Friday, January 28, 2011

What To Do And Not To Do When Giving Your Pets Supplements

Choosing the right supplement for your animal can be a challenge, but is worth the effort. A supplement can help your pet live a longer and healthier life. With assistance, finding the correct supplement can be a lot easier.

The information on this article has been written to assist you in finding the right supplementation for you pet. Here are some ideas to help you along the way:

How much an animal weighs has a lot to do with how much of a supplement it would receive. Most supplements are given according to weight. A pet that weighs more would require more supplementation then a pet that weighs less.

The way a supplement is administered is an important factor. Many supplements require being mixed with water for the animal to drink. If this is the type you choose, be sure to follow the directions carefully for mixing the right amount into water.

There are other ways to give your pet its supplementation. One of these ways is by mixing the supplement into the animal's food or putting it into a treat. By hiding it in food, you ensure that your animal still receives the benefits of its supplement.

There are picky animals that refuse to eat certain things. If your animal is one of the choosy ones, it can make it difficult to ensure your pet receives its supplementation. A supplement that is not taken does not help your pet.

A great resource for help and information if you are having problems getting your pet to take its supplement is your veterinarian. A veterinarian can offer advice and different strategies for you to use. Your veterinarian can show you how to give the supplement as well. Once your pet is receiving supplements regularly you should see improvement in health.

When your pet takes a supplement regularly it will be healthier. After reading this information, perhaps it will not be so difficult for you to find a supplement and administer it to your pet. There are resources available to give advice and help. If you can not get your pet to take the supplement then it cannot help make your pet healthier and happier.

Responsibilities Of A Good Pet Owner

Every individual has different wants and interests when it comes to nurturing a particular pet. Along with that is the accountability that you must shoulder while handling it. Human as we are, harmless animals also need our love and care just like a little child and not only our love but also the attention that we must render while they are living with us in our home. We all know that animals have their own characteristics, abilities, distinction and behavior. They differ in skills, type of food and so on but all of them have the same basic requirements that an owner must provide. For instance, having a puppy at home is fun but along with that, you must take your puppy outside for a morning walk or other form of exercise to maintain a healthy and energetic body.

We must admit that as an owner, we should have enough funds to support the needs of our pet. Ownership is a long-term basis. It does not end in purchasing a bird or turtle in a shop. Right after that, there is still maintenance that you should accomplish in order to sustain its good health condition. Never be in a hurry in selecting and buying a particular animal that you want to nurture. You still need to consult a veterinarian once you already brought one in your home. If it is a dog, then it must be given an anti-rabies vaccine to prevent further problems that could harm the entire family. That is why animal assessment and check up is very important.

Giving adequate food and water is also part of your liability as an owner. Since they cannot roam around to look for food and shelter on their own, you must provide them the comfort and security that they need. Pets have their own daily requirements just like us. There is a high possibility that they will execute odd behaviors if you cannot satisfy their daily needs. If you are not patient enough to treat an animal well, then maybe pet ownership is not a suitable task for you. Ensure good treatment to animals. The government has already made some laws that will inhibit the people from doing harm or hurting the animals. Once you bring an animal to your home, its care is already under your liability. Therefore, be strong and confident enough to assume that responsibility. There are pets that are highly trainable such as dogs, cats, rabbits, etc. Teaching them with some routines and habits is also part of your duty.

Pet ownership requires flexibility and patience. It will take some time for your pet to master a particular skill. Being determined and persistent in teaching them is a good quality of a responsible owner. When problems arise, you flexibility will be challenged. You must handle the situation under your control without hitting the pet. Treat them right and you will surely gain their loyalty in no time. Giving up is not an option if you truly love your pet even if it is your first time.

Pet Urns - One Way To Remember That Beloved Companion

Pet urns are fitting keepers of your pet's ashes. When a friend passes away, each animal owner makes a choice between cremation and burial. Because cremation allows the remains to be easily transported in any move or new situation, many pet owners choose cremation and look for a suitable pet urn.

Animals are not just pets, they are friends and companions. Each one is unique and touches our lives in different ways. Companion animals teach us to care for them, and show us love in many ways. When one of these special friends pass on, although it is painful, we have the comfort of knowing we touched their lives as much as they touched ours. We can also keep the memory of them alive with an appropriate urn.

There are many shapes, sizes, and designs of pet vessels available. The best pet urns can be customized, engraved, painted, or fixed with a pet name, photo, or some heart-felt words. Some artists can even provide a choice of phrases and quotes so each pet owner can find one which best suits his or her pet. Finding the right one will be up to each owner to discover the urn that best suits his or her tastes, needs, and individual friend.

A pet urn is a special way of saying goodbye, but also says that you love your departed one and choose to honor the memory of your sweet friend and loving companion. While no one wants to have to say goodbye, our pets teach us that to love and be loved is also to let go when the time is right. Honoring your animal's ashes with a custom urn or a lovely hand-picked vessel will soothe the ache and help you keep your companion forever in your memory.

Pet Odor And Hair - The Only Solution For Both

If you've ever visited someone whose house smelled of pet odor, you know that the first whiff of air you smelled made an impression that you still remember. And if you took off the clothes you wore and found hair all over them, you probably made up your mind not to visit again. If you are a pet lover and your home has pet odor and hair issues, here's a solution that will work.

Even if your house and your pets are meticulous, pet smell, hair, and fur can really make people stand-offish about visiting your home. Even if you clean daily, pet hair and odor are continuous issues, and even when you're not cleaning, these particles and smells are being generated. So the best solution is something that will clean up both these pollutants as fast as they are generated.

The answer is to clean the air with a purifier designed to remove both particulates and odors. Let's deal with the particles first. Not only are fur and hair an issues if you have a warm-blooded pet such as a dog, cat, bunny, bird or ferret, but dander is as well.

The hair and fur are visible, but the dander is not. However, the protein in these small flakes of dead skin is a highly potent allergen and can make your home intolerable for those who are allergic to it. And prolonged exposure to all of these particles can create sensitivity where none previously existed.

The best type of air cleaner for particles is a HEPA (abbreviated as high efficiency particle arresting). To receive this designation, it must be able to remove 99,997 out of every 10,000 airborne particles that are.3 microns or greater. This type of filter easily traps pet hair, dander, and fur as well as other household particles such as dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pollen, bacteria and viruses.

