Finding a good vet is important to the well being and good health of your precious pet. Your pet relies on you to make the right choices and sometimes things don't always work out best for all concerned. These tips will help with not just finding a good vet, but also make the trips to the surgery go smoother.
Not all vets will be equipped to treat all types of animals so it is wise to check with your vet that they are able to offer your pet the best treatment. For example, if you have a pet that is not easy to transport then you need to check that your vet will make home visits, especially in the event of an emergency. Or if you have ornamental fish, check with your vet that they have the expertise to treat fish as it is a specialist subject.
If you are the owner of a nervous dog then it is a good idea to make that fact known to any vet you want to register with. Sometimes nervous dogs can become frightened and this can often lead to aggression. If your dog is likely to become aggressive then it is your responsibility to ensure the safety of all others including yourself by taking the necessary precautions. Putting a muzzle on your nervous dog will help.
A trip to the vet can turn the biggest bravest of dog to a quivering jelly, if your dog doesn't cope well with going into a vets surgery then it is better to let the receptionist know that you have arrived for your appointment and leave your dog in the car and ask to be called when it is your dog's turn to go into the treatment room. Taking your dog into the waiting room will only make him worse.
If your dog shows signs of being afraid it is better to ignore him rather than try to comfort him. By offering your nervous dog reassurance at a time he is frightened with teach him to associate fear with something good. As difficult as it may seem, it is far more productive to leave him to cope with his fear and just try and make the visit as pleasant as possible.
Thanks for all the advice. We've been working on somethings our animal hospital in Norwood Park told us but I think he's ready to learn more.