's part - that will allow the companion animal to return to their intrinsic state of wellness and harmony. Perhaps this is the most surprising element of all to those not familiar with animal communication. It is the human whose choices within the human-animal relationship have - a good majority of the time - caused the animal to mirror back those choices in their own unique way. There's no cause for guilt at this juncture - just a humble and heart-centered agreement to change what can be changed and accommodation for what cannot be changed. Little, however, can't actually be changed - it's all a matter of perception.

In the end the masterpiece, with the barely dry paint or still-kiln-warm brilliant glaze, is held up for both human and non-human animal to view. I've heard gasps of delight, again co-mingled with tears, at the depth of honesty, trust and love that was woven into a very unique piece of art belonging only to this particular match of human and non-human animal. The humans are often stunned by their participation in the co-creation process and I see images of the preferred future for the pair - from the animal's higher self - that sometimes makes me blissfully happy for them. The animals are always prompt and sincere in their expressions of gratitude for the process - a good reminder to humans, gentle reader, that being nice matters in the world today.

I learn something every single time I am honored to be part of an animal communication session. Without fail I am imperceptibly changed by my energetic interaction in a sacred "other" space alongside two other sentient beings. Each time I pledge to continue from a deep creative place my particular form of art - that of animal communicator - in order to reveal the divine possibilities of love. This, in the end, is all that really matters.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Dog Training - Discover Why Is It So Important

I have a Yorkie that I can say is now the companion pet that I have always wanted. People are always telling me how well behaved she is and ask me, "How did you train her to be that way?" Effective dog training is NOT as hard as you think. You do not need to waste your money sending your dog to dog training classes or doggie bootcamp. There are things that you can do right now to start seeing changes in your dogs behavior today. I give even further details of secret dog training tips on my website that you can view below. Please take advantage of the free video on my site filled with secret tips on how to train your dog on your own.

If you have an obedient dog both you and your dog benefit by not needing to deal with obedience issues. No one wants to waste their energy trying to discipline their dog. Train your dog to be obedient so you can put all your energy into making your relationship with each other a fulfilling one. You owe it to your dog to get right to bottom of the most persistent problems that are robbing you of the true enjoyment of dog ownership.

When you train your dog you will be strengthening the bond between the two of you. At the same time you will be building understanding, communication and a mutal respect. A well trained dog understands that you are the leader of the pack, otherwise known as the "Alpha". It is so important that your dog respects you as his leader otherwise you could be in for some real trouble!

You will find that having a well-behaved, obedience trained dog is a pleasure to own because he can go virtually anywhere with you without being a risk or nuisance to others. And who doesn't want a dog who exhibits appropriate behavior in a crowd, good manners when we have guests over in our home, is reliable around children, and who doesn't threaten other dogs or those passing by?

Wouldn't it be nice if you didn't have to stop your dog from barking, biting, chewing, peeing in the wrong places, fighting with other dogs, tearing up your garden, etc? The point that I am trying to get across to you is that dog obedience training truly benefits everyone. You owe it to your dog to unlock the relationship that both of you deserve!

Summer Heat and Your Pet

How summer heat can be bad for your dog

Summer may be a good season for your dog to be running around, exercising, and going to parks for strolls. But don't forget that summer can also be bad for your dog if you don't keep your pet protected from disasters that can be caused by the summer heat. These disasters include overheating, heat exhaustion, and heatstroke. Animals are also very vulnerable to sunburns or heat stress. The summer heat can also be especially difficult for animals who suffer from certain respiratory diseases. The summer heat does not choose its victims. And if we humans can do things to cool us down, dogs just can't. The responsibility to cool dogs down falls upon their dog owners. Aside from that, the summer season, in general, can be bad for your dog because of the activities during summer. A lot of people become quite busy during the summer, when there is no rain to keep them from their usual activities outdoors. Summer is a time for sports, gardening, and exercise. However, even though exercise is good, and so are sports, for your dog, the level of heat that you and your dog absorbs is different. Also, you have shoes, and your dogs don't. Not because the summer heat feels mild enough for you also means that your dog is in no danger. The safety of dogs during the summer season lies entirely on their owners.

The other dangers of summer

Summer still poses other dangers to your dog aside from the grueling summer heat. Summer is the time for gardening, and of insects out and about. The summer season can also somewhat be regarded to as the fleas and ticks season in the doggie world. That's yet another thing to worry about. In addition to that, you may be expecting many different events during the summer, but try to avoid bringing your dog to crowded places. This can cause a huge amount of heat exhaustion and heat stress in your dog. You might also think that bringing the dog to pools can do the trick. However, without the proper care and attention, dogs in crowded pool areas spell trouble. Be on the lookout for signs of stress in your dog, and breathing difficulties. These are usually the first signs of heat exhaustion and heat stress.

How to protect your pet from the dangers of summer

Don't leave your pet outside for too long without a shade. The summer heat can affect dogs faster than it can affect humans. Dogs have thicker skin and hair, and thus can absorb more heat. Also, since they have less sweat glands than humans, they also don't easily release the heat through sweat. It is advisable to bring a water spray with you if you take your dog outdoors during the summer. Giving your dog water to drink is not enough. Spraying water on your dog's body can help cool your dog down immensely. Another important advice is not to leave your dog inside a parked car without a shade. Cars cannot keep the heat out, and even if you leave the windows open a bit, your dog can still absorb the nasty heat. When you take your dog out to exercise, make sure to set a limit. It might also be a good idea to get your dogs some booties to protect their paws from the heat-soaked ground. Try to avoid the hottest hours as well. You can try exercising with your dog early in the morning or after the sun has set. Finally, get your fleas and ticks treatments ready, and groom your dog regularly. More frequent bathing and a good grooming habit can help cool your dog down.

Showing Your Pet Affection With Pet Emblems

For many, their pet is not just an animal that lives within their home, but is an additional member of their family who is provided with as much love and attention, if not more, than any other member of their immediate family. In many cases there are some who have such a strong love for their pet that they choose to emulate this love in a number of different ways whether it is through doting on them every minute of the day, displaying images of their pet throughout the home and even more extravagantly; even having the pet's name and/or image tattooed onto their body. However, for the dedicated animal lover in you, there is a great-and pain free way in which you can show your affection for your pet through pet car emblems.

Car emblems are quickly becoming one of the most popular ways in which to customize your vehicle as they are quick and easy to attach, do not require a long-term commitment and what's more, they can be found at great, low prices! Due to the growing trend of chrome emblems being used to accessorize a large number of vehicles, it comes as to no surprise that new and interesting emblem designs now include pet inspired images. Pet emblems are a great way in which to show your love for your moggy, pup or even show your passion for horses as they cause absolutely no damage to the body work of your car during installation and/or removal. Designed to last a lifetime, your classic, stylish pet emblem will look great on any car, truck or SUV and as it is car-wash safe, you can be guaranteed that it will remain chip free, fade resistant and will not peel come wind, rain or shine.

Made using an OEM process, chrome pet emblems are made in a similar way to automakers that professionally make typical chrome emblems for vehicles. Made with a plastic core with a chrome metal finish, you pet emblem will be strong, durable and shiny- remaining an elegant addition to the exterior of your car. Although your pet emblem is attached using a very strong adhesive, should the time come that you wish to change your pet emblem for a different design, they are incredibly easy to remove and you will run the risk of the paint n your car's body work peeling off or becoming damaged in anyway whatsoever.

When we first purchase a vehicle, its existing emblem may be something that we initially overlook and see as something which we cannot change. However, with more advances in car customization occurring everyday, we are now provided with a great deal of freedom in which to make our car unique and personal to us-even if we desire to display our love for our pet on the interior or exterior of our vehicle. So, if you're looking for an alternative way in which to display your love for your additional family member, look into chrome pet emblems for a truly unique take on your affection for your pet.

Pet Wellness - Driving Safety - Don't Be Brainless

Car accidents are caused by many different situations. Some involve unsafe, inconsiderate drivers, others are caused by texting while driving, drunk drivers, and drivers driving unsafely with their dog. You would be surprised as to how many pets, owners, and other drivers are killed or severely injured due to an accident caused by a dog roaming freely in the car. Pet wellness refers to pets and people, so today let us learn how to drive safely with a dog so as to keep yourself, your dog and other people safe on the road.