Now let's talk about the odor. Pet odor, particularly urine, can be tenacious and seemingly impossible to control. If you are used to cleaning up after accidents happen, this puts you behind the eight-ball in terms of how your home smells. And even if you are able to completely clean the area, it will still take a while for the smell to dissipate, and meanwhile the way your home smells is not good.

Again, using an air cleaner that can continuously filter out the pet smells, especially urine, keeps your air smelling fresh all the time, even when mistakes have happened. Carbon filters are well known for their ability to eliminate gaseous pollutants. A carbon-based filter with an additive especially designed to eliminate pet urine smell is the only solution that you can count on to work.

Since particles and gases are two different types of matter, your air purifier should be able to eliminate both odors and particles. This means selecting a purifier that contains filters that can remove both.

Using an air purifier that can work 24 hours every day to clean the air means less hair, fur, and dander to clean from surfaces and vacuum from the floor. And it means that each time you open the door to your home you can be confident that your air smells fresh and clean.

The Responsibilities Of Caring For A Long-Haired Pet

I have been blessed with the good fortune of growing up around many, many animals. I loved each of my cats and dogs (and hamsters and gerbils and finches and so on), but some of them certainly required more responsibility than others. That was especially true of my long-haired companions.

Many people mistakenly believe that a little extra brushing is the only requirement for a healthy, happy animal. There are, however, a few more things that you should be aware of if you have a long-haired pet or intend to adopt one in the future. Let me fill you in.

Daily grooming is, indeed, very important. Make it a priority to brush your critter for about 20 minutes each day. I know better than most what a stink your dogs and cats might make, but it will be easier if you keep this regimen up. Imagine what it would be like if you have to combat tangles and mats. Many animals will grow to enjoy your little routine, making it easier on everyone involved, though you may want to recruit some help until you know how s/he will react.

When you go on vacation, make sure your pet's routine doesn't get interrupted. It doesn't take much for mats to begin developing, so be sure to select a dog boarding facility that will offer bathing, brushing and/or grooming of your furry friend while you're away.

Critters with a longer coat are also more prone to developing issues with fleas and ticks that go undetected. As you already know, parasites frequently transmit diseases, but more commonly, they are a severe irritation that can make life miserable for pets and people alike. That is why it is vital to keep all of your animals on preventative medicines.

If you start seeing signs of fleas or ticks in your home, contact your vet right away. You will probably want to have an exterminator treat your home to help prevent re-infestation. Even if you are taking preventative measures, it would be wise to do a regular inspection of your pet's coat once a week.

Animals with long fur that spend a great deal of time outside are definitely prone to getting foreign objects stuck in their coats. Usually this involves no more than burrs or small sticks, but if are buried deep enough, they can scratch or otherwise aggravate the skin, so don't forget to do a brief checkup after outdoor romps.

Fur of this sort can mask wounds from other sources, too, so it's important to always be aware of your pet's behavior. They will show it when they've been injured, even if the visual isn't obvious.

What Is Heartworm Disease?

Today, pets are considered members of the family. Our dogs and cats are like our children and we have to keep up with their vet visits and general care. But if you have pets, you have to be aware of the diseases that many dogs and cats are prone to catch. One of the most awful diseases a dog, and yes, even a cat can catch, is Heartworm disease.

Heartworm disease can be developed in dogs and cats that live in an environment where there are many mosquitoes. Mosquitoes carry Dirofilaria immitis, the larvae that causes this disease. If a dog or cat gets bitten by these mosquitoes, they can become victims of Heartworm disease. The larvae begin the development of the disease and are transferred directly into the pet's skin when the mosquito bites them and feeds on their blood. As the name implies, this disease primarily affects the heart and often the lungs, even the liver. Symptoms might not appear for months after the animal's been bitten, but when symptoms finally appear, the disease is advanced. The growing worms take residence in the heart and lung arteries and that's when complications start. They will cause respiratory distress and finally heart failure.

The disease is easily preventable. Owners need to be aware of the areas they leave in and medicate their pets if they're in areas with large mosquito populations. They should give their animals Heartworm preventative drugs. The vet will check for the presence of Heartworm first, and if all's clear, he or she will give Heartworm prevention medication. If you haven't given these to your dog or cat and you leave in a mosquito prone area, there are specific symptoms that you can be on the lookout for. The most common signs that your pet could be affected by Heartworm disease include a decrease in overall energy level. Your pet easily gets tired and has difficulty breathing. He or she could also be coughing constantly. Look out for weight loss and a swollen belly.

It's a terrible disease and the treatment to cure it once it's taken hold is usually very harmful to the animal. Sometimes the pet doesn't survive the treatment itself. But you have to keep in mind that it is very preventable. It used to be that you could only find Heartworm larvae carrying mosquitoes in southern climates, but now, it's become a global problem. Even areas where you wouldn't suspect the presence of mosquitoes have seen a rise in abandoned houses with unattended pools that become focuses of infection. So, why risk it? Give your pet a once a month treatment for Heartworm and avoid having to go through the nightmare of having a sick pet, and the treatment necessary to cure it.

Fighting Obesity

If your pet dog or cat has been looking a little rounder than usual, chances are it did not become that way on its own.

Obesity is caused by a variety of reasons, most of them preventable in nature, If not treated, obesity can lead to a whole host of other problems such as diabetes, heart disease and hypertension. As with humans, the two main cause of obesity in dogs and cats are a lack of exercise and unhealthy diet.

Many owners over-indulge their pets with treats, not knowing where to draw the line. When dealing with the issue of how much to feed pets, owners must judge their pet individually, looking at factors such as lifestyle and activity level, tweaking the food intake as required.

As mentioned earlier, lack of exercise and activity also contribute to this problem. As animals grow older, their metabolic rates slow down, producing fewer results for the same amount of exercise they did when they were younger. Owners should encourage their pets by bringing them on walks or engaging them in physical activities, the level of activity, of course, consistent with the kind of breed and age of the animal.

Although neutering or spaying dogs and cats does not directly cause them to become obese, such animals do have higher susceptibility to obesity as sterilization removes a food inhibitory hormone (a hormone that prevents them from overeating from their system. As such owners of such pets should take extra care in monitoring their pets' food intake.

A common mistake many owners make when judging whether their pets is overweight is by weighing them. Although weight (based on what is typical of that breed) can be an indicator, a visual check of the pet's body would be a more reliable measurement. If your dog or cat has a sagging stomach, no waist and you are unable to feel its ribs easily, it might very possibly be overweight. From a side or aerial view, a dog or cat of a healthy weight should have a streamlined body shape.

