Saturday, November 20, 2010

Puppy-Proofing Your Home

Finally, after months of discussion and planning, your family and you have decided to bring home a puppy. You have already picked out his name; he will be called Jaco. This is all well and good, but before you bring him home, you need to make sure your house is puppy proof. This will not only ensure that little Jaco keeps himself safe, but that you also keep your possessions looking pristine.

There's a lot to do, so be sure to start a few days or more before you plan to bring the puppy into your pad. Below is a list of common things to be on the lookout for both inside and outside your home. This list isn't exhaustive, so your own judgment will come in handy too.

Indoor Hazards:

• Tape all electrical cords out of reach of puppy teeth, or cover them in protective piping. If not kept away from him, Jaco could chew through them and burn his mouth, or worse, electrocute himself.

• Keep valuables off the floor, such as shoes, toys or other pieces of clothing. This goes for laundry baskets, as well. While he is still young and testing his teeth, they should be kept off the floor. Jaco will gladly get into toys, and just about anything else he can reach, so he can chew it. Not only is this wonton destruction of property expensive, but Jaco also runs the risk of ingesting little pieces of each object, potentially causing medical problems.

• Keep coins, pushpins, staples, paper clips, and any other small, sharp metal objects off the floor. Puppies are notorious for eating anything that is small enough to fit in their mouths - even more so than human babies! To avoid a costly trip to the vet to get these items removed from Jaco's stomach, make sure that all members of the family are vigilant, and do a daily sweep of the carpet, as we;; as any other easy to reach places. Some of these items are also toxic to dogs, so it is worth making the Small Metal Object Hunt a ritual in your household.

• Keep heavy, breakable objects out of reach. Puppies are fond of dangling things, so if you have a heavy lamp sitting on a tasseled tablecloth, Jaco may just pull the cloth for fun. What he may not expect, however, is the heavy lamp sitting on top. So make sure to place anything like this out of reach of puppy teeth. He could get a lot more than a new chew toy.

• Keep chemicals out of reach of your puppy. Like babies, puppies will taste and chew just about anything new to them. This goes for cleaners, disinfectants and other household chemicals. Ideally, you should house them in a high cupboard. If this option is unavailable, place baby gates leading to the area or secure access to the cupboard with baby proof locks. Under no circumstances do you want Jaco poisoning himself.

• Secure garbage cans, treat containers, and routes to unsafe areas, such as the garage. Dogs are born to follow their noses, and little Jaco is no exception. If garbage cans and treat containers aren't made puppy proof, he will find his way into your discarded food, or his favorite pepperoni treat. Not only is this a recipe for disaster, but also the foods that unsupervised he gets into could be dangerous or even deadly to him. Like the garbage cans, places that have the equal potential for harm need to be cordoned off. Super hazardous chemicals, such as antifreeze and oil are usually stored here, and if Jaco gets wind of them, he may just decide to lap them up.

• Keep tubs empty and toilet lids down. Not only are bathtubs and open toilets drowning hazards, but the water may also poison Jaco if you have recently used cleaners, in particular those with bleach or ammonia.

• Don't let him eat indoor plants. Although Jaco may like to eat or chew on your houseplants, you shouldn't let him do so unless you are absolutely sure it is non-hazardous.

Outdoor Hazards:

• Keep your yard clean of feces. If you have other animals, this is especially important, since Jaco may decide he wants to eat another animal's waste, and this could infect him with a variety of diseases and parasites. Keeping your yard clean is also just a part of responsible dog ownership.

• Keep Jaco out of your flower and vegetable garden. A variety of flower bulbs can be poisonous and some vegetables may be as well. To avoid a possible health concern, or having your precious flowers and vegetables dug up, it may be better to keep Jaco out of it altogether.

• Keep gardening tools, such as rakes, clippers, shovels, etc., off the lawn and out of reach. You wouldn't leave these around for your child to get injured, so make sure you don't do this with your puppy.

• Keep your yard clean of oak tree debris and acorns. These can be poisonous and even fatal to dogs if ingested.

• Keep compost units secure. Just as with indoor places of disposal, the outdoor places need to be secured as well. Coffee grinds in particular pose a threat, given the similarities they have with chocolate.

• Be vigilant. Do a check every day to clear your yard of any of these hazards.

Although this list seems like a lot to keep in mind, there is a simple way to achieve all of this. Never leave your puppy unattended, and always view your environment through Jaco's eyes: the eyes of curiosity and mischief. This should help you catch any dangers before they have a chance to hurt your playful and loving new friend.

Raw Pet Foods: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Most of us can agree, and Groucho would approve, that outside a dog, a book is man's best friend; but instead of feeding your brain, here, we talk about feeding your favorite pet, Milo. The topic on what to feed your furry four-legged pal has been a hot topic for quite some time. While cats are obligate carnivores, the diet of a dog can be varied as need calls for it, or if an owner objects to a certain dietary regimen because they themselves do not eat meat or animal byproducts. That said, there are things you do, and things you do not feed your dog. Chocolate is one of those things. But this article focuses less on the out and out bad things that you should never feed your dog, and instead we look at a particular source of food - meat. We also discuss ways you can augment your dog's diet if you do choose to feed him meat instead of prepared food.