Who's dog does not like to go for a car ride? I don't believe I am aware of a single dog amongst all my friends that does not like to go for a drive. The one exception I know off is my Saluki, Mystic Moon. He goes crazy for a bike run and not so much interested in driving in the car. However, even if your dog doesn't care much for a drive, there will still be times when he has to go in the car and safety rules, just like for our kids and ourselves, also apply to our dogs.

So what has made me seek out, research, and share this topic? Recently I visited a close friend in the hospital who was severely injured in a car accident that she admits was her fault because of her dog. His head was hanging out the window, which makes my friend nervous that he will fall out so instead of paying attention to the road she was watching to ensure her dog does not fall out of the car. She looked only for a second but that was all it took. The family in the other car, including both parents and their 2 children were severely injured and hospitalized as well. My friends dog was also injured and because the ambulance drivers tended to the people injuries first, her dog died at the scene of the accident.

I listened to my friend cry in the hospital bed at the fact that she was so stupid and insensitive - she knows how much her dog loves to hang his head out the window and she just wanted him to enjoy himself. But this also made her inconsiderate of the safety of other drivers and the safety of her dog.

While in the waiting room of the hospital, I met the parents of the couple in the other car. I went to speak to them to see how the parents and kids were doing and as they cried the mother shouted at me and said, "You people and your damn dogs! It's all you care about even more than children!" At the scene of the accident, my friend had admitted to the police that the accident was her fault and why. The police had communicated this to the parents of the car that was hit. I was gutted, and although an avid dog lover I could understand that woman's anger.

Being pet wellness savvy means knowing it is our responsibility to ourselves and others we share the road with, to ensure we follow the rules for safe driving. Here are some things every dog owner must remember in order to contribute to safer roads, safer driving, and pet wellness.

1. Head hangers and jumpers

Dogs just love to hang their head and often times paws, out an open window and feel the wind in their hair and watch all that goes by. If you are sure your dog won't jump - ever consider thinking again. It has happened many times and the first thing the owner says is, "He hangs his head out the window all the time and he never jumped before!" You think your dog is too intelligent to do something we consider so stupid? Dogs don't think like us. They are not aware of the many dangers and often times they become so interested in something they see they actually think they can make the jump - totally unaware that they can be hit by an on coming car or badly injured once they hit the pavement.

There are four main dangers with head hangers and jumpers.

The dog will injure himself in the jump.
The dog is likely to be hit by an on coming car.
On coming cars, who try to avoid hitting a dog that has come out of nowhere is likely to have an accident with another car.
The driver, for fear the dog may fall out the window, keeps one eye on the dog and one eye on the road. This can cause an accident. Or a driver seeing his dog fall or jump out the window, panics and causes an accident.
The dog can sustain eye injuries from flying particles in the air. This type of injury can cause corneal and ulcers in the eye. Painful for your dog and heavy on the pocket book for vet care.

2. Driver Distraction

Whether you care to admit it or not, dogs moving back and forth from one seat to another does distract the driver. Here are some things that can happen when the driver is distracted by a dog jumping around the car.

A dog jumping on the drivers lap while driving causes distraction and can limit the drivers view of the road. Struggling to get the dog off the lap and struggling to see the road can cause the driver to have an accident
A dog moving freely around the car can cause distraction to the driver if the dog falls off the seat when the car comes to a stop, or if the driver has to stop suddenly. How many times has another driver cut you off and you have to put on the brakes suddenly? Or even if your dog is nicely sitting in the front seat, not moving around, he can fall off the seat and although perhaps not a serious situation, this distracts the driver causing an accident.
Your dog could lose his footing due to the movements of the car and slam his head into the dashboard. According to my vet, this is more common than people think.
Medium to large size dogs can block the drivers view of the rear and side view mirrors.

3. Car Lap Dogs

As much as you may hate to admit it, when a dog is sitting on the drivers lap while driving, it slows the drivers reaction time. The driver's ability to drive efficiently and act quickly is impaired. It also limits the drivers view of the road and turning the steering wheel is also more difficult.

4. Car Floor Movers

Many dogs and cats like to move around on the floor of the car. Well what do you think can happen if your dog or cat moves onto one the foot pedals? Yes, not something you or your fellow drivers want to experience because this is a solid accident about to happen. When this happens, forget that the driver is not pet wellness savvy - he is just plain inconsiderate and stupid.

5. Airbags and dogs

Airbags and dogs don't do well together. If an airbag is released it will seriously injure your dog. It is for this reason amongst many others a dog needs to ride in the backseat of the car. Obviously this is not limited to only a car. The same goes for people who allow a dog to sit in the back bed of a truck while it's moving!

Pet Wellness Car Safety Rules

Pet wellness car safety rules say you can make your dog's ride in the car safe for him, yourself and other drivers by simply restraining him properly in the back seat. I know! My friends tell me how hard it is because they like to pet their dog while driving or enjoy him sitting next to them or on their lap. But, we don't let out kids drive unrestrained do we? They are in car seats or seat belts. Your dog, no matter how small, must be given the same rules when driving in the car.

To properly restrain your dog in the back seat use a seat belt or car seat specially designed for dogs and come in various sizes. Your dog can still feel the wind from an open window but the window should not be down so far that he can hang his head out. Dog owners who like to pet their dog while driving can still do so by reaching to the back seat - but this should be done only when the car is at a complete stop.

Pet wellness while driving advices safety first and pleasure later. Do not allow your precious pet to be the cause of an accident- because at the end of the day, when the accident or injury happens it will not be your dog's fault it will be yours. If your anything like my friend, you won't recover from knowing you were responsible for taking a life.

Notes for a Hamster

Your child finally asks for a pet, and you take him to the store so he can choose what he wants. When you get to the store your child notices this tiny little creature munching away on nuts and whatnot and covered all over with fur. Those small beady eyes stare at your child for a few moments and suddenly, your kid has found his first pet. Now, as a parent you ask yourself, is a hamster the right choice? Well, actually it is.

Starting off your child with a small pet, such as hamster, will save you from taking over most of the burden of taking care of a larger animal, say a dog, and help your child learn a little responsibility. Hamsters only require fresh food, water, cleaning the cage every week or so, and a little attention. Hamsters don't usually require grooming, unless of course the one you happen to buy is a Long-haired Syrian Hamster. Then you'd have to occasionally brush your pet to remove the shavings that get stuck in its fur. If you really want to make sure that you won't have to do any grooming, you can buy a Hairless Syrian Hamster, which is pink, hairless, and warm to touch.

Okay, so now you've bought the hamster for your child, then what? Usually, pet stores provide most of the accessories your hamster will need. First of all you will need a cage, one that isn't too small, or just enough to fit the hamster. It should be large enough so your hamster can move around freely and have space for his water bottle and/or feeding bowl. The floor covering is typically composed of wood shavings, such as aspen, but you can also use small animal litter. Material that tends to mould should be avoided for the general health of your pet. Hamster cages should be kept clean by replacing the floor covering weekly. Hamsters like to have "nesting areas" where they tend to sleep and hoard all their food. This can be made from torn-up toilet paper, or clean, non-moldy hay. Feeding hamsters can be done giving their food in feeding bowls, or by sprinkling them on the cage floor. Hamsters have these pouches in their cheeks where they stuff their food to carry back to their nesting area, so putting their food on the floor is a good idea so they won't have to tip over the bowl when they're hoarding. It also imitates the way they forage food in the wild. For water bottles it's better to get the ones with ball-bearing at the end of the tube and their water should always be kept fresh.