Veterinarians use a body condition score known as BCS to determine if the animal is an ideal weight. A trip to the vet can help confirm the condition of your pet and he/she can help you come up with a plan to combat this disease.

The Benefits Of Having A Pet

If you are alone in your pad or you want your child to have a companion but you do not want to have another baby, then having a pet would be the answer to your problem. Just when you think that having pets would just be a waste of time then think again. There are many benefits that a domesticated animal can give you. Studies show that these animals which you keep in your house do have a positive effect on your personality and even in your social life if you constantly get contact with your pet.

Pets can make you more emphatic and caring. When pet lives with you and you consider the animal as part of the family you tend to be more concern about the people all around them as well. It is true even for children who have been exposed to domesticated animals. A person who have some animals in their home develop the nurturing skills, if you have a pet at home you will learn to take care of them and you will think about their welfare, it is just like having your own kid. Your pet will also help you focus on other things and will help you fight stress and fatigue.

If you want a pet in your house you need to consider what kind of pet would be best for you and the environment that you are living. If you love dogs then you need to decide on what kind of breed you would like to have, same as cats and many other animals. You should consider the health condition of the people who lives with you, make sure that they do not have allergies, feathers and animal hair can cause irritation especially to little kids. Make sure as well that you can devote time to take good care of your pet, if you are too busy try to get a pet which need less time and attention like fishes.

If you take good care of your animals then these creatures will also give back the love that you have shown to them. Your pet will be your friend which will listen to your problem without judging you and will be your therapist whom you do not have to pay money just to make you well and they will take care of you like no other can plus the loyalty that they will give unto you is incomparable.

Dealing With Pet Fleas

Every cat or dog will probably be visited by fleas in their lifetime. They jump on a host to nourish themselves on their blood and will mate here with the eggs dropping off to the environment. Eggs hatch after 2 to fourteen days producing larvae which will feast upon skin debris, flea droppings and other organic matter.

They'll pupate after roughly 7 days and remain in this state for approximately ten days although this can vary dependant upon environmental conditions. The flea will wait for a sign that a host is nearby before emerging to feed. Only 5% of the flea lifecycle is represented by adults the residual 95% is made up of larvae and pupae living in environmental surroundings.

Your cat or dog may also catch fleas from wild animals, for example birds, hedgehogs, rabbits etc. These aren't likely to breed on your pet, however it is a good idea to treat them as they might trigger irritation. Black specks on your dog or his/her bedding might be flea dirt which are the faeces of partly digested blood from your dog, excreted by the adult fleas. They can frequently be observed around the neck area and the base of the dogs tail.

The easiest way to handle dog fleas is to prevent dog fleas. However, even with the very best of intentions and discipline, our pets will at some point come into contact with fleas. The most effective way to cope with fleas is to adopt a multi-pronged strategy. First, you must eliminate fleas on your pet, Secondly, you must rid the immediate environment of fleas to prevent re-infestation. Lastly, you must re-double your time and efforts towards flea prevention.

The chemicals used to kill fleas are manufactured in a variety of formulations. Products sold by vets to deal with fleas are effective and safe. The various products available include sprays, 'spot-on' treatments or oral treatments. Your vet or vet nurse can suggest which would be the proper treatment for your pet. There are also several products provided by pet shops and supermarkets etc. If however you make use of these then make sure you use them carefully. Make sure you purchase the correct one for your pet.ensuring it's for the correct species and weight and always keep to the manufacturer's instructions.

Are Veterinarians Overcharging?

Is my veterinarian overcharging?

Every day I talk to people about their pets, the illness their pets have and the veterinary bills they have incurred. One common conception pet owners have is that veterinarians are overcharging. Before we address that question I want to go over what it takes to become a veterinarian.

First is the simple task of getting in to vet school. Most Veterinary schools in the United States have a college credit equivalent of a four year Bachelor Science degree just to apply for their school. Applicants should have a grade point average of 3.4 or above. G.R.E. scores weigh highly on application. Hours worked or volunteered in veterinary industry and total understanding of the inner workings of a hospital and veterinary medicine average over 3000. All applicants must complete an oral exam.

When all this is done there are only 28 veterinary schools in the United States. This means a large percentage of people who apply to veterinary school will be denied admittance because there is not enough space.
Now once the soon to be DVM has received his bachelor degree or equivalent and been accepted in to veterinary school now he or she will spend another four years in veterinary college. Once that is complete are Dr now must get licensed. He must pass both a national and state board examine before being allowed to practice medicine.

Once he has passed these exams he will go out in the working world and most likely take a low paying apprentice type position where he can learn from a more experienced Veterinarian.

Once our Dr is no longer an apprentice and is employed for a hospital his income will range depending on where he is. In Los Angeles Ca where I live DVM make on average anywhere from 60 to 80 dollars per hour. The staff members around him make on average 15 dollars per hour. Each veterinarian requires on average 2.5 staff members. That means just in salaries alone when working on your pet it will cost 97 to 127 dollars per hour. This does not include the cost of any medicine, drugs, suture, equipment, or must I say the O so evil Profit for the hospital. That's right the hospital needs to make a profit. Someone somewhere owns that hospital and I am sure he loves animal but he also has an family to feed just like you. How about the down time? Businesses are not always busy. When they're not busy the staff is still being paid that money has to come from somewhere otherwise the hospital would go out of business and there would be no one to treat your pet.

There is also the ever rising cost of equipment. The average x-ray machine in an animal hospital cost $50,000. Some hospitals spend double or even triple for their laboratory equipment. The Average surgery light cost $2500, Cages $5000, Surgery table $3000. Hospital expenses are higher than imaginable.

Of course there is the government as well. Local government comes up with new ways to make money every day. Hospitals receive a yearly bill for every lab machine they operate, every x-ray machine they have, for being a medical waste generator, for back flow devices on the plumbing and much more.

So the next time you're at the veterinary hospital take at look at how much time they spend on your pet. How long was your pet there? How long did the surgery take the Dr to perform from beginning to end. And think about the hourly cost just for salaries ($127 per hour) and then the cost off drugs, supplies, equipment, government, water, power, gas, etc. Maybe just maybe the bill will not seem quite so expensive.

Taking Care Of Your Hamster

Typically, animals in the rodent family are not popular house pets. That changed with the hamster, officially a member of the rodent family, an animal that has become a very popular house pet. Like any house pet, they need attention and training so they become tame and used to being around people. And just like any other pet, they need care.