Milo does well with dry food, right? But of course not just any dry food will do. Most pet foods, regardless their form, are over-processed. Laced with preservatives and additives that make them taste delicious, they really do not do your furry friend any favors. This is why some people advocate giving their dogs raw meat. After all, if it works for wild canids, why not Milo? Well, therein lies the problem. You see, wild animals may subsist on uncooked meat and generationally, there is only a thin veil between Milo and his wild ancestors. The key difference is of course that what animals eat in the wild hasn't been sent through a slaughter house and packaged for the stores. What they offer for humans is processed too, and of course it comes laden with all manner of bacteria that is harmful to both you and him.

If You are Going to Have Milo Go Raw, Please Don't Jump in Feet First
Raw meat 'can' be ingested, but if you opt to do so and Milo is unaccustomed to this, you should start out slowly. Applying the same method of switching from one dry food to another, feed Milo 75% of his normal diet and 25% of the new raw diet and see how it goes. If he tolerates, after a week of this move to 50/50 and from there, titrate him off the kibble. While it is a somewhat viable option, you can never forget protein. Milo can get this from either cheese, (cooked) fish or eggs, or even cottage cheese, which additionally has fat that he might need. Just because he can eat it doesn't mean he should. It goes for us, and to an extent, Milo is just as susceptable to nasties that can lay us low. This is why you should always cook foods like eggs and meat to kill off bacteria and toxins that could ruin his day (and yours).

Really though, it is the opinion of this author that the risks simply are not worth Milo's health. Perhaps this may be a viable option if you are raising your own cows. Alternatively, you can feed meat to your dog, but unless you plan to go to the time and expense of feeding him organic meat (meaning that the cows are free roaming and are not in close quarters, which breeds infections that jump from animal to animal) and as a result are not pumped with myriad hormones and antibiotics, cook it first. And get rid of the bones. Bones, especially those of chicken, can splinter and do grievous damage to his intestines. My dog gets a nice diet of cooked chicken and rice and she loves it. On occasion I give her spaghetti and meatballs, sans onions and garlic of course. So if you want to try an alternative to overpriced, overprocessed foods, you can certainly find one. It just takes a little effort. Research, foresight, and not jumping on a dogfood bandwagon because it is what the Internet said you should do will go a long way to easing the process of altering his diet. Big business and the occasional unscrupulous or misinformed vet might tell you to take up raw meat as a supplement to Milo's existing regimen. Doing your homework now and making sure you are well prepared for the foray into new forms of chow will save you and Milo tons of grief later on down the road.

Worm Biology And Farming Facts For The Beginner

There are about 8000 worms on the planet and most of these live in water with about 2500-3000 being earthworms. They vary from being two or three centimetres long up-to a whopping three metres which is called the Megascolides Australis and is the biggest of its species in the world. Contrary to popular belief if a worm is cut in half it will die and not become two. There are certain earthworms which will eat their own body-weight everyday and the waste of that food (vermicast) is passed through the body every 24 hours. Worms are two-thirds protein which means that in a field of livestock there will be more protein underground in the form of worms and other organism than on the surface. They will only mate with their own species and they are hermaphrodites which means that they can self-fertilise as well. By nature these creatures are quite hardy and if they are living in deep or well mulched soil can survive rather harsh conditions but they will die within two hours under direct exposure to sunlight. This is due to the skin being its lungs so that breathing is only possible if the outer skin surface of is kept moist. Their life expectancy is between two and three years under good conditions. Tiger worms and red-worms are the most commonly used in worm farming as they love rich moist rotting materials.

To be blunt this creature is actually a digestive tube surrounded by a fluid filled body which is, along with its skin, part of its circulatory system. It is made up of between two hundred to four hundred muscular rings which act like a hydrolic drill as it burrows through the earth. Digestion of earthen material which the worm eats takes about 24 hours before the waste is passed through the anus as nitrogen rich castings. The breeding cycle begins at about two or three months and will reach full maturity at about twelve months. Worms will speed up the breeding process in times of extreme weather and will cease breeding in a very hot dry spell. They produce a capsule every week which will hatch up-to twenty young every two or three weeks therefore under good conditions a pair of worms can potentially breed up-to 1500 young in twelve months. A point to keep in mind is that breeding rates vary according to food types so the higher the level of nitrogen in the food then the higher the breeding rate.

Roborovski Dwarf Hamster

Have you ever wondered what those small little hamster looking creatures were in the pet shop? Those are called dwarf hamsters and they are an amazing pack of animals that make excellent pets if you know how to care for them. The smallest of these creatures is the Roborovski dwarf hamster and is much more fun to play with because of their unique size and its ability to run very fast. They are nocturnal and are incredibly active when they are not sleeping. If you are deciding on whether to purchase these pets or not then you need to know exactly how to take care of them properly.

What Do These Creatures Look Like?

They are pretty easy to spot because they are the smallest ones in this particular family. They are literally about the size of your thumb only reaching about 2 to three inches in length at best. Since they are small this makes them much faster and agile then other types and have longer legs to propel them wherever they need to go. They also have a distinct fur coat that is usually a sandy color because they are found in deserts they need to camouflage to their natural environment. The Roborovski dwarf hamster stomachs are pure white and they lack the dorsal stripe on their back compared to their distant relatives.

