Saturday, November 6, 2010

Beekeeping Supplies

Before you can physically begin beekeeping, you will need to make sure you have the right supplies. Being prepared is very important, especially before you bring in the bees! It is highly recommended that you purchase new beekeeper supplies. Used beekeeper supplies can pose a threat of disease being spread.

Beekeeper Supplies for the Bees

Bee Hive - There are many different designs you can make or purchase. The design you choose will depend on if you are keeping bees as a hobby or if you intend on starting a business. If you decide to make a bee hive, there are many different plans you can buy on the Internet. Make sure there are step-by-step instructions to follow, as well as diagrams and/or pictures. Consider putting in a wax foundation to help make harvesting the honey easier, as the bees can draw out the honeycombs.
Sugar Syrup - While bees usually find their own food, there are times when food is scarce. It is recommended to supplement with sugar syrup. It will help to eliminate starving.
Feeder - A feeder is used to feed the bees syrup. A top feeder will hold several gallons of syrup. There is a screen to prevent the bees from drowning. Make sure the cover fits tightly. This will prevent bees from other colonies from robbing the syrup.

Supplies for the Beekeeper

Protective Gear - This is extremely important. Protective gear includes a beekeeping suit, a hat, veil, and gloves. Make sure the suit is white or light colored to reduce the risk of the bees attacking. They sometime confuse dark colors with predators. Bees tend to sting the face and neck the most.
Smokers - This device will blow smoke at the bees, which will generally calm the bees. The smoke will mask pheromones, which are chemicals that are released from the guard bees. This gives the beekeeper an opportunity to get into the bee hive and work. Another reason the smoker is helpful is when the bee eats honey, its abdomen distends. This makes it hard for the bee to sting. A smoker can burn a number of different fuels.
Equipment for Handling the Honey - A honey extractor and container is needed for handling honey. The honey extractor will take the honey from the honeycomb without destroying it. Be sure to have a clean container to put the honey in.
Hive Tool - This tool opens the hives. It scrapes wax and propolis and pries the frames apart.

Most Common Ways to Purchase Bees

A local beekeeper is one of the best sources for purchasing bees. This is because the bees will be accustomed to the weather conditions in your state. This will reduce the possibility of bringing in outside diseases and pests.

There are generally two ways to purchase bees. You can purchase them as a package or purchase a Nuc hive. It is recommended that you purchase a Nuc hive as opposed to a package. When you purchase a package, the bees are generally thrown together from a variety of hives and introduced to an outside queen. This can be stressful on the bees.

A Nuc hive is similar to a regular hive, except that it is a smaller version. Bees are just split off from the same larger hive, which will include five frames of honey, brood, and pollen. This supply will help give them a head start in the spring without forcing them to go out to find their food source immediately. It is also important to claim your bees during the winter months. You can do this by putting a down payment on them. Bees will be hard to get if you wait until spring.

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