Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Understanding Your Cat's Behavior

Cats are a wonderful pet to have but they can do things we don't like. They like to scratch to keep their nails sharp or climb the furniture, walk on the counters. These are natural things for cats to do but things we don't want to put up with. They even may start missing the litter box or biting for no reason.

Keeping in mind the cat was once wild will help us to figure out how we can live in the same world but still have our own worlds at the same time.

Knowing what has happened in the cats' environment can help us deal with bad behaviors.

Maybe the dog needs a playmate and trying to make one of the cat and that's why the counter jumping. The nails may be getting to dull or even to long and that's why the scratching. A scratching post may be the answer or trimming the nails may help. The cat may just be looking for some attention and that's why the biting.

Missing the litter box is usually a good sign there is a medical problem. Most cats do not like to eliminate in other places so this is a good heads up that a trip to the veterinarian is called for. Cats who would generally be good and then act out are trying to tell you something and it's up to you to listen.

When your cat acts out for no reason you can figure out or because you added a new pet to the house then it's time to go back to basics and reinforce the training you implemented when the cat first came into the home. Reward good behavior whenever possible with lots of love and petting and even a treat or two.

Being mean to a cat is never the answer, cats tend to rebel when being punished since they are usually a solitary creature in the wild, so yelling or hitting is never the answer. Tell your cat No when he's bad and point him in another direction of thought.

Try implementing some new toys for the cat to occupy his time or maybe even a new playmate. If you've been gone from home for longer than usual because of work changes a friend may be all that is needed to fill the empty space your change left in your cats' world.

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