Thursday, May 20, 2010

Give Pets a Place in Your Home

If you love pets, naturally you would want the best for them. You see to it that you provide them food and ensure that they receive the right nutrients. You even provide them with their own sets of toys.

This is the reason why you should give your pets their own place in your home. This is easily said, but harder to do. It is hard to restrict your beloved pets from invading your home. Many people consider pets as part of the family and they don't mind them around the living room, kitchen and even the bedroom. Nonetheless, the dirt they bring indoors and other places in the house could cause more work and problems.

The kind of space or place you give your pets will depend on their type. Most people have fish, birds, dogs and cats in the house. They have various needs that should be addressed separately.

For instance, your dog or dogs need a dog kennel. There are various kinds of kennels available in the market, or you could make and assemble your own. Consider the size of your dog and its activity level when choosing a kennel. Dogs are naturally active and they need a bigger space to move around. While a kennel may appear restricting, this will not always be the case if you regularly walk your dog and play with it. If you have a limited space, you can consider taking your dog indoors and give it its own bed.

Cats also need their own space. If you are having a cat for the first time, make sure to cat-proof your home. Cats are inquisitive creatures and they do not just look at items that trigger their curiosity. Therefore, keep all breakable items out of your cat's sight. Aside from that, you may also protect your furniture since cats love to climb on your furniture and scratch them as marking to their territory. Cover your furniture to protect them. Get your cat its own space by giving it a small box with soft base to give it a sense of comfort and security.

Be informed that there are hazards for your cats such as poisonous plants. Remove these plants from the house. Cords are also harmful to cats because they can be entangled, the same thing with cords.

You can use a bowl or an aquarium for your fish. You can put oxygen and pump to help the fish to survive its artificial habitat.

A birdhouse or birdcage is perfect for your birds. Make a space for them and give them roof and all accessories that helps in taming them. You can construct birdhouses that look like tiny houses and situated in a cool and shaded area in your house.

You should also provide your pets their own area for feeding. Their water bowl and feeding dishes should be cleaned regularly. The space you give your pets is not just an area where they can do their own stuff, but it should be a place that helps them and make them healthier. The items in that place should keep them preoccupied while you are not around and should contain things that will help them relax and sleep better.

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