Choosing The Best Home For Them

When you are choosing a cage for any type for any one of these pets you need to pay close attention to details of these homes. With the Roborovski dwarf hamster you need to be extra careful because since they are much smaller than their relatives they will need a more secure cage. Wire cages may not be good enough for them because some wire cages are not narrow enough to keep them inside their home and they might be able to escape. This is why it is much better use plastic cages or even sometimes fish aquariums to ensure your pet's safety.


The Roborovski dwarf hamster is much different in its diet than many others. They are actually omnivores in nature and will tend to eat vegetables, fruits, and even meat as well. This is important to note because you need to give them everything that they would normally eat in the wild for their diet. Now these creatures normally can eat anything you give them so be sure to feed them fruits that are not citrus, vegetables that don't have sugar, and some meat from time to time. Don't give them meat everyday but you should try to implement meat somehow in their diet. Never give your pets any sugary sweets because sugar will make them very hyper than they already are and could cause a shock to their system. Citrus fruits also should be avoided because the Roborovski dwarf hamster will not react well to the acid that is contained in these types of fruits.

Use these simple secrets when taking care of the Roborovski dwarf hamster and you will begin to see your pets happy, healthy, and very playful.

Choosing Great Pet Toys

You can get a stick, give it to your dog, and your dog will be happy with this type of toy. However, you may not be happy with what that type of pet toy can do to your home. The stick could scratch up just about everything in your home, not to mention your legs as they play. Instead of allowing sticks in your home, think about going to get some great pet toys that your pet will be just as happy with, but that will also be good in your home and won't cause you bodily harm. They are going to be safer for your pet and kids as well.

One thing you may notice about pet toys you see in the store is that some of them resemble stuffed animals and they squeak. These often become favorite toys for pets because of a few reasons. The soft material allows your dog or cat to bite into it without problem. This fulfills their need to bite without tearing into your new shoes or your sofa. The squeak noise is often a surprise, no matter how many times they have heard it, making them think they have something to hunt. It is a natural instinct to them to hunt, so this toys has the benefit of that as well as filling the need to bite.

For dogs, some great pet toys are made of rawhide. These can come in the shape of bones, but they are still considered toys. Get one that is comparable to them in size. You don't want to get a foot long rawhide as pet toys for a dog that is barely that long, but you can get them one that is a few inches. On the other hand, large dogs can use a good one that is six inches or more in size. They can bite and chew on these for a long time before they are no longer good.

Cats are not going to be found of pet toys make of rawhide, but they do have the need to play. They play more when they are kittens, but adult cats need exercise too. There are many types of toys that make noises with bells and squeaks, that will give them the thrill of the chase. Some are simple toys baited with catnip that they will bat around and chase through the house. Some move around on wheels or even with a tiny motor. Other good pet toys for cats are flexible poles that have things dangling from them like feathers or strings. Cats love them and these get them moving, even when they seem to want to sleep all day.

Any type of pet toys that have material, like the stuffed animals, should be cared for with a washing once in a while. The dog (or cat) will put saliva on them, which will grow bacteria and gather dirt. Wash according to the instructions on the tags. As a matter of safety, get pet toys that do not resemble people and babies in any way, especially if you have kids in your home or a baby on the way. Don't call the toys names like bubby or baby either, as a new baby can be mistaken for a toy if you use either of those words to refer to that baby.

Guidelines On How To Stop The Madness Associated With Getting Two Dogs Out Of Your Car Or Truck

First of all, you need to take your dogs in the car with you aaaaaaaall the time. You might have suspected because of my excitement that I'm in reality, a dog. I happen to be a 10 year old yellow Lab and I love a great cruise in your car. Traveling in the car was all about me till my boss brought home an evil, horrible new pup. The evil puppy brought on dozens of complications and one of them has been exactly how for getting us both out from the car at the same time without anyone busting a leg. A plan and a little training should make this event rather easy to deal with.

Before you take multiple dogs in your vehicle along with you, put together a master plan about the best way to get us both out of the vehicle. At any time you do not have a plan we definitely will each bounce out just as soon as the car door is open. This can be cause bedlam. We all know that I should certainly get to go out first, but the evil brand new puppy dog does not seem to have an understanding of that. The actual main problem is that getting to cruise in the car is usually more thrilling than just about anything else, however getting out of your car is somehow 10 times greater. We all just get way too enthusiastic to be able to pay attention and do what you tell us to. Owning a pair of dogs this enthusiastic positively makes this a bigger problem.

There are actually a couple issues created by having a couple pets that both want to get out from the vehicle first. 1) During the turmoil, we could possibly get loose and race towards next block (or even worse, to the road). 2) We can potentially fall over each other and fall to the cement (which I am really certain would be painful. Although (cue the school marm tone of voice) I'm fairly sure we're supposed to be in a crate or possibly a canine seatbelt when we're in your car. Shhhh, do not tell our veterinarian about this because we get to be in the center seat in our car. Don't tell the boss either because I don't want to ride inside a dog crate.