One necessary accessory in your hamster's cage is the exercise wheel. It provides your pet the exercise it needs especially when your child is preoccupied with other things to play with it. Keep in mind that exercise wheels can sometimes be noisy at night, because hamsters are naturally nocturnal and more active at night. Usually the above are all that's needed inside your pet's cage, but if you want to have more accessories for your pet, there are of course other toys available. A hamster ball is basically a hollow ball with holes, where you can put your hamster inside so he and your child can run around the house or yard without getting himself injured, of course it should be under supervision and the ball should be tightly sealed so it won't suddenly break open. Cardboard tubes, wooden blocks, and seesaws can also be placed inside the cage to provide even more exercise options for the little creature.

Having taken care of all that, always remember that all pets need to have veterinary attention at some point, more so in the case of hamsters as they can deteriorate quickly when they get ill. A healthy, well-taken care of hamster can live for about 2-3 years or so, and by the time it reaches the end of its lifespan, your child would probably be old enough to be able to take care of his own dog.

Pet Loss Support - The Seven Worst Things To Say When Someone Has Lost A Pet

When a friend or loved one has lost their pet it is often very hard to know what to say to help. With over 200 million pets owned in the United States most of us will, at one time or another, be called upon to support an important person in our life as they experience the often times devastating loss of a pet. While it may be very hard to know what to say, an important part of supporting the loved one is to know what not to say:

1. " It was just a dog (fill in here: cat, horse, bird, rabbit, gerbil, etc)" - There are millions of households in America who have chosen to own a pet, often as a very important part of their family. The love that a pet owner shares with this pet is indeed a unique and special part of your loved one's life and should never be minimized as "just a..." anything.

2. " If losing a pet is doing this to you, I would hate to see what you would do if you lost something really important, like a child" - This cannot be a helpful thing to say under any circumstance. While this attempt at "tough love" may seem like it will shake the loved one out of their misery, don't say it. As someone once said, "never be a party to someone's deepest pain; you may never be forgiven for it".

3. " At least you won't have the kitty litter (carpet spots, horse stall, cage) to deal with anymore" - Many times with the loss of a pet, those are just the routines that a pet owner misses the very most. The daily reminder that those chores are no longer necessary while seemingly freeing to someone from the outside can be a very painful part of the loss of a pet.

4. "They are in a better place" - While a very nice thought, in the beginning throes of a loss, it can also be a very discomforting thought. To a pet owner the "best place" for their pet is in their home or in their arms. A responsible pet owner feels responsible for every aspect of their pet's wellbeing and the bereaved pet owner may feel that they are letting their pet down by not "being there" any longer for them.

5. "You can get another dog (fill in here: cat, horse, bird, rabbit, gerbil, etc)" - The bereaved pet owner know this, it doesn't have to be stated right away. Often a pet owner will need time to process their loss before they can contemplate bringing another pet into their lives. Many bereaved pet owners feel that they would be "unfaithful" to their beloved pet in finding another so quickly. Some actually do need to fill the space immediately with another pet. This suggestion can remain unspoken in the beginning of the grieving period.

6. "I thought you were prepared for this" or "You have known this was coming" - Even though the bereaved pet owner may have been dealing with an aging or ill pet for a long period of time, the actual loss is something that really cannot be fully anticipated. Each pet loss is unique, even for the experienced pet owner who has traveled down the path of pet loss before. While often prepared for the process, the finality of the event and the acceptance of facing the days ahead without their pet's presence is something that pet owners need to deal with in their own way.

7. "Enough time has passed, you should be getting over this by now" or "It's time to move on" - Time actually is the only thing that will get the bereaved pet owner in a "better place" with their loss but sometimes it can take a very long time. Every pet owner processes their loss at a different pace and the best thing that a loved one can do is wait and be gentle and patient. Perhaps some lovingly suggested pet loss support groups, online pet loss sites or helpful pet loss books would be a better approach.

While it can be very hard to know for sure what to say when a loved one in your life is facing the loss of a beloved pet here are two simple suggestions which are guaranteed to be on the list of "Things To Say When Someone Has Lost A Pet":

"I Love You" and "I am so sorry" Say them softly and say them often.

Patricia L. Moore is the owner of Soft-Hearted Products LLC based in Naples, Florida. Patricia is the innovator of the Soft-Hearted Pillow Pet Urn which has gained international recognition for being the only soft, huggable pet urn option for bereaved pet owners. Through working with bereaved pet owners and their loved ones and family members, Ms. Moore has gained valuable knowledge in offering direction and resources that are available during this tremendously difficult time. Ms. Moore writes a Pet Loss Support Blog, supports various pet charities and rescue groups and cares for her beloved pets while continuing to innovate and create for Soft-Hearted Products.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Summer Heat and Your Pet

How summer heat can be bad for your dog

Summer may be a good season for your dog to be running around, exercising, and going to parks for strolls. But don't forget that summer can also be bad for your dog if you don't keep your pet protected from disasters that can be caused by the summer heat. These disasters include overheating, heat exhaustion, and heatstroke. Animals are also very vulnerable to sunburns or heat stress. The summer heat can also be especially difficult for animals who suffer from certain respiratory diseases. The summer heat does not choose its victims. And if we humans can do things to cool us down, dogs just can't. The responsibility to cool dogs down falls upon their dog owners. Aside from that, the summer season, in general, can be bad for your dog because of the activities during summer. A lot of people become quite busy during the summer, when there is no rain to keep them from their usual activities outdoors. Summer is a time for sports, gardening, and exercise. However, even though exercise is good, and so are sports, for your dog, the level of heat that you and your dog absorbs is different. Also, you have shoes, and your dogs don't. Not because the summer heat feels mild enough for you also means that your dog is in no danger. The safety of dogs during the summer season lies entirely on their owners.

The other dangers of summer

Summer still poses other dangers to your dog aside from the grueling summer heat. Summer is the time for gardening, and of insects out and about. The summer season can also somewhat be regarded to as the fleas and ticks season in the doggie world. That's yet another thing to worry about. In addition to that, you may be expecting many different events during the summer, but try to avoid bringing your dog to crowded places. This can cause a huge amount of heat exhaustion and heat stress in your dog. You might also think that bringing the dog to pools can do the trick. However, without the proper care and attention, dogs in crowded pool areas spell trouble. Be on the lookout for signs of stress in your dog, and breathing difficulties. These are usually the first signs of heat exhaustion and heat stress.

How to protect your pet from the dangers of summer

Don't leave your pet outside for too long without a shade. The summer heat can affect dogs faster than it can affect humans. Dogs have thicker skin and hair, and thus can absorb more heat. Also, since they have less sweat glands than humans, they also don't easily release the heat through sweat. It is advisable to bring a water spray with you if you take your dog outdoors during the summer. Giving your dog water to drink is not enough. Spraying water on your dog's body can help cool your dog down immensely. Another important advice is not to leave your dog inside a parked car without a shade. Cars cannot keep the heat out, and even if you leave the windows open a bit, your dog can still absorb the nasty heat. When you take your dog out to exercise, make sure to set a limit. It might also be a good idea to get your dogs some booties to protect their paws from the heat-soaked ground. Try to avoid the hottest hours as well. You can try exercising with your dog early in the morning or after the sun has set. Finally, get your fleas and ticks treatments ready, and groom your dog regularly. More frequent bathing and a good grooming habit can help cool your dog down.

Showing Your Pet Affection With Pet Emblems

For many, their pet is not just an animal that lives within their home, but is an additional member of their family who is provided with as much love and attention, if not more, than any other member of their immediate family. In many cases there are some who have such a strong love for their pet that they choose to emulate this love in a number of different ways whether it is through doting on them every minute of the day, displaying images of their pet throughout the home and even more extravagantly; even having the pet's name and/or image tattooed onto their body. However, for the dedicated animal lover in you, there is a great-and pain free way in which you can show your affection for your pet through pet car emblems.

Car emblems are quickly becoming one of the most popular ways in which to customize your vehicle as they are quick and easy to attach, do not require a long-term commitment and what's more, they can be found at great, low prices! Due to the growing trend of chrome emblems being used to accessorize a large number of vehicles, it comes as to no surprise that new and interesting emblem designs now include pet inspired images. Pet emblems are a great way in which to show your love for your moggy, pup or even show your passion for horses as they cause absolutely no damage to the body work of your car during installation and/or removal. Designed to last a lifetime, your classic, stylish pet emblem will look great on any car, truck or SUV and as it is car-wash safe, you can be guaranteed that it will remain chip free, fade resistant and will not peel come wind, rain or shine.

