Thursday, May 20, 2010

Pet Wellness 101

It's no secret that Americans love their animals. It's estimated that there are over 75 million pet dogs in the United States. Well over a third of all households own at least one dog and a quarter of households own two or more. Pet owners spend a considerable sum of money on their pets also. The average dog owner drops about $225 per year on their dog, not including food. Multiply this by 75 million and you see why the pet care industry is big business.

Cats are even more popular than dogs. There are about 95 million pet cats in America and their owners too spend over $200 annually on the pet. A full 1/3 of American households own a cat. Pet owners are often closer to their pets in many ways than they are with members of their families. Once an attachment like this has formed, the owner will spare no expense in caring for their pet and ensuring its wellness.

Because of the large number of pets and the care their owners want and expect, vet services have changed over the years. Many of the same high tech procedures that are common for humans are now offered in vet clinics. Pets are living longer and healthier lives than ever before.

Just like human health care, these high tech treatments come with a hefty price attached. Fortunately pet health insurance has become much more popular and can offset the costs of pet medical care. Insurance plans can be for routine care such as shots, teeth cleaning and other routine services or they can be full coverage plan that offer protection for catastrophic injuries and illnesses. Many pet owners take solace in knowing that their pet will be treated should they ever become ill.

Pet food has also improved greatly over the years. These days owners can find a food specially formulated for their particular breed and age of their pet. Supplements are also common and more people than ever are giving their dogs and cats daily vitamin supplements. These supplements can give your pet energy and help their immunity against some common diseases and ailments.

Don't forget water. It's common to think that if a pet is thirsty it will drink. But the truth is that pets often are affected by dehydration just like humans. Water can get boring and dogs might only drink when they are absolutely parched. Encourage them to drink more by adding variety. Give them a little milk. Add a little juice to their water. Also, if your water is so terrible that you won't drink it yourself, consider at least investing in a filter to make the water more palatable and healthier for your pet.

We love our pets; of that there's no doubt. Fortunately for both owners and pets, there is more in the way of care and nutrition than ever before and as a result pets are enjoying life spans much longer than pets just twenty years ago.

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