The actual solution to this specific situation is the seat for the front car seat. Whenever you open the back car door to let us out, make sure you instantly move in front of the open door to block our exit path. You will want to stay as close to the vehicle as possible and you should shut the door a little bit if you can. You may really have to set your own foot up on the spot where your feet go inside of the vehicle. I was kind of shocked with the evil new pup and just how she was able to fit thru every small ray of light that she saw so you will need to be really careful so that you can block the exit.

Here is the plan:
*Open the vehicle door and quickly block the exit.
*Connect both dogs to their leashes. You shouldn't use a double leash here, someone could get injured.
*Choose who will get to go first. (I think the old dog really should go first, although I could very well be partial.)
*Wrap the lead on the evil, I mean 2nd puppy around the headrest of the front car seat.
*Hold the leash tight so they cannot hop out of the car.
*Tell the 1st dog to go - by name. "Baylor-go"
*When the first dog is out of your car and away from the landing place, tell the other doggie to "Stay" (for control)
*Unwrap their lead
*Tell them to go - by name. "Scout - go"

Yes, my name is Baylor and the bad other puppy is Scout.

I need to mention that this is not very easy to learn, however just like every thing else it can be done with perseverance, repetition. I used to be anxious that the evil new dog was going to jump on me. Today it seems to be fairly non eventful. Getting two dogs is a great thing but usually there are things that could cause issues. Training the dogs to get out in a somewhat organized fashion will wipe out the stress and chances for injuries.

The Perfect Holiday Gift Is a Wet Nose

Once again the holiday season is almost upon us. We will be searching high and low for the perfect holiday gift for our friends and family. Some of us will choose a gift card to a favorite store or restaurant. A gift card is a very nice gift but once it's gone, it's gone. Some of us will choose to purchase a gift of clothing for our loved ones. Maybe a nice robe and slippers that will keep them warm and snugly will do the trick. However, choosing the correct size and color is always a challenge. But, if you do happen to get the size and color correct, the robe and slippers will wear out over time and will be discarded and forgotten. So, what gift can be given that stays around for years to come, keeps the recipient warm and snugly, never wears out or gets discarded and comes in many wonderful colors and sizes?

Bringing home a new puppy during the holidays for a child is a long-standing, loving tradition. Watching a child's eyes light up when they lift off the lid of the box and look inside to see a big-eyed furry friend waiting for them is priceless. However, surprising an adult friend or family member with such a gift may cause them to run the other way. Raising a puppy shouldn't be taken lightly. They need to be trained, walked frequently, require near constant attention and, oh yes, potty trained. You have to consider if your friend or family member can handle the obligation and commitment that it takes to handle a puppy's needs.

An alternative to a puppy is to help your friend or family member pick out an adult dog from a local animal shelter or rescue organization. These animals have usually been through all of the necessary training and are ready for a good forever home. Most shelters and rescue organizations have their animals fully examined by a veterinarian including being provided with all of the necessary vaccinations prior to being adopted. Some of the groups also micro-chip their animals for identification in case they stray too far from home.

In addition to viewing animals at a rescue shelter, some rescue groups also bring animals to local adoption events. Observing the potential new family member at the shelter or adoption event will allow you to see how they interact with new people and with other animals. In addition, plenty of research on the type and breed of animal that will fit best into your friend or family member's household must be done. Ask the recipient of the new four-legged friend to come with you to the shelter or adoption event and be sure to allow sufficient time to interact with these wonderful animals so that the right one is brought home. I have no doubt that you will find the perfect "gift", or should I say they will find you...Wet nose and all!

Flea Bites On Humans - What You Need To Know

The thought of flea bites is upsetting when the fleas are biting your pets but the idea of flea bites on humans is positively distressing. There is a stigma attached to flea bites and of having fleas. We talk of undesirable places as flea pits and of undesirable people as flea ridden. Most people accept that their pets will encounter pests at some point but can not countenance the idea of them themselves having fleas. If you think that you may have them, most probably because you have discovered flea bites on your body, then this is what you need to know.

Flea bites on cats and dogs mean that they have fleas. Flea bites on humans does not mean that they 'have fleas'. Cat and dog fleas are very common. They live on the animal as well as around the house. While these pests will bite humans as readily as they bite their pets, unlike the poor animals, they will not live on the human. It is a popular misconception that animal fleas get onto human bodies and live there constantly tormenting their host. They don't, they jump on, feed and then jump off. So, you may have bites but you almost certainly do not 'have fleas'. However, if they are in your home and will continue to bite you until you get rid of them, all of them.

You do not need to have a cat or dog living in your home for your house to become infested with cat or dog fleas. All you need to do is to get a couple on your clothes and carry them into the home and they'll quickly populate the place. In fact, you don't even have to come in direct contact with an animal to pick up a flea or two. They can live in the grass outside your home and you can unwittingly walk them into the house. If a piece of second hand furniture has fleas and you bring it into your home, the creatures will soon spread out and populate the house. Basically, if you have a house then fleas can get in.