Made using an OEM process, chrome pet emblems are made in a similar way to automakers that professionally make typical chrome emblems for vehicles. Made with a plastic core with a chrome metal finish, you pet emblem will be strong, durable and shiny- remaining an elegant addition to the exterior of your car. Although your pet emblem is attached using a very strong adhesive, should the time come that you wish to change your pet emblem for a different design, they are incredibly easy to remove and you will run the risk of the paint n your car's body work peeling off or becoming damaged in anyway whatsoever.

When we first purchase a vehicle, its existing emblem may be something that we initially overlook and see as something which we cannot change. However, with more advances in car customization occurring everyday, we are now provided with a great deal of freedom in which to make our car unique and personal to us-even if we desire to display our love for our pet on the interior or exterior of our vehicle. So, if you're looking for an alternative way in which to display your love for your additional family member, look into chrome pet emblems for a truly unique take on your affection for your pet.

Accessorizing Pet Clothes With Designer Collars

Pet clothes nowadays have invaded the fashion world making it both a trend and a fashion statement. So how can you brand your own fashion style into that pet clothing of yours when there are so many ready to wear designer clothes? To answer this question, one easy way is to accessorize using collars. This is a very fun and exciting thing to do for you if you have adorable dogs that love to wear one.

There are actually many kinds of dog collars that you can choose to match the pet clothes of your dogs. There are the classic collars, which come in very cute colors and durable materials. Then there are also crystal dog collars. These collars are made of leather and are embellished with tiny crystals which make the collar look more like a necklace.

If you are the sporty type and want to depict this to your pet clothing, then you can get one of the many sports collars. Examples of this kind of collar are the NASCAR collars, the NBA collars, the NFL collars, and so much more.

Then there are spiked collars which are also made of leather, but have tiny or medium-sized spikes that surround it. This type of collar provides a funky and gothic look to your dogs.

But if you want to have a collar that has your own fashion touch, then you do not need to worry because there are personalized collars available, which can actually look good on any pet clothing. These personalized collars come in with cute embellished letters. So if you want your name or your dog's name to appear on the collar, then you can have one made. There are also other designs besides letters that would make the whole collar look cool and these are called charms.

Now that you probably have a specific collar in mind that would make your dog's entire look dazzle, the next thing you can do is to buy a matching dog tag. There are engraveable tags, dog charms, and dog collar bells that can add a spicy twist to your dog's whole look.

Collars are common dog accessories that are very important for protection and identification. It can also be an accessory that adds a big fashion effect to the pet clothes your dog is wearing.

Sunburn Protection For Your Pet

People love the sun. In fact, people go the distance to acquire a great tan. Your pets can't resist the sun too, the outdoor are especially attractive to them. Dermatologists constantly warn people to be careful of spending too much time under the sun. Veterinary dermatologists also advice pet owners to guard pets from the dangers of too much exposure to sunlight.

Sunlight is healthy for everybody-people and animals. It promotes production of Vitamin D in the skin. Vitamin is not readily available for body consumption, sunlight is needed to jump start its secretion in order to help balance metabolism and the level of calcium in the body. But like they always say, everything should be in moderation. Too much of something can be extremely harmful and this applies to sunlight as well. Long exposure to ultraviolet rays is the culprit of solar dermatitis or what we normally call sunburn.

Solar dermatitis in pets begins as redness and loss of hair on the tips of the ears, nose bridge and stomach area. This can result to skin ulceration, infection and carcinoma. If your pet already has skin problems, too much sunlight can aggravate the problem further much to your pet's discomfort.

There are particular breeds of canines and felines that have tendency to develop sunburn. Light-colored cats are more susceptible and they don't need to be running outside to get solar dermatitis. UV rays easily pass through uncovered window panes. Dogs with pale and short hair are also pre-disposed to sunburn. It usually develops first on the nose bridge, stomach area, genital area and inside of the fore and hind legs. The belly of a dog is prone to sunburn because the heat from the ground directly heats that area.

Solar dermatitis and frequent exposure to UV radiation is a prime cause of skin cancer among pets. Squamous cell carcinoma is such skin cancer. And there are dog breeds like Boxers and Weimaraners that are pre-disposed to cancer so they should be given more attention when it comes to sunburn.

Skin ulceration can also result from sunburn. This condition leaves the skin an open target to bacterial, parasitic and fungal infection. Too much sunlight was also discovered to aggravate autoimmune skin conditions wherein the immune system attacks otherwise normal skin cells. When skin cells die because of damaged skin, proteins are release onto the skin that can trigger the immune system.

Applying sunblocks is a great way of protecting your pet from the harmful effects of sunlight. But remember to apply them in the susceptible areas mentioned above and along the fur part of the head and back. A dog can also wear spandex-type suits designed to block UV rays. This is particularly playful dog whereas a sunblock is sufficient to a more behaved cat.

Christmas Pet Clothing Ideas

Now that the month of December is fast approaching, Christmas-themed pet clothing is also slowly taking the stands of many pet shops and boutiques. So if you are someone who loves to do something fun for Christmas, then why not think of some ideas for your pet's Christmas attire and buy Christmas-themed pet clothes. To help you choose the perfect Christmas pet clothes, here are some ideas that will make choosing pet clothing for Christmas a breeze. The first idea would be is for you to think of pet clothes that have materials that will go with the occasion. Since Christmas happens during the cold winter months, then choose clothes with materials that conduct heat like fleece and wool.

After considering the kind of material for the clothes, the next thing to consider is the style. To protect your dog from the harsh cold weather, you can get clothes that are styled like sweaters or coats. Having clothes that have longer sleeves to cover the legs are good choices. Then you can also buy clothes that cover the necks of your dogs like those that have turtleneck or mock turtleneck styles. Then, another idea for you to consider is to think of a color for your pet clothing that would best depict Christmas. Most common colors are green, red, white, or a combination of the three. It is not also bad to try blue and yellow.

Another idea to think about is the design. Like the color, the design of the clothes should also depict Christmas. Since you may have a cute sweater in mind for your dog, all you need to think is how to make this sweater perfect for Christmas. Good designs that Christmas include those that have knitted reindeer's in front of the sweater, or Christmas bells and gifts. You can also think of designs like snowflakes, Christmas tree, and the face of Santa Clause.

Last but not the least is that you can accessorize. Accessorizing makes the whole Christmas-themed clothing for your dog more recognizable. Some of the accessories you can buy include the Santa hats for dogs, Holiday paw stocking, red glitter shoes, Santa jingle bandana, holiday dog scrunch, and antlers headband. Now that you have been given several ideas for those Christmas-themed pet clothes for your dog, the next thing for you to do is integrate these ideas of yours and buy the clothes.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Getting Your Guinea Pig Ready For Space Travel

If you are thinking about traveling and can't find a responsible person to care for your guinea pig, you may be able to take him along for the trip. However, here are a several things to consider:

First of all, keep in mind that cavies are very sensitive to extreme temperature fluctuations. So never, never, never take your guinea pig on a plane. The plane's cargo area is not always properly regulated and a guinea pig can have a heat stroke or freeze to death. For that reason alone, car travel is ideal should you decide to travel at all. Luckily, most guinea pigs don't mind car rides.

Some cavies may find the change of travel stressful, so make you cavy at ease by bringing their cage. It provides a sense of familiarity & coziness while traveling. For shorter trips; those guinea pig pet carriers are perfect. If you are traveling overnight, however, better to bring their cage with you. Set your cavy up with food, water and plenty of hay. Keep in mind that keeping the water bottle in their cage may result in leaks and wet bedding. On the other hand, if you don't keep the water bottle in the cage, then you will need to make frequent stops to make sure your cavy gets plenty of fluid. Also, bring a few bottles of water with you just in case you go to a rest stop where there are no vending machines or the restrooms are not clean.