Before buying a hamster, prepare a cage for its home. They do not like sunlight so place a cage in a shaded part of your home. Lay about 2 inches of pine wood shavings on the floor. This will help reduce odors from the droppings. Clean the bottom of the cage about every week so your pet stays healthy and clean.

Hang a water container from the wall of the cage. These are bottles specifically meant for hamsters so they can suck out water when thirsty. These bottles work better than putting a simple dish of water inside, as water from the dish can spill easily.

Since they sleep a lot, make sure the cage you have is big enough to provide an area for your hamster that will be a comfortable sleeping space. One idea is to take an empty metal soup can, lay it on its side, and put some soft fabric in it. Or you can purchase bedding or a house at your local shop.

With all that sleep, hamsters also need exercise. An exercise wheel is a great option. You can also buy toys at the shop where you bought your hamster, like a tunnel that it can run around in.

Last, but certainly not least, is to be sure to feed your hamster healthy food. You can purchase food at the pet store. Supplement the store food by providing a special treat of fresh lettuce or a piece of carrot.

Owning a hamster is no different than being any other kind of pet owner. You must take care of your pet with proper feed and environment. With good care, a hamster will live a long and healthy life and will provide you with many hours of fun.

We've been having hamsters as pets for many years. The main reason we set up is to share the information and resources we have collected about hamster over the years. We can assure you that they are very cute, loving and intelligent pets that will make your life more cheerful!

The Basics of Flea Control

If you are new to having a pet, you might be surprised at the number of different things you need to keep on top of. Vaccinations, health checks, heartworm medication, intestinal worms, dog food... the list seems endless. Today I want to give you the basics on flea control, which is essential to keep your pet and your house parasite free.

When it comes down to it, flea treatment is fairly simple. Use a good quality flea control product (such as Frontline Plus) on your pet every month before you have a flea infestation, and it is likely that you never will get a flea problem.

On the other hand, flea treatment can be quite difficult. Use a poor quality flea control product (or none at all) and allow a big flea infestation to build up on your pet (and in your house), and we are talking about some major effort to get things sorted out.

If you are someone who has done the former, give yourself a pat on the back and stop reading. You and your pet can look forward to a long, flea free and happy life.

If, on the other hand you are knee deep in fleas, here is what you need to do:

1. Buy (and apply properly) a good quality flea control product.

Quality here is important. Buying a dodgy, unproven flea treatment product from the local pet store of supermarket just won't cut it, and may be the reason that you are here looking for advice about your flea problem. Flea shampoos, collars, dips, and powders are out! Instead, get one of the well known and proven flea control products such as Advantage, Frontline Plus, Comfortis or Revolution. Make sure you follow all of the directions when you apply the product. This includes proper application and avoiding bathing (if the product is a top-spot).

2. Clean your house - thoroughly

All of those fleas on your pet have been dropping eggs everywhere your pet goes. With each flea laying up to 50 eggs per day, there is bound to be juvenile fleas galore around your pet's favourite hangouts. You need to vacuum your house thoroughly, and make sure to throw out the bag straight away. A steam mop would be an even better option. Wash all of your pets bedding in hot soapy water, soaking for at least 10 minutes. Continue to do this twice weekly for as long as you are seeing fleas.

In most cases, these two steps will be sufficient to get your flea problem under control. It won't happen overnight, but within a few weeks most of the fleas should be gone from your house an pet. Don't be surprised to see the occasional flea on your pet in the first few weeks - fleas that hatch from the environment will jump on to your pet. But they will die within a few hours, so don't be too worried.

How To Give Your Pet A Chakra Healing

When our pets our in pain it is a heartbreaking experience. But there is a way to send healing to your pet through Chakra Balancing. All animals have their own Chakra system that is essentially the same as a human's.

Many spiritual traditions talk about the existence of Chakras, spinning wheels of light, that run along the body. Each Chakra is connected to a different physical body part and a different emotional state. Sending healing to the individual Chakras and balancing the energy of the Chakras is known to bring healing to the physical and emotional aspects of that Chakra. Animals are very sensitive creatures and are very responsive to Chakra Healing and Chakra Balancing and have often been used to heal and help animals and pets with physical or emotional conditions.

The Chakras

The first Chara is red and relates to our sense of stability, security, vitality and a sense of belonging. It is located at the base of the spine and rules this area of the body as well as the skeletal system, legs, feet and immune system.
The second Chakra is orange and relates to feelings and emotions and our relationships in the world. It is located at the lower abdomen and is connected to the reproductive organs and kidneys.
3 The third Chakra is yellow and relates to our sense of sense and self esteem. It relates to joy and confidence. It is located in the stomach or solar plexus area and governs the digestive and nervous system as well as the liver.
The fourth Chakra is green (also pink) and relates to feelings of love, empathy and compassion. It is located in the middle of the chest and rules the heart, blood and lungs.
The fifth Chakra is pale blue and relates to our ability to communicate. It is located at the throat and rules the throat, ears and jaw.
The sixth Chakra is indigo and relates to wisdom and the ability to see things from a higher perspective. It is located on the forehead between the brows and rules the eyes, nose and head.
The seventh Chakra is white or violet and relates to our ability to feel gratitude and a connection to the divine. It is located at the very top of the head and rules the head, brain and nervous system.
7 Steps To Giving Your Pet A Chakra Balancing

Lay your hands on your pet or a photo of your pet.
Take a deep breath and imagine that your hands are filled with white light.
Start at the Root Chakra and go up one by one. Spend 3 minutes focusing on each Chakra.
Imagine the Chakra filling with light.
Imagine the specific color of that Chakra shining brightly.
Communicate with your pet in your mind as you send light.
Then move onto the next Chakra until all 7 of the major Chakras are filled with light and their appropriate color.

Tips On Caring For Pets

Our pets are very dear to us, and their care and well being are extremely important. It is not always easy, and sometimes, special understanding and knowledge will be required. At the end of the day, some tips and precautions will be in order to insure the health and longevity of the animals we choose to keep.

One must understand that our pet is essentially helpless, and without us, they will be unable to care for themselves. When choosing an animal for the family, we are accepting the responsibility of caring and providing for them. Remember that it is best to do a bit of research into the specific species and breed before investing in them. Often, some animals are simply easier to care for than others. Some will be more suited and flexible when considering a person's lifestyle. If possible, think and research these things before choosing the right animal for the family.

