Monday, August 2, 2010

Finding the Perfect Pet For You

In this World, we are always searching for companionship, love and loyalty. These three things are extremely hard to find because it all takes so much work. One thing people do not realize is that you do not need humans to find this kind of love. Pets are a great thing to have because they are always there with you and they have no real complaints. Pets are there when other people are not and they are such a treat because they are so playful, adorable and sweet. Animals are beautiful and spending your life around them will help you remember that natural beauty.

My favorite pet is a cat. Cats are beautiful creatures and they are elegant as well as playful. In fact, cats know how to live. They keep people and other cats close enough, but know when they really need to depend on themselves. Cats are amazing because not only are they extremely intelligent but they also know how to take care of themselves. When you have cats, there is not need to constantly give them showers or walk them and train them. Cats automatically know how to go to the bathroom and they are very neat and clean about it all.

If you are looking for something with a more rough and playful nature and you want or do not mind a pet that requires a lot of work, then dogs are the thing for you. Dogs are extremely loyal and loving and they will do anything for their companion. Dogs are intelligent, adorable and also just really carefree. Dogs are trained pretty easily and dog obedience training is not hard to do. Actually, with the right mindset and a lot of love you can do dog obedience training for your dog on your own, there is no need for professional help.

A cute and sensitive pet you can have is a rabbit. Rabbits are actually very different from their stereotype. Rabbits absolutely do not like to be touched and they just like to spend time by themselves. Rabbits, although not very social, are extremely adorable and are fun to watch. They love to eat an hop around and sleep. My rabbit dashes across the yard from corner to corner training himself for an attacker. He loves lazing around and just chilling in the shade. Rabbits have weak hearts, so you must be very careful when you get one. Put it in a place with little noise.

And finally, if you want a small easy pet you should think about getting different types of rodents. If you want something cute an tiny, a hamster is the thing for you. Hamsters are easy to take care of and extremely fun to watch. If you want to get a pet that is a little bigger and easier to handle, you should get a guinea pigs. Guinea pigs come in all sizes and fur types and personalities. You will have so much fun just watching a guinea pig make its little squeaky noises. If you need something small and easy to manage, a rodent is perfect for you.

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