If it's hot, make sure the air conditioner is running at all times. Keep the cage sheltered away from direct sunlight by throwing a towel or any other type of covering partially over it, but make sure your guinea has plenty of ventilation..

A couple of seemingly obvious things to think about: Do not walk away and leave your cavy in the car under any circumstance. Even with the windows cracked, the temperature in a car on a hot humid day can rise up to 120 degrees. Conversely, please don't stick your pet in the trunk of the car.

When traveling in cold weather, make sure to have the heat running prior to setting the cage in the car.

Many people are against traveling with their guinea pigs, but as long as travel conditions are safe and you know what you're doing he/she should be fine.

Understanding Your Cat's Behavior

Cats are a wonderful pet to have but they can do things we don't like. They like to scratch to keep their nails sharp or climb the furniture, walk on the counters. These are natural things for cats to do but things we don't want to put up with. They even may start missing the litter box or biting for no reason.

Keeping in mind the cat was once wild will help us to figure out how we can live in the same world but still have our own worlds at the same time.

Knowing what has happened in the cats' environment can help us deal with bad behaviors.

Maybe the dog needs a playmate and trying to make one of the cat and that's why the counter jumping. The nails may be getting to dull or even to long and that's why the scratching. A scratching post may be the answer or trimming the nails may help. The cat may just be looking for some attention and that's why the biting.

Missing the litter box is usually a good sign there is a medical problem. Most cats do not like to eliminate in other places so this is a good heads up that a trip to the veterinarian is called for. Cats who would generally be good and then act out are trying to tell you something and it's up to you to listen.

When your cat acts out for no reason you can figure out or because you added a new pet to the house then it's time to go back to basics and reinforce the training you implemented when the cat first came into the home. Reward good behavior whenever possible with lots of love and petting and even a treat or two.

Being mean to a cat is never the answer, cats tend to rebel when being punished since they are usually a solitary creature in the wild, so yelling or hitting is never the answer. Tell your cat No when he's bad and point him in another direction of thought.

Try implementing some new toys for the cat to occupy his time or maybe even a new playmate. If you've been gone from home for longer than usual because of work changes a friend may be all that is needed to fill the empty space your change left in your cats' world.

The Latest Fashion Trend for Pet Clothes

The way the pet clothes style is behaving nowadays is entirely different decades ago. Every year there is an improvement and many innovations were made. It started from a simple concept of providing basic needs down to answering the complexity of the present world and situation. Daily challenges arise as time passes by and therefore a need of constant adjustment and solution.

There are many pet clothing companies that have been generating income due to the heavy demand and even the small enterprise players are coping up with the trend. With this, dog clothing companies tend to be more competitive and all the advantage grabbed to create new and in demand designs. Different styles and designs came out for dog coats, dog sweaters; Chihuahua clothing, small dog clothing and all pet clothe apparels - shirts, collars, bandanas and boots.

Several new designs were released for dog sweaters. Examples are the daisy flower dog sweaters - these are knitted for small dog clothing. These have the contrasted colors of big daisy flowers. Another sweater style that is in demand is the preppy sequin - studded argyle dog sweater. This is very ideal for a Christmas gift.

For dog coats, the reversible dog coat - eco friendly edition has captured many dog lovers. It comes with a hood to cover up for heavy rains. Despite its smart and easy features, this was made from recycled plastic. Fashion has made its way to support a green environment. And this is very important since they did not produce using entirely new components.

There are also dog shirts that climb its way up. One of this is the hard licker stylish dog t-shirt. This has a perfect fit for your pet and this is good for rainy seasons too. For Chihuahua clothing, there is a Chihuahua bed hogs dog t-shirt bite the power design. It has a doggie cool design that can express its loudness.

In order to enjoy and get the most of these hottest trends of dog clothing go to the nearest pet clothes shop.

Having a Pet - Dare You Clean the Poop?

If u are an animal lover, nothing may give you more pleasure than having a furry friend at home. While most of us know about the joy of owning a pet, not many have considered the responsibilities or hard work involved until it is too late. The article presents one situation that most pet owners have to deal with.

If you are a potential new pet owner, imagine this scenario. You bring your newly acquired puppy to the park for a walk. Halfway through, something stinks and you realised that he has pooped all over the floor! What do you do now?

To make matters worse, what if he had pooped all over your house carpet and stained them badly? Someone your furry friend doesn't seem so lovable anymore.

If you find this scenario disgusting, perhaps you should rethink the idea of getting a pet. After all, you'll be cleaning up after him for years. Owning a pet is a long term responsibility and you should not be jumping into it without careful consideration. The last thing anybody wants is the poor animal being given up to a shelter or let loose to fend for itself in the streets.

The first thing you have to do is to bring a plastic bag whenever you're bringing your pet out for a stroll. In the event that he poops, you can use the bag as a glove to scoop up the poop for proper disposal later. Remember that no matter how disgusting it is, it is extremely irresponsible to not clean up your pet's waste. In fact, it might be a crime if you do not do anything in some states!

Once you have the chance, you should also send your pet to be trained to poop at home before they go outside for a walk.

If cleaning poop scares you but you still insist on getting a pet, perhaps you might like to consider getting fishes instead. While fishes pose different challenges that other pets such as cats and dogs, poop cleaning is definitely easier. For sure, it's a lot less smelly and you don't have the yucky feeling in your hands as you scoop them up.

I hope this article doesn't scare you from owning a pet such as a cat or dog. While having a new friend at home can be an extremely rewarding experience, we have to be realistic and consider and downside as well. Good luck and take care!

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Latest Fashion Trend for Pet Clothes

The way the pet clothes style is behaving nowadays is entirely different decades ago. Every year there is an improvement and many innovations were made. It started from a simple concept of providing basic needs down to answering the complexity of the present world and situation. Daily challenges arise as time passes by and therefore a need of constant adjustment and solution.

There are many pet clothing companies that have been generating income due to the heavy demand and even the small enterprise players are coping up with the trend. With this, dog clothing companies tend to be more competitive and all the advantage grabbed to create new and in demand designs. Different styles and designs came out for dog coats, dog sweaters; Chihuahua clothing, small dog clothing and all pet clothe apparels - shirts, collars, bandanas and boots.

Several new designs were released for dog sweaters. Examples are the daisy flower dog sweaters - these are knitted for small dog clothing. These have the contrasted colors of big daisy flowers. Another sweater style that is in demand is the preppy sequin - studded argyle dog sweater. This is very ideal for a Christmas gift.

For dog coats, the reversible dog coat - eco friendly edition has captured many dog lovers. It comes with a hood to cover up for heavy rains. Despite its smart and easy features, this was made from recycled plastic. Fashion has made its way to support a green environment. And this is very important since they did not produce using entirely new components.

There are also dog shirts that climb its way up. One of this is the hard licker stylish dog t-shirt. This has a perfect fit for your pet and this is good for rainy seasons too. For Chihuahua clothing, there is a Chihuahua bed hogs dog t-shirt bite the power design. It has a doggie cool design that can express its loudness.

In order to enjoy and get the most of these hottest trends of dog clothing go to the nearest pet clothes shop.

Having a Pet - Dare You Clean the Poop?

If you are an animal lover, nothing may give you more pleasure than having a furry friend at home. While most of us know about the joy of owning a pet, not many have considered the responsibilities or hard work involved until it is too late. The article presents one situation that most pet owners have to deal with.

If you are a potential new pet owner, imagine this scenario. You bring your newly acquired puppy to the park for a walk. Halfway through, something stinks and you realised that he has pooped all over the floor! What do you do now?

To make matters worse, what if he had pooped all over your house carpet and stained them badly? Someone your furry friend doesn't seem so lovable anymore.

If you find this scenario disgusting, perhaps you should rethink the idea of getting a pet. After all, you'll be cleaning up after him for years. Owning a pet is a long term responsibility and you should not be jumping into it without careful consideration. The last thing anybody wants is the poor animal being given up to a shelter or let loose to fend for itself in the streets.