Always be sure to do some specific research into whatever animal one may consider adopting. All species are different and require various types of care. For that matter, different breeds within a species may need a different approach than others. For instance, caring for a Labrador is not the same as caring for a teacup poodle. Be sure to gain a clear understanding of your responsibilities, preferably before a purchase or adoption is made.

It is important to provide most species with love, care, and attention. For instance, dogs and new puppies seem to struggle both emotionally and physically when they are ignored. Be sure to show a new animal lots of love and attention, especially during the early stages when it is trying to get accustomed to the new home.

Proper nutrition is of utmost importance. Many underestimate the importance of this fact, and the animal is often left suffering because of it. No matter if one owns a cat, dog, fish, bird, or snake, providing it with the proper balance of vitamins, minerals, and protein is extremely important for long term health and an increase in the lifespan of the animal. Consider purchasing books or exploring the internet for species and breed specific nutritional needs.

Early in the animal's life, or quickly after adoption, be sure to take it to a qualified veterinarian. There may be some very important vaccines or medicines that are vital to their health. These needs may differ from animal to animal, but they must not be ignored. These needs may or may not be essential for the animal's health, but the topic needs to be discussed with a professional.

No matter what the species, it is important to never ignore odd or unnatural behavior. This can often be a sign of something potentially serious, and something may need to be done. There are many signs to be mindful of which could indicate a nutritional problem, poisoning, or another type of sickness. For instance, an animal that suddenly appears very sleepy or fatigued, or who is vomiting or experiencing diarrhea, needs to see a vet.

Is Technology Affecting Your Pet's Health?

Changing lifestyle of people is causing obesity in both humans and animals. In a recent study it was found that more than 25 percent of pets are suffering from obesity. Some people blame changes in technology as one of the prime reasons for obesity in both humans and animals. Technology has reduced the movement of people and they have become accustomed to taking short cuts in life. For instance, we don't want to go to are television sets to change the channel. We have a remote to help us change the channels without having to move from out bed or sofa. These changes have given us plenty of spare time but we fail to use this time wisely. We tend to waste are time on unimportant things but don't pay importance to people in our home. Pets are dependent on us and when we don't give them time they become lazy.

Another reason why people are unable to pay attention to the needs of their pets is because of work pressures. Today, most people have to work hard to meet their expenses. They have little for themselves and their family. When they reach home after work, they are too tired and unable to take care of the needs of their pets.

Most people spend majority of their time in front of either the computer screen or the television screen. Earlier, people used to enjoy going outdoors with their family and pet which was a good exercise both for the mind and the body. However, with people striving for higher status and post they are unable to spend time with their near and dear ones.

When pets are neglected they are more likely to become obese. They become lazy as there is no one to look after them and take them out for their walk. Obesity has a negative influence on their health and their life span. Obesity can also make your pet unhappy and unhealthy. This unhealthy state can cause heart complications, arthritis, weak joints and many other health complications.

There are many pet owners who rely on cheap fast foods because they don't time to cook food for their pets. It is important that you check the ingredients used by the pet food manufacturer. Avoid buying cheap food for your pet as it could have an adverse impact on the health of the pet. If you are unable to decide on what is best for your pet, it is a good idea to visit a local vet who can guide you in getting the best food your pet.

How To Find The Best Vet

Finding a good vet is important to the well being and good health of your precious pet. Your pet relies on you to make the right choices and sometimes things don't always work out best for all concerned. These tips will help with not just finding a good vet, but also make the trips to the surgery go smoother.

Not all vets will be equipped to treat all types of animals so it is wise to check with your vet that they are able to offer your pet the best treatment. For example, if you have a pet that is not easy to transport then you need to check that your vet will make home visits, especially in the event of an emergency. Or if you have ornamental fish, check with your vet that they have the expertise to treat fish as it is a specialist subject.

If you are the owner of a nervous dog then it is a good idea to make that fact known to any vet you want to register with. Sometimes nervous dogs can become frightened and this can often lead to aggression. If your dog is likely to become aggressive then it is your responsibility to ensure the safety of all others including yourself by taking the necessary precautions. Putting a muzzle on your nervous dog will help.

A trip to the vet can turn the biggest bravest of dog to a quivering jelly, if your dog doesn't cope well with going into a vets surgery then it is better to let the receptionist know that you have arrived for your appointment and leave your dog in the car and ask to be called when it is your dog's turn to go into the treatment room. Taking your dog into the waiting room will only make him worse.

If your dog shows signs of being afraid it is better to ignore him rather than try to comfort him. By offering your nervous dog reassurance at a time he is frightened with teach him to associate fear with something good. As difficult as it may seem, it is far more productive to leave him to cope with his fear and just try and make the visit as pleasant as possible.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Moving and Traveling With Pets

Moving is stressful enough without having any extra headaches to deal with. Whether you're relocating across the country or across the street, the key to coordinating a successful move is to have of your ducks in a row; this includes a plan for your pet. From fish to Fido, it's important to have a plan for the most important family member!

Know Before You Go!

Chances are, your family pet is either a cat or dog, but if you have an unusual pet, make sure you contact the State Veterinarian's Office or State Department of Agriculture requesting the pet laws and regulations of your new state. You might need to get a special permit, depending on the type of animal.

Once you've determined the state's regulations, it's a good idea to check with the City Clerk's office in your new community for local pet ordinances. Some apartments will not allow cats or dogs, or will have weight limits on specific animals. Make sure you're 60 lb. lab will be welcome in your new home!

Pets Have Paperwork

Bet you didn't even realize it, but your pet has paperwork! Most states require a health certificate for dogs and many states require one for cats, birds. Check with your veterinarian to determine if your pet requires a health certificate. Typically, current inoculation records must accompany it.

In addition to a health certificate, your pet must have proper identification. Whether you are moving by air or by car, any pet that can wear a collar should have one on, with an ID tag secured to it. Most tags will and should include the pet's name, your name, and the destination address. In addition, most animals require rabies tags so if your pet hasn't been inoculated for rabies, you will want to make sure to handle this before you move.

Prep Your Pet for Travel

While many of us cannot bear to be away from our furry friends for more than a few hours, if you are traveling by air to your new apartment, your pet might have to fly separate. Your first step is to confirm that the airline allows animals. Some airlines allow pets to fly with you if they are kept in a USDA and IATA-approved container small enough to fit under the seat. Pets not accompanied by the owner must travel air freight. If your pet must fly air freight, make sure you sedate your pet to alleviate any additional stress. Also remember to clearly indicate write the words "FRAGILE. LIVE ANIMAL" and "THIS SIDE UP" on the outside of the container.

