Monday, May 24, 2010

Training a Puppy - The Earlier the Better

Dogs are pack animals which explain a lot about their behavior. They bring their relationships with people as they would with other dogs. The key is to establish you dominance as pack leader. Dog training is best done while he is still a puppy. This establishes his place in your home early on. He must learn that people are above him in pecking order for proper behavior.

It is better to let your puppy come to you for his food. Wait until you are ready and allow him to sit first before putting the bowl down. This teaches him to be patient and to avoid jumping or running across the kitchen at the first sight of food.

This is just normal behavior as your puppy is curious about the world around him. However, it can get annoying and if not corrected might carry onto adulthood and progress to biting. Tap his head immediately and say "No" with authority.

Playing games are all fun and part of your puppy's education. But try to keep it low key and avoid contests as he may think of it as a test of dominance.

Fetching a ball is a good idea but teach him to give it back to you. If he does not, do not make the mistake of running after him to get the ball back. Training your dog as early as possible can prove beneficial in the long run. Remember your role as pack leader to earn his respect.

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