The first clue you will have that you have fleas will be small pin prick like bites around your ankles. These will itch, quite badly in some cases. If you scratch them or are particularly sensitive to bites (some people react badly to the flea's saliva) then these bites may redden and become raised. The reason that the ankles are usually the most bitten area of the body is due to the way fleas attack humans. These pests are sensitive to heat and motion. It will lie in wait and when a human walks past it will leap in the air and land on the foot. The ankle just above the sock line is the easiest target and there is where the fleas will bite.

A simple and effective test to see if you have fleas in your home is to put on a pair of white socks and take a walk around the house. The fleas will be a dark red/brown color and will show up easily as they jump onto the white sock. Once you discover that you have fleas in your home you will want to get them out of your home.

Killing fleas by hand is extremely difficult. You can seemingly squeeze the life out of the flea only to have it jump out of your fingers as soon as you open them up. There are only three viable ways to kill fleas.

Poison them with an effective flea killer. These come in powder and spray form.

Drown them. A shallow bowl of water with a lamp shining into it is an effective trap but will not wipe all the fleas from your home. The fleas are attracted to the warmth of the lamp and leap into the bowl only to drown in the water.

Starve them to death. Fleas can live a long time without feeding. This is how they can lie waiting in an empty house for months, waiting for some tasty humans to move in. You can buy specialist traps that work on the same principle as the water trap above but with an extremely sticky sheet instead of water. They glue the unlucky fleas in place trapping them forever. Remember traps will not wipe out all the fleas in your home but are a good indication that your home is free of fleas. No fleas in the trap, no fleas in the house.

Whatever method of killing the fleas you choose, as soon as you discover fleas bites on your body you need to get the vacuum out and go over the whole house. Make sure that you empty the bags outside. The fleas and flea eggs sucked up into the vacuum cleaner are not dead. if you empty the bag indoors then you are simply emptying a bag of fleas into your house.

Choosing the Best Family Pet For Your Home

You can go out and get a dog if you want one for your family pet, but is that really the best choice for the reality of your life? You may think that a turtle is an easy pet for your kids, but do you know that to be true? Some pets seem to be maintenance free and cheap to care for, but that is not always the reality of it once they are in your home. Too many animals are purchased and hurt or abandoned because someone made the wrong choice. There are some things to think about before you get a pet that can make sure you have a good match.

If you want a dog, don't get one until you own your own home with a yard. It does not have to be a big yard, but you have to have one for a dog. Though your landlord (if you rent) may say that dogs are okay, they really need room to move. Some dogs are loyal to your family as a family pet, but could be dangerous to others. They seem sweet to you, but they may not like the kid living downstairs. Bad things happen when dogs are in shared homes or apartment buildings. The very best time to own a dog is when you are the only family in a home, and when you have a secure area for them to exercise.

A cat is a lower maintenance family pet, but they are not without need of care. Some think that cats do not need adult interactions, but some do. You have to get the right type of cat if you are not home a lot, but want a family pet that is furry and cuddly. Cats have needs that must be addressed by a veterinarian, which is not always cheap. Some cats need more attention than others. If you want a low maintenance cat, go to a shelter and ask for one. They probably have one with that temperament you can adopt as your family pet.

When it comes to reptiles, many families in apartments like to get these because they are self contained. However, as easy as it is to make space for them, remember that they are often not cheap to own for a family pet. Turtles and many other reptiles need some water and a heated area for basking. The aquarium you need to contain them and the accessories that you need to replicate the habitat that they need can be quite as expensive. They also require a clean habitat, which means you have to put time into them as well. As long as you know all of that and you have the means and the time, these can be great, though rather un-cuddly, pets.

Overall, exotic pets and pets like bunnies and snakes are not always the best choices for family pets without the right habitats and without enough room. You may want to have a rabbit for your daughter, but it may not be a wise family pet choice in your particular circumstances. Be reasonable and realistic when choosing your family pet so that you do not end up having to take them to a shelter where they may be put down because no one else can take them.

Good Hygiene Helps in Preventing Urinary Tract Infection

Urinary tract infection is one of the most common health problems occurring in pets particularly cats and dogs. This is a condition that could cause a lot of pain and discomfort to your pets and it needs immediate medical attention. When this type of infection in pets is left untreated it could lead to more serious complications or health conditions such as damage to the kidneys, the bladder or other parts of the urinary tract.

The main cause of urinary tract infection is bacteria. Bacteria enter your pet's body through the food or water taken in by your pet. It could also be contracted through the fecal matter surrounding your pet's anal area, or from an unclean environment. These are one of the most common reasons why your pet is more susceptible to getting this kind of infections along with other reasons such as lack of water intake, or a weakened immune system.

Urinary tract infection could also be caused by bladder stones or crystal formation in your pet's urethra. These crystal formations or kidney stones cause the infection as they prevent complete passage of urine. Because of this the bacteria in your pet's system is not flushed out therefore staying longer in your pet's urinary tract causing more damage to the tract. Bladder stones need to be removed from the pet's system to allow complete passage of urine. Removing the stones could be done through medications or it could be through surgery depending on the severity of the stones.

