Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Indoor Pet Barrier - Say Goodbye to Your Pet Hair Sweater

Tired of getting up from the couch looking like your wearing a sweater knitted from your pets hair? Keeping your pets off the couch may be easy when you're home, but breaking your pets habit of lounging on the furniture while you're gone can be quite a challenge. This is where an indoor wireless fence can help.

If you have a pet you want to keep out of a certain room or off of a particular piece of furniture, indoor wireless fence devices are a great training tool. Most of these systems come with a small electric transmitter and a receiver collar. The electric transmitter sends out a spherical wireless signal around the area you want to make off limits to your pet. The signal range can be easily adjusted (usually between 2 to 12 feet in diameter).

With the receiver collar around your pets neck, whenever your pet gets close to the off-limits zone, the receiver collar sounds off a warning beep. If your pet continues, the receiver collar will administer a series of progressive static shocks. The static shocks are not harmful. They simply create an unpleasant feeling so that your pet will learn to avoid the indoor wireless fence zone.

The PetSafe Pawz Away Pet Barrier System is the most popular indoor wireless fence system on the market. It's easy to set up, safe to use and highly effective. You just plug in the electric transmitter within the room or near the piece of furniture you want to protect, adjust the signal range, put the collar on your pet and you're ready to go. You can use the PetSafe Pawz Away pet barrier system with as many pets as you want (including cats). All you need are extra receiver collars, which you can purchase separately.

An indoor wireless fence is a great way to teach your pets to stay off the furniture-even when you're not home. Just keep in mind that hanging out on the couch may just be your pets way of trying to be close to you. So provide a substitute in the form of a blanket with your scent on it. This will help appease your pet while you enjoy your furniture without all the pet hair.

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