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Natural Remedies to Promote Health and Healing in Your Pet

Appealing to natural remedies for your pet you can promote plenty benefits inside your pet's general state of health and spirit, such as energy, vitality, ability to heal, as well as immunity.

These remedies are great when your pet is healthy but they are even greater in case your dog or cat is ill, such as it is for instance with having cancer. 4 such remedies are described bellow to allow your pet stay healthy as well as getting back in its good shape.

For important herbs have been discovered to have effects in increasing immunity, restore the high energy levels, and cleanse the lymph and the liver. These herbs are as follows:

- Withania Somnifera - this one increases the energy and the hemoglobin levels helping the body to heal itself along with promoting the vitality inside pet's 'joie de vivre'.

- Viscum Album - it is good for building immunity and strength, lowering the too high blood pressure or increases the too low one.

- Sylibum Marian - it contains flavenoids and detoxifies the liver allowing it to function normally.

- Echinacea - builds the immune system cleaning the lymph system in cases of pet cancer or immune system disorder.

It is the best way to have them administered all together in a tonic-a formulation in order to make sure that each dose contains the proper amount of ingredients that will work together in supporting health and immunity. Therefore the best natural remedy that you can find for your pet is a formulation that includes all of the above mentioned herbs.

Not all of the pet natural remedies are produced in the same way as they have different manufacturers. Make sure to find a company that offers money back guarantee, in this way you will know that the company will vouch for the quality and efficiency of the product. In case you do not have the proper time to do the research then find someone who does this research for a living, someone involved in the field of pet health and wellness.

Apart from the fact that your pet will get these natural remedies, you can make sure that it gets its food and water on regular basis and has all the attention that you can give. These steps are the ones that will show your pet that it is surrounded by love enabling it to lead a long happy life.

First Flight for the 11 Pound Wonder Dog

August 2nd, 2010 was a big day for the entire family. We would be flying out of Ontario, CA and headed to Indianapolis, IN. This was our first move where the dog went with us. Taylor is an 11-pound Dorito eating dog that thinks she weighs about 75 pounds. Our kids were flying experts but we had to take some extra precautions for Taylor.

We went out and got her one of those expensive airline carriers. They cost enough that you wonder if the airline gets a cut. Then we went to the vet to get some pills to safely get her some rest on the flights. When we got to the flying day, the first thing I did was break up the pills in some milk. She was appreciative of the milk and did not notice the extra flavor. I was sure that the pills would get Taylor at least 8 hours of rest. Of course, with an airport comes curiosity.

The pills that were supposed to put her asleep for 8 hours made her groggy for two hours and ornery for 6. On our first flight, she was still groggy. We went through the TSA checkpoint and she tried to give security a lick in the face. That brought a smile to their faces and got us through quickly. Her pre-flight and first flight were fairly uneventful. She was a little scared but we talked to her throughout the flight.

When we hit Atlanta, she was up and moving. There were no dogs to bark at but all interesting looking people were given a taste of the puppy bark. Keep in mind that Taylor firmly believes that she is a 75 pound monster dog in a 11 pound body. We went looking for food but had to eat outside because Taylor did not meet the restaurant codes. During that time, she protected us from all overbearing waiters and waitresses.

We ate and then boarded our flight to Indy. As a carry on, at least Taylor was always close by. When we hit the ground at Indy, the puppy was glad to be grounded. She also was quite happy to be able to go to the bathroom and eat some treats. It was humid outside. Taylor adjusted. She did a great job of flying. A lot of that success came by looking out for her safety and preparing her for the flight. Remember, flying can certainly be a very nervous time for a dog.

A Flea Repellant Warning

Chemical treatments are a major method used to tackle the flea problem in house holds which have pets. The artificial ingredients used pose major threats though.

Synthetic materials used in the repellant can also affect your pet. There are clear warnings on every flea repellant box advising you on the minimum age your cat (or dog) must have attained before you can start using the repellant. The minimum age is normally around one or two month.If the product is used before the minimum age it could kill your pet.

The chemicals used are very strong and hazardous.The full dosage to be used being merely a drop. They are made to kill fleas but along with killing flea, repellants act as toxins for pets. Therefore think about the consequences if you spilled a little on other body parts.

The repellant takes a long while to cover the entire scalp of your pet due to its heavily concentrated nature. Thus a pet requires to be quarantined for extra periods of time in order to keep it safe and prevent any major accidents

Pets have a very frustrating experience and undergo bouts of agony during this process which may be very stressful for these innocent animals

Kids in the house like to play with their pets.These pets once quarantined could be carrying deadly chemicals with them and may directly affect your in fact. Adults may be careful while cuddling with their pets but the chances of unknowing kids coming in contact with the chemicals is high when the pets are also allowed to roam about freely at home

The neurotoxins in the flea repellants prove to be a major toxic hazard to toddlers and infants. At their under developed age infants have a weak immune system and ingesting or smelling these toxic chemicals could become fatal.

Therefore it is more advisable to look for other products in the market before turning to highly toxic and expensive flea repellants.

Professional Pet Sitters - Who They Are and What They Do

Many families are animal lovers. That is why they usually have their own pets at home. There are even those who do not only have one or two pets but a lot more. Sometimes their children also have one pet each ending up with more than one kind of animal in the house.

There are those who have a dog pet at the same time a pair of lovebirds. There are those with a cat and a dog at the same time. There is no problem with that for as long as you can attend to their needs every day. However, what will happen if you decide to go on a family vacation? Or what if there's a family reunion to attend in another city, who would then take care of your beloved pets?

Bringing all of them may not be a good idea since you have to take care of the kids as well as your other kids - the family pets! These creatures are also like babies who need your constant care and attention. They also have personal needs such as food, sleep, and play, How can you attend to all these while having a vacation? This is too stressful and tedious. You can never relax!

Although this may seem heartbreaking for those who really love their pets, sometimes they just can't come with you wherever you go all the time. Most establishments also do not allow pets inside which may become a hassle for you and your family. So what will be your next resort? Well, there are professional pet sitters to take care of them while you are away and having that much-needed break!

You can hire a professional pet sitter and discuss to them your pet's needs and other services that you may need from them. This may include taking care of the house at the same time while you are away. You will have to have a contract with your professional pet sitter stating their responsibilities to your pets as well as your agreed payment for their services.