When it comes to ensuring your pet's health, the most important thing for you to do is to prevent your pet from acquiring or contracting such type of bacteria that causes urinary tract infection. Since this is a condition that could be fatal, you should not neglect and ignore the needs of your pet especially when it comes to the prevention of this infection. It is true that there are different types of treatment available to address this kind of health problem but you also have to remember that preventing urinary tract infection is still a lot better.

As a pet owner, you should take full responsibility with regards to ensuring the health of you pet. You should know and be aware of the many different things that cause this kind of infection as this will help you determine the helpful ways of preventing such health problem from occurring. One of the most important ways of preventing urinary tract infection is to maintain a good hygiene. Proper hygiene will prevent your pet from contracting bacteria and developing the infection. A clean and safe environment as well as clean food and water are all very helpful and effective in preventing as well as in treating such type of infection.

Detox Your Pets in 5 Steps

It's scary how much we rely on our pets. They're our protectors, our reason to smile, our work out buddy, and more often than not the way many let out pent up anger. They become a part of the family almost as quickly as a child does, and keeping them safe and healthy is a major priority.

Sadly though, in 2009 alone, there were more than 195,000 cases managed by Animal Poison Control Center of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA). Even if you are an attentive and environmentally friendly individual, there are harmful chemicals in things that seem innocent to us that could be deadly to your furry friend.

Here are 5 ways to Detox your living area not just for you, but for your four-legged companion:

Keep an eye out for certain plants

There are certain plants that are extremely dangerous for the well-being of your pets. Now, we can't control what our neighbors plant, but planting the proper plants in your own garden (and sharing this article with your neighbors) might help your pets live healthier. Here is a list of plants to stay away from:

Lilies - Cause serious liver damage in cats
Sago palm - cause vomiting, diarrhea and liver failure
Tulips - cause gastrointestinal irritation, nervous system problems and cardiac abnormalities
Azaleas/rhododendron - vomiting, drooling, diarrhea and in severe cases, coma and death.
Oleander - abnormal heart function, hypothermia and even death
Chrysanthemum - Depression and loss of coordination

Watch for holiday hazards in the forms of decorations and food

Holiday decorations, especially in the upcoming winter months, add a lot of decorations and food being cooked that is not part of the normal schedule of your household. A lot of decorations are hazardous to pets, including, but not limited to, tinsel, lights, and candle-burning menorahs. There are also certain holiday foods that can be toxic for pets. Here are some items to look out for:

Coffee grounds
Rising bread dough

Keep the medicine cabinet contained

If medicine falls into the paws of your pet, the consequences could be deathly severe. Keep medications, shampoo, make-up and lotions on higher shelves and/or in cabinets with latches. If your pet is prescribed medication, ask the doctor about any side effects you might encounter with your pet and clarify and storage needs or procedure requirements.

Purchase green cleaning supplies

Like with medicines, keeping cleaning supplies stored properly will keep your pet safe and healthy. Choosing green cleaning supplies will further guarantee the green living possibilities for your pet and keep them safe from harm.

Purify pet toys and personal items

Keep an eye out for who manufactures your pet's toys and where they come from. Do not bleach your pet's toys unless you make sure to dilute the bleach before hand and air out the toy and dry after cleaning. It makes more sense for safety reasons to clean using a mild dish soap and water instead. Use dye-free detergent when washing all bedding or blankets, especially I they chew on them.

Pet Rabbit Food Supplies

Doctor Brown: Have you got a cute rabbit that wants quality food? What are the best types of food for your rabbit? Did you know a rabbit needs more than just pellets to stay healthy? Where can you get cheap quality food for your rabbit? Did you know rabbits love eating weeds, lawn and other vegetables? How can you make your rabbit healthy and happy by simply giving it vegetables and clean water?

Can you make your rabbit happy by feeding it delicious cheap food?

If you can imagine yourself as a rabbit then you too would like quality delicious food. Some of the vegetables that you grow or eat are also a rabbit's favorite delicacies. Please remember to wash the vegetables first because some vegetables have pesticides on them. You wouldn't want your rabbit to eat it. Rabbits are one of the simplest pets to have. They have a huge diet that varies from weeds to bread.

Rabbits are lovely, cuddly and peaceful animals. They are either eating, resting or mating. This is the life of a rabbit. In the wild they are running away from predators. They rarely make any noise. They have a diet that varies from carrots to different garden weeds. Although you may think weeds are disgusting but it is a rabbit's delicacy. It is important to allow your rabbit to eat a balanced diet and keep it healthy. Rabbits also need exercise. It is important to let you rabbit out of its hutch as often as possible to give it fresh air, sun light and to warm its muscles. Your rabbit will be very happy because living in a hutch is like a jail. It is important to understand that your rabbit also needs exercise so remember to let it out more often. Rabbits love to roam and nibble at weeds around the home. They do not want to be stuck in a hutch all day long. Don't keep it outside overnight because cats can injure or kill your rabbit. Rabbits also love clean water especially in the hot summer months.

There are various types of food that you can purchase at the supermarkets. Here are a few types of food you could fee your rabbit:

1. Carrots

2. Cabbages

3. Capsicum

4. Cucumbers

5. Apples

6. Pears

7. Vegetables

8. Bread

9. Lettuce

10. Water melons

11. Corn

12. Potatoes

13. Broccoli

14. Cauliflower

15. Zucchinis

Unlike dogs and cats, rabbits don't need that much attention because they are timid and shy. Rabbit manure is a great fertilizer for your garden.

