Saturday, October 2, 2010

How to Perform Basic First Aid on a Pet

Having a pet is a new trend among people nowadays. Most people consider it as a style to keep the pets along with them wherever they go. However, for the people who stay alone or have any personal problem, pet animals are mostly a relief. However, you have to be very careful and well inform about pet care. Although, first aid is not enough for cure, it is good to know how to perform basic first aid before you take it to a veterinarian.

Here are some tips to perform first aid on your pet in different emergencies:


The symptoms for this are pain and inability to use a limb. You have to lay your pet gently on a board. If the limb is fractured, wrap the leg in cotton padding, then wrap again with a newspaper or towel. Try to keep the wrap loose so that it does not restrict the blood flow. If the fracture is on spine, hips or ribs place the animal gently on the stretcher and try to make it immobilize.


The first thing to do is apply direct pressure on the bleeding area until the bleeding stops. Hold the pressure for 10 minutes and release occasionally to check whether bleeding has stopped because of clotting. The internal bleeding is more serious and the symptoms for that are bleeding from nose, mouth, coughing blood, collapsing or weak pulse. You have to try to keep the animal as quiet and warm as possible. However, do not delay to call your veterinarian.


Your pet may get burns from chemical or electrical or heat. Signed hairs, redness of skin, blistering and swelling etc are the symptoms. Flush the burned area with a lot of cool running water. Put an ice-pack on that area for 15 to 20 minutes. However, remember to pack the ice in a towel or cloth and do not apply directly on the skin. If there is large quantity of chemicals on your pet's skin, brush them off.


If you find vomiting, weakness, salivation, pain, depression or convulsions in your pet, it may be the symptoms of poisoning. Record what your pet consumed and how much. Do not induce vomiting and call a veterinarian immediately.

Bite wounds

If you find any bite wounds on your pet, approach it very carefully to avoid getting bitten. Check the wound and clean it with saline or balanced electrolyte solution. You can also use water. Keep the wound clean by wrapping it and apply pressure to stop the bleeding. Bite wound may cause infection. Consult a veterinarian.

Keep a first aid kit with you.

Having a first aid box is very essential for pet care. Your first aid kit or container should be large enough to include all the necessary items and could be open and close easily and securely. It should contain bandage material like cotton gauze, masking tape and adhesive tape. The other main items for your box are the bottle of hydrogen peroxide, anti-bacterial ointment, diarrhea medication, tweezers, cotton swabs and instant cold-pack.

Pets are very cute to see. Pet care is little difficult and rewarding as well.

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