The first thing you have to do is to bring a plastic bag whenever you're bringing your pet out for a stroll. In the event that he poops, you can use the bag as a glove to scoop up the poop for proper disposal later. Remember that no matter how disgusting it is, it is extremely irresponsible to not clean up your pet's waste. In fact, it might be a crime if you do not do anything in some states!

Once you have the chance, you should also send your pet to be trained to poop at home before they go outside for a walk.

If cleaning poop scares you but you still insist on getting a pet, perhaps you might like to consider getting fishes instead. While fishes pose different challenges that other pets such as cats and dogs, poop cleaning is definitely easier. For sure, it's a lot less smelly and you don't have the yucky feeling in your hands as you scoop them up.

I hope this article doesn't scare you from owning a pet such as a cat or dog. While having a new friend at home can be an extremely rewarding experience, we have to be realistic and consider and downside as well. Good luck and take care!

Cats and Dogs: Preparing Your Home For A New Arrival

The first few weeks with a new pet are exciting. It is fun to bring a new animal into your family. Of course, while the process is fun, it can also be a lot of work. It isn't a good idea to bring home a new pet without first taking time to prepare. These tips will help you ensure that your home is ready for that new cat or dog.

If you have other pets, they may not be as excited about the new family addition as you are. Other cats and dogs are often jealous of the new pet, which can result in anger and frustration. It is a good idea to keep the older pets and the new animal separate for a little while until you know they will get along. Consider keeping the old pets outside while you go to get the new animal and then introduce them slowly. Make sure you closely supervise all interactions between your old pets and new pet for several days. Older pets may also need a little extra love at this time, so pay attention to everyone, not just the new pet.

In a new environment, even a housebroken animal will have accidents. If you have a new puppy or kitten, the situation will likely be even worse. Prepare for accidents in advance since you know they are bound to happen. Buy a strong cleaner. Enzyme cleaners tend to work best since they remove all traces of pet odor. Remember that your pets have a stronger sense of smell than you. Any traces of smell can result in more accidents. Also remove any expensive rugs from the floor until the new pet is fully trained.

You will also want to be sure that you have other important items on hand. The new animal will need somewhere to sleep. Consider purchasing bedding before bringing the new animal home. Toys and treats are another great way to help them feel at home. Make a list of everything you will need and pick it up in advance so that you won't have to worry about it. A little preparedness will make adjusting to a new pet much easier.

Bringing a new pet home is very exciting. If you plan and prepare properly, it can also be a very enjoyable experience. By making sure you have the items you need, you can avoid a late night run to the store. Take time to prepare your home so that you can enjoy the time with your new pet without worrying about anything.

Mobile Dog Grooming

Some people prefer desk jobs. Some people prefer manual labor. Some people prefer to be on the go all the time. If you are a person with these traits, and have a love for animals, then owning your own business as a mobile pet groomer might be right up your alley. You need a good sense of business, be willing to put the work in to become certified, manually groom the dogs yourself, and be willing to go on the spot locations. This type of job can be so much fun and incredibly rewarding if you are smart about it and work hard.

You might be asking yourself just what is a mobile pet groomer? Well it's easy. A mobile pet groomer is a certified pet groomer that has their own transportation and the capability of traveling to the job site and working out of their van or mode of transportation. Generally these vans or RVs have all the tools a groomer would need: a worktable, running water, storage for supplies, dryers, bathtubs, and all the cleaning and grooming supplies. You are responsible for meeting the client in a safe location to groom their pet. The benefit of being mobile is that you are more accessible to pet owners who are busy, don't have much time, or just appreciate the convenience. And let's be honest, who, in this day and age, has the time?

One of the main questions you may be asking yourself is "what's the income potential to being a business owner and pet groomer?" Well to be honest, the money you make is essentially up to you. You can charge as much or as little as you'd like. Keep in mind, though, if you charge higher than others in the area offering the same services, you might not get many calls when they can get the services cheaper from someone else. A smart businessman knows their market and adjusts prices and deals accordingly. Granted, if you are outfitted well and have a nice, upscale van, you can probably charge a small premium over what others in your market are charging since you appear to be more upscale. Just don't aim too high in case no one wants to book you as their groomer. Pricing competitively will keep you in the game and your clients will be more likely to recommend you to their friends and family. Word of mouth is very important for any company just starting out. You can easily grow your mobile pet grooming business substantially and create a comfortable life for yourself.

Airline Approved Pet Carriers - How To Choose The Right One

If you are planning on taking your pooch with you on an airplane, you will need an airline approved pet carrier... and you need to do your homework before buying one. The term "pet carrier" is somewhat generic so let's start by breaking things down a bit.

If you have a very small dog (such as one of the teacup breeds) then you can easily use a soft-sided carrier which is often just called a pet bag and you will be able to keep your dog with you in the cabin. If your dog is large (such as a German Shepherd or Golden Retriever) then you will actually need a hard-sided dog crate or dog cage and your pet will need to travel in the cargo section.

For the in-between sized dogs or large-breed young puppies, things get a bit more tricky. You'll need to be sure to measure the carrier, measure your dog, and check with the airline you will be using to see what their requirements are.

While airlines may vary slightly, here are some general guidelines for the sizes that will likely be accepted for in-cabin pet carriers.

Small - 16" long x 10" wide x 8.5" in height - suitable for pets up to 8 lbs
Medium - 18" long x 11" wide x 10.5" in height - suitable for pets up to 16 lbs
Large - 20" long x 11.75" W x 11.5" in height - suitable for pets up to 22 lbs

Never make your decision based strictly on the weight of your pet! In reality, the measurements of your animal are actually more important since your dog will need to be able to move about somewhat and be comfortable during the trip. The weight is really more for you... can you carry that much weight in a carrier as you move around the airport?

Some airline approved dog carriers have wheels which certainly makes them easier to move around as you are in transit or getting on and off the airplane. However, by design these will be fairly hard-sided which makes them larger and subsequently means they really will only be for small dogs.

If you are willing to pay the price for an extra seat, you can see if the airline will allow you to put the carrier in the seat beside you rather than having to keep it stowed under the seat in front of you. Obviously this would be the preferred choice for both you and your pet but would definitely be more expensive. And the carrier you choose would still have to meet specific airline guidelines.

Regardless of the pet carrier you decide to get, always be sure to arrive early in case of "issues" that arise when trying to check in. Sometimes the ground crew are not up-to-date on what the airline considers as acceptable and you may need to push the issue (politely, of course!) to be sure the airline honors their stated policies.

Removing Mats and Tangles From Your Dogs Coat

Anyone with a long haired dog knows the importance of keeping their coat smooth and clean. Long haired dogs are vulnerable to tangles and matted hair, much more than short haired dogs. These tangles are tough to get out, but more importantly they are bad for your dog's health. The tangles can cause ulcers on the skin, skin problems, and can also require complete hair removal to fix the issue. Most tangles and mats start around a tangible object such as a burr, twig, or random trash. Locating the tangle is step one.

There are many ways to remove these tangles at home, some of which are fairly easy and painless also. The best way to get a tangle out is with a wide tooth comb. Along with pet stores, you can also find these in any beauty aisle in convenience stores for humans. There are different sizes available, and the bigger you get, the easier it will probably be to deal with the tangle. Start with a small area of hair near the outer edge of the tangle and work your way towards the center. Be gentle with your strokes so you keep your dog at ease.

Pet stores sell detangler specifically designed for dogs for cases such as this. Follow the directions on the bottle for best results. These detanglers are safe for your dog's hair and skin and lessen the tangle. If you don't find any at your pet store, human detangler might also work but I very highly suggest consulting your vet before ever using human products on your dog. If you don't have any detangler, baby oil may also work. Use a very small amount and make sure you don't rub the oil in or in circular motions, as this will only make the tangle worse.

