We adore our pets. In return they accept and love us for who we are, even if we've had a bad day at the office, not put on the right eyeliner, are hours late to feed them or are distracted with other thoughts when they want our attention.
Humans are exceptionally good at looking after their pets when there's something wrong with them. Or at least we think we are. The trouble is that, even with the animals best interests at heart, pet owners too often rush to the vet for minor ailments and the resultant treatment could be the proverbial sledgehammer cracking a nut. In most cases preventive treatment would considerably cut down on a number of unnecessary health scares every year.
The first thing you need to have a look at is the food you are giving your pet, because many pet foods manufacturers use unpardonable ingredients as filler. Most household cats are fed on only dried pellets but when did you last see cats in the wild foraging for dried foods?
Parasites in animals
All animals have internal and external parasites. Internal parasites live in the intestines, bloodstream, joints muscle tissue and the brain. External parasites such as fleas, ticks, mites and lice live on or just under the skin. Internal parasites include intestinal worms as well as protozoa such as giardia, often ingested from contaminated water supplies. All parasites can cause discomfort, illness and even death.
The incidence of parasites in animals is high although it depends on the animal. Domestic pets that forage for mice, birds and other such wildlife will ingest parasites from their prey. The danger is that these parasites can be passed on to their owners in a variety of ways. How many children play in sandpits where dogs or cats have left their calling card? Or how many people are repeatedly licked on the face by a friendly pet? How many people don't scrub their fingernails before eating?
How can a parasite possibly live inside your body? The answer is simple. The purpose of a parasite is to not make itself known. Parasites are very adept at evading a response from the immune system. They live undetected because once they are revealed, something will be done to eliminate them. Parasites have an innate ability to survive and reproduce. This is the purpose of any organism on this planet. Although this may sound simplistic it can make life for humans very difficult.
If you know how to recognize and interpret the symptoms, the presence of a parasite can be established easily. In humans this can manifest as low energy levels, health conditions, skin rashes, pains, frequent colds, flu and constipation. The list goes on and on. The key is to question these symptoms rather than think such afflictions are commonplace.
In his book, "Animals Parasitic in Man." by Geoffrey Lapage, states: "There is no part of the human body, nor indeed, any part of the bodies of the hosts of parasitic animals in general, which is not visited by some kind of parasitic animal at some time or another, during their life histories." In short parasites can migrate to any part of your body. No organ is immune from their infestation.
Parasites that regularly affect animals include microscopic protozoans, a host of migratory worms and arthropod parasites such as mites, ticks, lice, fleas and even some spiders.
Hookworm infection occurs when larvae in the soil penetrate the pet's skin, move into the bloodstream, and eventually travel to the intestine. Adult worms mature in the wall of the intestine and feed on blood from the intestinal lining, sometimes causing serious anemia.
Roundworm infections of dogs and cats occur when microscopic worm eggs present in the soil are eaten. The eggs develop through larval stages in the gut; some larvae penetrate the intestinal wall, migrate to the lungs and are coughed up then re-swallowed, after which they re-enter the small intestine where they mature into adult worms. Roundworms compete with your pet for food, causing malnutrition.
Roundworm enter their host by ingestion; hookworm by active penetration of the skin; the heartworm enters its dog host with the help of a mosquito vector. Microscopic larvae enter the blood along with mosquito saliva when an infected mosquito bites a dog. The larvae use the blood stream to carry it right into to the heart where it matures, infesting the heart's chambers and lodging in the veins that enter the heart.
Graeme Dinnen has worked with parasites in humans and animals for the past fifteen years. To him they are unquestionably the underlying cause of many poor health conditions that are mis-diagnosed.
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