How to Choose the Right Feeder and Water Fountain for Your Pet

Have you ever missed feeding your pet? Or missed feeding time? When owners are busy, don't have time, or are on vacation it can be a cause for concern over you and especially your pets. A great solution is a pet automatic feeder. These products are perfect and reliable for those unpredictable schedules and work great for the elderly or handicapped. It's a great way to develop and train a regular eating schedule and it helps maintain your pet's healthy diet. Automatic pet feeders can be designed for specific functions, which mean there are many types available.

Types of pet automatic feeders

Pet Automatic feeders are available in many different colors and sizes based on their weight, but there are two types of feeding styles. Self-replenishing gravity feeders are a great alternative to open bowl sitters. The main purpose is to have a constant supply of available food which is evenly dispensed and distributed by gravity as the dry food shifts onto an opened tray. Many are designed to hold enough to last for a week or two depending on the size of your cat or dog. This isn't recommended for pets that have a tendency to overeat or are on a strict diet. Be sure your pet is a responsible eater before choosing this option.

Electronic automatic feeders are just as convenient, but have the ability to precisely control each food portion. They are designed with a built in digital timer and a closed container for the food. Most digital pet food dispensers can be designed to release or hold specific amounts of dried /wet foods and are programmed for feeding intervals throughout an entire day. These electronic indoor feeders are ideal for precise feeding portions, extremely easy to operate and very are versatile.

We can't forget about our other house pets such as birds, ferrets, reptiles, rodents, and even fish. There are automatic feeders for them as well. For the most part the pet automatic feeders for these guys are electronic as well. The main difference being that they are designed for wired cages, glass cages, and outdoor environments such as a pond. They enable you to provide your pets with a preset quantity of food at the precise time throughout the day.

Pet Water Fountains

How to choose the right water fountain for your pet Like us humans, pets require much more water than food. As a general rule, the daily intake of water for dogs and cats is directly related to the daily energy requirement. Providing our active pets with the correct amount of water is critical to their health and being.

Here's a great online calculator to estimate how much water your pet should be drinking daily.

A great way to ensure your pet is getting its recommended daily amount of water intake is a pet fountain or waterer. Similar to a pet automatic feeder, they provide enough water for your pet, but compared to leaving a bowl of sitting water, the water fountain has a built in filter which acts like our own home water filtration system. The water consistently flows with a built in pump, ensuring the filtration system is constantly removing any deposits, while the continuous flow of moving water encourages pets to drink more water. This ensures fresh water is always available for them to drink from.

Most electronic water fountains are easy to clean and allow replacement of the filters and pumps. They even allow you to control the flow of the water from a silent flow to a calm trickling flow with reduced water splashing.

Other similar water fountain devices include an outdoor pet drinking fountain for dogs. This system is an automatic drinking fountain that hooks up to your outdoor faucet. A sonar-based proximity sensor triggers the device and turns on when your pet approaches, and turns off when your pet leaves.

Many owners who have busy schedules or just have a busy life in general can be less worrisome now that technology has assured our best friends the quality health and care they deserve while the owners are away at times.

How To Take Care of Gerbils

Gerbils, also known as "Meriones unguiculatus" are wildlife animals. Their usual life span is 2- 3 years, and may grow up to 4 inches long. They are small rodents that is furry, with colors that are usually black, off- white, yellow or gray.

Gerbils are social animals. Just like rabbits, they will not survive if they live alone. They are used to be living in colonies in wildlife. You may put them in a cage together with other gerbils. But it is much preferred if this other gerbil is put on the cage at the same time as his since these small rodents are quite territorial. If they meet a new gerbil, it may cause some trouble among them. Though they are quite territorial, they are still very sociable and tame. They only bite when they feel threatened. And let me remind you to never hold them in their tails. It hurts them and they will really bite you.

Wire cages may be the most common cage to put your pets. But for gerbils, using a glass aquarium to place them there is much preferred. Just put a mesh lid so that they cannot escape, yet still gives proper ventilation. You may put deep beddings as thick as 2-3 inches on the aquarium allowing them to burrow. If you use a cage, there is a tendency that the burrow will be destroyed. Gerbils have this chewing habit and they may tend to chew on the wires, leaving their noses injured.

For a couple of gerbils, you may cage them in a minimum size of 12" in height, a length of 12" and width of 24". These gerbils are entertaining and quite active that is why a larger cage is better so that they can move freely.

Gerbils also need nest box in their homes. A nest box allows them to feel secured. They sleep here and this is where they hide. And when you put a nest box, avoid plastics but instead choose a wooden or clay pot nest box. Because of their chewing tendencies, plastics may not seem last long, but the wooden or clay pots will.

For their foods and drinks, hang a metal container on their cages so that they can just drink whenever they want. And for the food, give them food supplements that are of good quality.

To satisfy their active and social life, putting up toys on their cage allow them to move and play. You may put a piece of wood, sturdy rocks or any kind of platforms that are durable so that when they chew it, it will not be destroyed easily.