Do a thorough check up of your pup for tangles and mats at least once a month. Prime spots to look at are the armpits of the dog, behind the legs, near the paws, and around the collar and ears. Chances are, if a foreign object is causing the tangle, the dog will become irritated with that area and begin to scratch or itch at it. It would be wise to take care of the tangle immediately so your dog is comfortable again. Don't spend too much time on one spot because this could annoy the dog's skin and make him become sensitive in that area. Once the tangle is taken care of, lightly spray your dog with mink oil, which will help prevent tangles in the future.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Crate Training Your Dog - Benefits and Training Tips

Dogs get scared and frightened sometimes, and at other times, they just need some space to be alone. A busy household is not always the best place for a dog to find a safe, quiet place. A scared or overwhelmed dog may get stressed out as well. Shouldn't a dog be given a little space to call its own?

Enter the dog crate. This can be a regular dog kennel, a small wire fence, or even just a special area that your dog can call its own. In any case, it should be able to be closed off. You will be creating a space that your dog can call its own, a special space that your dog can go when he needs to be away from everyone, or a space that he can feel safe if, say he is escaping the vacuum cleaner or another frightening household noise.

The thinking behind the crate is that it suits your dog's instinct of den building. Dog ancestors used to dig dens and use them as a safe zone to protect their pups or themselves from danger. A dog, while not having as many threats or dangers in its life, still values that safe place.

The benefits of having a crate for your dog are many and varied. From your dog's perspective, he will have a safe place to avoid the stress of other areas of the house. From your perspective, you will have a place to put your pet if guests are coming who may not appreciate your dog, your dog will become house trained more quickly as he will not want to soil his crate or den, and you will have a convenient way to transport your dog. If there is a need for you to fly your dog, and he has no experience staying in a crate, he will be very stressful. If your dog sees the crate as his safe zone, he will tend to be more relax and comfortable in the air.

You will have several options when selecting a crate for your dog. There are many material to choose from, including plastic, collapsible fabric and metal. Most important is that the crate should be the right size for your dog. Fido should be able to stand up and turn completely around easily when the crate is closed.

Next, consider what the crate will be used for. Will you consider to bring your pet on flying trips? Will he be riding in the car? Your pet store associate will be able to help you choose the right crate.

Just before we dive into the training methods, here are some words of advise. Your dog's crate is your dog's own special place in the house. It should always be a good safe heaven for your dog and should never be used for any form of punishment. You must also remember that dogs of different ages will be able to stand different amounts of time in the crate. Puppies and very old dogs may not be able to hold their bladders for very long.

How to Crate Train Your Dog

Begin by leaving the crate out in a place your dog can't miss. Allow your dog to explore it at his own pace. You can also place a mat or cushion on the bottom. After a little while, begin to put your dog's food near the kennel, slowly moving it to just inside the door. The goal is that your dog will eventually take his meals in the kennel without fear.

While your dog is in the crate, close the door briefly before opening it again, gradually prolonging the amount of time your dog spends with the door closed. In the beginning, stay close to the kennel so your dog can see you, but as time goes on, move out of view and earshot.

Between mealtimes, try to get your dog to go into the crate willingly. Every time he enters, be sure to praise him and give him a treat.

Sooner or later, your dog will become at ease to stay in the crate for half an hour at one time. At this point you might try keeping him in the crate over night or while you leave the house briefly.

Some dogs will whine while in their crates. You meed to learn differentiate if your dog needs to relieve himself or simply whining for attention and to be let out. If it's the former, let him out and put him back in once he's finished. Otherwise, simply ignoring the whining is the best option. Be sure you don't reward your dog for whining.

Keeping Your Pet Warm During Winter Season

Have you tried leaving your favorite pet outside the house during winter times with no pet clothes on them? Small dogs like Chihuahua, Miniature Pinscher, Terrier, Pug and the like have a very sensitive skin and since they are small, there is a tendency that their body cools quicker than large dogs. That's why they also need to be dressed warmly with small dog clothing during cold seasons. You can start picking up the trendiest and the finest quality dog sweaters and dog coats. You can even accessorize your pets or add some classy dog boots and shawl as an accessory which can keep your small dogs comfy and protected.

As pet owners, you must be responsible in providing the vital needs of your pet to keep them healthy every day. You don't just buy dog sweaters and dog coats to make a fashion statement and to make your pet look adorable since they look cute already even if they don't have pet clothes on. But it's still a wonderful idea to clothe your pets since this is a great way to show how much you love them. Thus, during cold seasons, one of the items your pet essentially needs is a small dog clothing to give them the extra warmth and comfort. And if you love them that much, you will do all your best to save money to get them what they need for protection. As they say, prevention is always better than cure.

If you do have the smallest buddy dog breed like a Chihuahua, you will not have difficulty finding a Chihuahua clothing because they are widely available online in cheap prices. Clothing them is very beneficial for your small pets since this will prevent them from getting colds and other types of sickness. If people find the winter season unbearable with thin clothing then how much more with tiny little pets like them. So cheer up your Chihuahua and treat them ample Chihuahua clothing to wear everyday this coming winter season.

Planning on Moving - Quick Guide to Travelling With Your Pets

If you own an animal, chances are you will have to move with it at one point or another. But how will you manage to relocate your prized pet without compromising its safety or comfort? Whether you're travelling in the air or by car, this guide shows you how to go about in transporting your pet in the safest, most effective manner possible.

First you need to figure out if your pet is in the physical condition to travel. If the pet is older, pregnant, or even sick, the ideal option would be to leave it home with family, neighbors or friends, rather than jeopardize its healthy by taking it with you. Unfortunately, this isn't really an option, since you want to bring the pet with you. You can easily assess whether or not your pet is fit for travel by taking it to the veterinarian before you travel. When you take your pet to the veterinarian, let the doctor know where you're going, how long you'll be gone for, and whether your pet will be inside of a vehicle or in an airplane. Make sure your pet has received all proper vaccinations and shots. You will be required to show proof of these vaccinations if you're travelling by air. In case of any emergencies, there will be no complications or confusions as to what shots your pet does or doesn't have.

(Side note: If you're super-paranoid about losing your pet during travelling or at any other point, you can always install a microchip into their collars. Humane societies, animal hospitals, and shelters use scanners that recognize the chips, helping owner's find their lost pets. The procedure is safe and very common.)

Unfortunately, airports aren't like moving companies where you can simply request a carrier or a case to place your items (in this case your pet) in. You will be required to get a carrier for your pet on your own. Now, this is very crucial, because you're going to want to make sure that whatever carrier you obtain is secure and spacious enough for your pet to roam around in.

An ideal carrier would be sturdy and properly ventilated, and big enough for your pets to stand up, turn around, stretch, and lie down comfortably in. Be sure that whatever crate/carrier you select doesn't have any dangerous objects protruding from it. Make sure the door has latches on the outside, so that whoever is carrying it doesn't have to worry about being bitten. It's important that you place a mat near the bottom to prevent any fluids from leaking. Cover the bottom with a towel, newspapers, or other material that can be soaked.

Before you leave with your pet, make sure to neatly clip their nails. Pets with trimmed nails are much less likely to wreak havoc on anything in case they get frenetic in a strange surrounding. Also be sure to brush their coat of any loose hairs.

It's important before travelling that your pet has some type of identification tag on it, in case anything happens where they need to contact its owner. Just like luggage gets lost, sometimes carriers with pets can go awry. To resolve the situation as smoothly as possible in case it happens to you, make sure the ID tags on your pet has your basic information where you can be reached. If you keep track of your movers and your belongings, it is just obvious that you will also keep track of your lovely pets.

Great Pet Clothing Available Online

Being into fashion is a fun activity that's, why dressing your pets with the most fashionable and trendy pet clothing is very common nowadays among dog owners. Dogs for many are considered part of the family especially those that have been with the family for years. That's why it's also important to make them look good and attractive so that in return your dogs will be proud and will feel privileged to be loved and cared by you. Now is a great way to start looking for great pet clothes appropriate for your favorite pet.

First, look for retail stores nearby or online that come with different dog clothes that are of fine quality but are affordable. You do not have to spend a fortune just to get into the most up-to-date style, so it's best to always keep in mind to stick to the budget. There plenty of pet outfits that are available from various pet stores. There are even pet clothes that are being sold through the internet that comes with free shipping, stylish designs, and accurate measurements so that you can select the best pet clothing for your pet.