If you are thinking that hiring a professional pet sitter might incur you a lot, you do not have to fret. Their services can be availed at reasonable prices, and of course, you have to agree beforehand about it. Usually you have to pay them either by hour, by day, or by appointment whichever you both agreed.

6 Steps To Train Your Dog To Retrieve

There are two types of retrieves. One is the "Natural" retrieve. These are dogs that are bred for retrieving, and do it without much, if any, formal training. When I was growing up in a small town in mid-western Canada, there was a black Lab that would come up to you and drop a stick that he had been carrying in his mouth, in front of you. If you picked up the stick and threw it, the Lab would chase after it, pick it up and bring it back to you, waiting for you to throw it again. He would keep retrieving until you got tired of throwing the stick.

The other type is a "Trained" retrieve. If done correctly, almost any dog can be taught to retrieve on command. Depending on the technique, diligence and persistence of the trainer and the personality and breed of the dog, it can take as little as ten minutes to get the dog to understand the basics of retrieving, or as long as a month. It's a lot easier and faster if the dog already knows that the trainer is the boss or the Alpha dog and has already had some basic obedience training. He should know the commands "sit" and "come".

The first step is to get your dog to hold something in his mouth. When I trained my dogs, I used a wooden dumbbell because I was training for AKC obedience trials, and that's what they required. But you can use anything that is easy for your dog to hold in his mouth and is large enough that you can easily take it out of his mouth. A leather glove is ideal, or a ball or a dog toy will work. Keep a leash on your dog unless he has been trained to sit and come reliably on command while off lead.

Step 1. Give your dog the command "take it", "get it", "fetch" or any other word you would like to use but make sure it is no longer than two syllables and always use the same word. If your dog will not take the article in his mouth, you can open his mouth by putting your hand under his jaw with your thumb near the rear of his mouth on one side and your fingers near the rear of his mouth on the other side, and gently squeeze. When your dog opens his mouth, put the article in it and let him close his mouth, or you close it and hold it closed with your had around his muzzle. Give your dog lots of praise when he accepts the article in his mouth.

Step 2. After your dog holds the article in his mouth for ten to fifteen seconds, give him the command "give", "let go" or any other word you want to use, and take the article from your dog. If he doesn't give it to you freely, open his mouth like you did before, and take the article out. When he releases the article, give him lots of praise.

Step 3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 letting your dog hold the article for longer and longer times until your dog will readily take the article from you, hold it in his mouth until you ask for it, and readily give it back to you.

Step 4. Once you have completed step 3, start holding the article closer and closer to the ground (or floor if you're inside) until your dog will pick the article up from the ground (or floor).

Step 5. Once step 4 is completed, toss the article about a foot or two in front of your dog and give him the command to get it. If he doesn't go for the article, using your leash, walk him to it and give him the command again if you have to. Then, when he has the article in his mouth, walk backwards to where you started, guiding him around so that he is directly in front of you. Tell him to sit. Then give him the command "give". Take the article out of his mouth. If he doesn't give it to you freely, open his mouth and take it out. As soon as you get the article out of his mouth, even if you had to forcibly open his mouth to get it, give him lots of praise. You want him to know that he gets rewarded for giving up the article. Keep repeating step 5 until your dog goes out to the article, picks it up and brings it back to you, sits and lets you taker the article out of his mouth on command.

Step 6. When step 5 goes without a hitch, you can start tossing the article further and further away, but only a foot or two further at a time. If your dog always comes to you on command, you can take the leash of and toss the article further out than the length of the leash. If your dog has to be on a leash, you can get a 25 foot training leash or even just a long piece of light rope. This way you can throw the article 10 to 20 feet away and have control of your dog in the event that he doesn't want to return to you. You can also work your dog in an enclosed space such as a large room or a fenced yard. Even after your dog retrieves just the way you want him to, you must praise him after each retrieval.

E-Pharmacy Pet Stores

If you have a pet it needs to be vaccinated regularly. The way humans need regular vaccinations so does your pet. These days all the pets are considered members of the family. Many online stores now days have started providing pet meds. If there is any kind pet medications which are not available to you from your area's pharmacy than not to worry you can order for it online also. Also many discounts are available online if you are buying the medicines from them. Ticks and fleas are common problems for dogs. To deal with this problem a proper medication is required and Frontline Plus can be the right option for this.

If you have a house with garden than he chances of ticks and fleas in your dog are larger. This medicine is to applied every month on the skin of your dog between the shoulder blades. It is very effective product and it comes in different sizes for different kind of dogs. One should discontinue the product if any itching is observed in your dog. Buying medicines for pets online is not at all harmful. Many online shops are encrypted through Geo Trust by which the online transactions and the phone call numbers are completely secured. All the personal information provided by you remains completely confidential and is not sold or distributed to any third party. To place an order online is not at all complicated and is a simple process. Many a times it happens that the pet prescriptions are not available on any stores but these medicines are easily available in the online stores with the pet med discounts.

All the pet supplies are easily available from the online stores. Don't let your pet suffer just because the pet meds are not available in the stores near you. Their life is as important as yours and online pet stores can easily solve all your problems. Buy the pet meds from the online pet stores with a pet med discount. is a leading online Pet Medication. We provide reliable customer service and an extensive line of pet care products. We offer our customers Pet Meds Discount and convenience of home delivery at the lowest prices available.

Keep in Mind for Online Pet Pharmacy

The rising cost of the pet meds has left the pet owners in a big dilemma. Buying the medicine for your pet form an online store can serve this purpose up to some extent. Pet medications when bought form an online pet store can provide you with a pet med discount. But all this does not mean that you have to buy a low quality medicine for your pet. To save some amount of money one cannot risk the life of their pet so few points should be kept in mind while checking out the pet supplies form an online store.

The online supplier should have a license to sell the medicines and he should have a proper knowledge of what medicines he is selling for what diseases. Many online pet stores are just third party distributors and this can risk the lives of your pet. A proper medicine for the right disease should be given by that store. Wrong medicines when supplied can cause side effects. Most online stores have their in-house doctors to avoid this risk and many stores even contact your doctor to get the right prescription. Also you should get a proper deal with a proper shipping cost for all the pet meds ordered by you. Online pet stores are a great way to save lots of money on expensive pet medicines. In this world of competitions online stores have started offering great discounts.

