When our pets our in pain it is a heartbreaking experience. But there is a way to send healing to your pet through Chakra Balancing. All animals have their own Chakra system that is essentially the same as a human's.
Many spiritual traditions talk about the existence of Chakras, spinning wheels of light, that run along the body. Each Chakra is connected to a different physical body part and a different emotional state. Sending healing to the individual Chakras and balancing the energy of the Chakras is known to bring healing to the physical and emotional aspects of that Chakra. Animals are very sensitive creatures and are very responsive to Chakra Healing and Chakra Balancing and have often been used to heal and help animals and pets with physical or emotional conditions.
The Chakras
The first Chara is red and relates to our sense of stability, security, vitality and a sense of belonging. It is located at the base of the spine and rules this area of the body as well as the skeletal system, legs, feet and immune system.
The second Chakra is orange and relates to feelings and emotions and our relationships in the world. It is located at the lower abdomen and is connected to the reproductive organs and kidneys.
3 The third Chakra is yellow and relates to our sense of sense and self esteem. It relates to joy and confidence. It is located in the stomach or solar plexus area and governs the digestive and nervous system as well as the liver.
The fourth Chakra is green (also pink) and relates to feelings of love, empathy and compassion. It is located in the middle of the chest and rules the heart, blood and lungs.
The fifth Chakra is pale blue and relates to our ability to communicate. It is located at the throat and rules the throat, ears and jaw.
The sixth Chakra is indigo and relates to wisdom and the ability to see things from a higher perspective. It is located on the forehead between the brows and rules the eyes, nose and head.
The seventh Chakra is white or violet and relates to our ability to feel gratitude and a connection to the divine. It is located at the very top of the head and rules the head, brain and nervous system.
7 Steps To Giving Your Pet A Chakra Balancing
Lay your hands on your pet or a photo of your pet.
Take a deep breath and imagine that your hands are filled with white light.
Start at the Root Chakra and go up one by one. Spend 3 minutes focusing on each Chakra.
Imagine the Chakra filling with light.
Imagine the specific color of that Chakra shining brightly.
Communicate with your pet in your mind as you send light.
Then move onto the next Chakra until all 7 of the major Chakras are filled with light and their appropriate color.
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