You may search through the web by breed, by color and fabric type appropriate for the season. Dog outfits come in prices ranging from $15-$100 that give high comfort ability and trendy designs for your dogs. Check it out through the Internet since there are a lot of online stores marking down prices or are selling elegant pet clothes for the coming Holiday season such as dog sweaters for just $15. To achieve style, fashion and of course, comfort for your favorite pet you always have to look for pet clothes appropriate for the occasion and season.

So, hurry now and grab your laptops to start searching for great dog clothing images with great deals online before the sale will last.

Ingredients in Dog Treats - What You Should Know

If you own a dog, then you are bound to have purchased many different types of dog treats to reward him or her. Although dog treats are very popular and many boxes are bought every week, do you actually know what you are feeding your beloved pooch? You can get a wide range of different dog treats and some brands and types are far healthier than others. You will find treats in popular flavors like peanut butter, beef, cheese and chicken. What treats you buy will be entirely up to your dog's taste, health and your budget.

Due to recent pet food recalls, some of which ended up killing thousands of dogs, pet owners are becoming more aware and cautious about what they are feeding to their dogs. Dog treats are ideal to reward good behavior and as a snack between meals, so it is likely that you will be giving them to your dog quite often. Knowing what goes into the dog treats is essential, so that you know exactly what you are giving to your dog.

It's vital that the treats that you pick contain natural ingredients, and not fillers, hydrogenated oils, excess sugars, preservatives and chemicals. You should try to avoid treats that have the words byproduct on the ingredients label, as this is simply parts of an animal which are seen to be unfit for human consumption. It is simple common sense that if something is not fit for you to eat, then it is likely to be unhealthy for your dog as well. Look for treats which are high in whole foods that are vitamin rich.

You should also establish a preferred texture as this will help your dog's digestive system and teeth. Harder treats are good for your dog as they have to use their jaws and teeth to bite down on them. For older dogs, treats that are soft will be easier for them to eat.

If your dog suffers from some sort of allergy or health problem then you will need to check the ingredients carefully. You will want to ensure that all of the ingredients are safe for your dog to eat, and if in doubt, the pet store or even your vet will be able to advise you.

Some breeds of dogs are prone to become diabetic, especially later in life. Breeds like the Chow Chow can have problems metabolizing sugars, whether the sugar is an additive or it is a natural sugar from fruit or dairy. It's important to know your dog's breed and it's characteristics as far as possible health problems, so you can more easily avoid problems later on.

Organic treats are perfect for all dogs whether they have allergies or health problems or not and when you buy organic treats, you know that you are buying treats with the best ingredients. You can be assured that all of the ingredients in the treats will be made from fresh proteins and produce which is natural and very healthy. So next time you go to buy treats, stop to read the labels and try to find the healthier options.

The Steps Needed To Purchase Pet Urns For An Adored Pet

Since your pet has given you unconditional love for many years, it is only fair that you memorize his/her life so that the recollection of this little being stays with you. Your pet is an important part of your life. He/she is your confidant, your protector, as well as your faithful and loyal friend. This animal is by your side through"thick and thin"! This is one reason why a bond of attachment and sense of responsibility for this pet develops. Responsibility turns to love, and devotion to care. This is wonderful, but it has some disadvantages; one being the sadness felt, when this pet dies. It is very difficult for any owner to deal with the illness, and death of a pet.

There are various organizations on the internet that are designed to help with the entire process regarding the death of a pet. The 1st step is to browse the internet and find the program that best suits you and your pet's personality, as well as your needs. Usually you can locate a service that operates on a 24/ 7 basis. Next is the transportation of your pet to the designated place where the cremation will be administered. Sometimes a family will want to see their little pet "one last time"! The cremation ceremony itself is usually a private one for the family. Much of the time the owner desires to place pictures and a few words about his/her pet on the internet where remembrances of this nature exist. Quite frequently, a video is made by the owner to keep the treasured memories relating to the pet. The pet's ashes are put in a complimentary container, until the owner has had an opportunity to select the cremation urn. Most owners prefer a customized urn. This pays respect to the pet in a personal manner.

Customized urns are more expensive than generic ones. They can include different remembrances, as follows:

Picture frame
Animal's name engraved
Paw print

No matter what type of cremation urn is selected, it is the thought that counts, as well as the memories that are cherished!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Dog Seizures - Symptoms

Seizure in dogs can be a difficult sight to watch if the owner is unaware of the symptoms. Knowing the symptoms is essential for administering the right medication in time.

Typically, seizures have certain effects on the dog which can be grouped under different phases as:

• Pre-ictal phase: Before occurrence of seizure, the dog becomes unresponsive and starts biting itself or others around. They also display restlessness, run around in circles, appear to be schizophrenic and experience twitching in their limbs.

• Ictal phase: Here, the dog experiences seizures which is visible as severe twitching of the limbs accompanied by convulsions, a mild paralytic stroke which will cause the dog to have a fall lasting a few minutes or hours; involuntary passage of urine, stools, or saliva; and, pulling their head backwards and gnashing their teeth while on ground.

• Post-ictal phase: Post seizure, the dog will exhibit temporary loss in vision and hearing, have excessive appetite and thirst, and salivate excessively

The treatment a dog should receive for seizures includes:

• Do not touch or let other pets close to the dog during seizures, lest it attacks.
• Place a mattress close by to avoid injury to the head in case of a fall.
• Serve plenty of food and water post seizure.
• Administer a suitable antibiotic on consultation with a vet. Follow up the condition with medical check-ups and opt for surgery only on the advice of the vet.
• Find the cause of seizure and avoid such environment.
• Vaccinate the dog to avoid occurrence of seizures.

Is Your Dog Or Cat Experiencing Anxiety? Pet Calm For Pets Relieves Acute Symptoms of Nervousness

Anxiety and stress are not just problems for people. Cats and dogs also suffer from anxiety when they are under stress. Many external sources can cause anxiety responses in pets, and while it may not be feasible to take a dog to a psychologist or to give your cat a prescription anti-anxiety medication, there are natural approaches that can help with symptoms of anxiety in cat and dogs. One approach is to use an herbal preparation such as Pet Calm for pets with anxiety.

You can help control symptoms of anxiety in your pet by identifying the cause of the anxiety. For example, a common reason for anxiety in cats is the stress of moving to a new location. Cats can also be stressed by the introduction of a new person or pet into the household. Similarly, the loss of a family member or other pet to whom the cat was attached can cause anxiety. Cats are basically creatures of habit and routine so, any kind of change can cause them to feel anxious. Other situations that can cause anxiety in cats include strangers in the home, excessive or loud noises or seeing a strange cat or other animal through a window. Cats also suffer from separation anxiety. While many people associated this type of anxiety more with dogs and believe that cats do not mind being left alone, the reality is that many cats can and do become anxious if they are left alone for long periods of time.

Dogs experience similar stressors. They may be stressed by encounters with other dogs, especially bigger dogs. Dogs may also become anxious when they hear loud noises. Like cats, dogs that have lost a family member or other companion will also become anxious, and of course, any dog or cat who is subjected to abuse or neglect is very likely to suffer from anxiety. Dogs also become anxious when they are left alone for long periods of time.

There are signs you can observe to determine whether your cat or dog is suffering from anxiety. Cats, for example, may stop using their litter box or may hide for long periods of time, refusing to come out even to eat. Dogs may bark excessively or become aggressive. They may also engage in destructive behaviors such as chewing furniture or clothing.

If your dog or cat suffers from anxiety, you may fear that you will never have a happy and calm pet. There is no need to assume that anxiety in a cat or dog is a permanent condition, however. Canine anxiety treatment is quite effective, and anxious cats can be treated successfully as well. A natural approach to treating anxiety is the herbal preparation Pet Calm for pets.


This herbal preparation contains ingredients such as scullteria, passiflora and arg nit, all of which are thought to calm the nervous system. It also contains kali phos for maintaining nervous system balance. PetCalm is safe and effective, and the best of all is that it is free of certain substances that can be detrimental to your pet's health. Find out more about these elements at, Pet Calm for pets.