By keeping in mind the above points you can easily deal with an online pet store for your pet medicines and there is no harm to buy medicines from online pet stores. Medicines for the pets have advanced a lot in past few years and there is much awareness in this field. Also buying the pet supplies form online stores can bring in to your notice the wide range of products available in the market. Online stores now days are very easy to deal with and placing an order is not at all difficult. Also their services are good and you will definitely get your medicine on time. is a leading online Pet Supplies. We provide reliable customer service and an extensive line of pet care products like Frontline Plus. We offer our customers Pet Meds Discount and convenience of home delivery at the lowest prices available.

Guilty As Charged

Ok Ok... I admit it! After years of using words like; 'DISGUSTING!' 'UNHYGENIC!' and 'WRONG' to describe pet owners who allow their pets to sleep in their bed, I plead guilty to the same offense. The thing is, my pre-pet owner perception that these adorable little creatures (or big in others cases) should under no circumstance be allowed to even sleep in ones room never lone their bed, has change a tad. In fact, it goes something like this.

I have a queen size bed to myself (well not really so it seems) in which I occupy about 20 percent of the right side. To my left, tucked deep into the warmth of my bed cover and spooned to my left side like she is about to fall of the bed (when in actual fact she has 80 percent of it), is my gorgeous niece Bella. Bella is a 4 year old Maltese/Shitzu. I'm not done yet, as lying sprawled out on my chest with his arms clinging around my neck like he is holding on for dear life is my cuddly 9 month nephew rag doll cat.

The thing is, I know that in allowing this, I'm allowing my furry family members to carry all sorts of dirt and germs into my bed, not to mention acquiring a lifelong problem of pets with hierarchy misconceptions. Despite this knowledge, each night, after telling myself 'this is the last night they can sleep in my bed' they both seem to weasel their way in. How though, after years of permitting this behavior do you find reprieve? Perhaps it too late for me to ever get my bed back, but for other pet-loving suckers out there..... we should remember that our pets, (although to many they are our children) are PETS, and less human than we tend to make them.

Dog Bed For The Comfort That Your Dog Needs

Pets are part of people's lives. They have a lot of benefits that can be profited by human. Pets make lives easy and comforting. There are people that consider pets as a member of their family and they even sacrifice for their pets. Having pet likes dogs and cats are very comforting in times of trouble or failure. In taking care of pets there are things that you need to consider, especially their personal things. Dog bed is available in the market that can provide the comfort that your dogs needs. It is very important that your dog is comfortable when they sleep.

Dogs are considered as mans best friend. There are people say that dogs can be your best friend or enemies because they have an attitude that if they don't like their environment they usually become rebellious. It is very important that they are comfortable with their things. Dog bed are available that can make your them more comfortable when they are sleeping. They want their beds to be warmed so that they can sleep well. There are some that sleep with their master because the beds of the human is warmer compared to their beds.

There are different styles and designs that are available in the market. You can choose whatever will fit to your pet. The design and style of their beds can affect their lifestyle and personality. You can go to the dog store near you or even search in the internet for more ideas about dog bed. It can help your dog to be healthy. During cold season there are some that become sick because of weather. Dog bed can give them the relaxation they want in order to avoid sickness. Like human dogs are also sensitive in weather condition.

That material that your dog bed is made of is very important to consider when you buy one. There are dogs that are allergy with feather. It is best to choose materials that can provide warm and it doesn't fly in the air. Taking care of pet symbolize your personality as a person.

You can make your own dog bed if you want. You just need some used clothes in your garage. You can put them together and make your own style of dog bed. Just make sure that it is arranged properly so that your dog can comfortable when they sleep.

The Importance Of Dog Bowls

One of the greatest pets you can have these days is dogs. Dogs are very common pets of most people because they are sweet in personality. There are lots of dogs owners say that dogs can comfort them and lessen their stress. There are dog owners that make them as the center of their living. There are many important things you need to consider in keeping them as your pet because they are sensitive especially with their things. This is one of the important things in their lives because it is where they eat. There are dogs that don't want to eat if it is not their own bowls. There are different design and style of dog bowls that you can choose with.

The design of your dog bowls can have a great effect in your dog's lifestyle. Using this for your dog can have a lot of benefits. They can be disciplined easily if they have bowls. If they are use to eat in their bowls they will not eat anywhere. There are dog that eat anywhere they want and sometimes you can't control on what they eat. With dog bowls you can be safe with the food that they eat. You can also control the amount of food. It is bad for them to eat too much because it can affect their health and attitude.

There are different styles of dog bowls that are available in the market. The size may differ on what kind of dogs you are keeping. Smaller type of dogs needs smaller bowls. There are dog bowls that can affect the appetite of your pet. There are also different kinds of bowls that can add color to your house design. Don't treat your them as a second class citizen in your house, be proud of them, choose the right bowls for them. Make your dog as important as your family remember that they also have the right to be treated equal.

There are different types of bowls even in the internet. You can have a lot of ideas you need if you can search in the internet about dog bowls. Dogs are important part of your living make them comfortable as they want. There people that consider dogs as part of their family. How you treat your dog will determine what kind of person you are.

How To Choose The Right Pet Pens

It really doesn't matter whether you have a gerbil, a dog, or even a horse, your pet pens can mean the difference between healthy pets, or injured and unhealthy pets. All pets need a safe place to be, even those that just hang out at your home need a place where they can be comfortable and safe.

This means setting up a pen or containment area that is safe. You'll need to understand your pets habits, needs, and health in order to do it properly. Take a horse for example; an area that is full of metal debris is going to wind up injuring the horse sooner or later. An area that is too small will cause health issues as well as behavioral issues.

Whereas an area that has room to run safely, plenty of good food and water will have a horse happily and healthily heading for its training sessions. Dogs are the same way. They need a safe place to run and play, a safe place to take a nap, and a clean place for food and water.

Pet pens come in a wide assortment according to the size and disposition of your pet. Certain breeds of dogs are going to be very unhappy in a pen all the time. The pen or area needs to be big enough for the dog to get away from its feces, have room to play, and a place to sleep.

Whether this is a portable pen type or permanent, the last thing you need is an unhappy pet that gets out all the time. You can also look for other types of pens. Those that offer your dog den-type housing of sorts. Usually this is a crate type of pen and you might be surprised if you keep it in an area where you are how often your pet may use it to take a nap or head to when it gets too busy in the house.

Before setting up any type of pet pen for your animal, make sure you fully understand what constitutes a safe pen. They'll need enough room to exercise, room for food and water, as well as room to go potty and not have to stand or sleep in it.