Winter White Dwarf Hamster

Keeping dwarf hamsters as pets is fast becoming an amazing hobby among many people including children and many adults as well. One special type called the winter white dwarf hamster is a great pet for you to care for especially if you are looking for a simple and easy creature to care for. If you are into these white and adorable creatures then you will have to read the rest of this article and get the facts you need to properly care for them quickly and easily. Start raising healthy pets with these amazing tips.

As the name suggests the winter white dwarf hamster can turn white during a period of cold weather. In its natural environment it would normally camouflage with the surroundings to evade predators that would snatch them for an easy lunch. In captivity you will most likely never see them turn white because the temperature will usually stay above this particular threshold. Placing them in the cold intentionally to see them turn white is not recommended and may be fatal to your new pet.

So if they are not white what colors are they? With modern technology and cross breeding you can pretty much get these pets in almost any color that you would like that occurs naturally. The color of the winter white dwarf hamster is usually a dark grayish color that also has a much darker dorsal stripe that runs down the backs of these creatures. They also have other characteristics such as small feet, short tail, large eyes, small ears, and very small bodies. This type of species is usually confused with the Campbell species because they are similar in appearance. It takes some practice to notice the difference between the two of these similar species. One thing you should know is that the Campbell type is more common in pet stores than the winter white dwarf hamster is. If you are trying to figure out if you have a Campbell or a winter white chances are it is a Campbell.

The winter white dwarf hamster is relatively easy to care for because they don't rely on specific caring needs. All they need is some simple and basic care that can help them become healthy, happy, and vibrant for its entire lifespan. If you want to have your pet live as long as possible I would recommend supplying them with some very health foods. A good recommendation would be adding vitamins to their diet such as Nutri-Cal. You can also place a food dish inside of their cage for easier feeding. Never give them the typical junk food that humans eat because this will dramatically shrink their already short life spans. There is no exact way to make your pets live longer, the only thing you can do is give them an environment that will keep them as happy as possible.

These are some simple facts about the winter white dwarf hamster and how you can easily take care of them when you finally purchase your new pet.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Pet Bladder Infection - Do You Know The Very Early Warning Signs?

Bladder infections are always a risk for pets. Estimates have the general average for pet bladder infection somewhere between 10 and 20 percent. This number doesn't include those pets who failed to get treatment or were able to fight off the infection on their own.

On the other hand this does include the pets in their prime with super strong immune systems. So if we were to exclude those animals in their prime, and focus on those who have a weakened immune system, or are simply getting up there in age, the number probably would be closer to one out of every two.

For my pets at least, the key to guaranteeing a safe recovery has always revolved around recognizing the condition in its infancy.

The truth of the matter is that once infection becomes obvious the only real solution is a round of antibiotics and possibly some type of herbal or homeopathic remedy to boost immune function and restore urinary tract balance.

Delving into the obvious symptoms

A lot has been written about identifying the full blown symptoms of a pet urinary or bladder infection. These signs would include pain during urination, pungent smelling urine, blood in the urine, and unexplained urinary accidents in the house. These are obvious signs that something is terribly wrong, and the chances are pretty good that the invading bacteria responsible for bladder or urinary tract infection has overpowered the immune system and now is free to roam and destroy.

But if you can learn to recognize certain subtle changes in behavior before the infection reaches this point you may just be able to avoid that dreaded trip to the vet, along with the cost that threatens to have you hyperventilating all the way home.

Recognizing the very early warning signs of pet bacterial infection

I have had three pets (1 dog and 2 cats) over the years which became susceptible to bladder infections as they entered their senior dog and cat years. All three showed similar signs as bacteria had gained entrance to the urinary tract through the urethra and was making itself at home in the bladder. As far as I know none of these three had a urinary tract defect that made them particular vulnerable. Chances are it was simply a weakening of the immune system, which came with age, which was opening the door for bacterial infection.

If there is one thing all domesticated pets like to do that is to go outside and my pets are no different. In fact, a healthy pet will often bug you relentlessly until you finally give in. But in all three cases, as the bacterial infection started to set in, they became less and less excited about going out. And when they did muster up the energy to go out they wanted to come back in after only a few minutes.

The second thing that I noticed was that they weren't quite able to empty their bladders, causing their backsides to be damp with urine; not soaked just damp.

The third thing was a change in social behavior. For example they always stayed close when our family was watching television. All of the sudden they were MIA.

The fourth thing was a substantial increase in the amount of water consumed. In fact, some days the water bowl would be empty in the mornings. Surprisingly, excess water consumption is part of an animal's natural defense mechanism against bacterial infection.

If you will look for these four behavioral changes there will be a good chance you will be able to recognize that something is wrong, and use these early detection clues to make some early changes. A couple of examples would be adding cranberry juice to your pets water or implementing a herbal or homeopathic remedy for urinary tract health.

Puggles: A Popular Designer Dog Breed

Puggle sounds like the name of a toy or game because of the odd silliness of word's sound. Despite the fact that this is not the case, still the name is odd enough sounding that many would not know what Puggles were till they looked them up. Puggles are the end result of breeding a Pug with a Beagle. Who thought of this mixture? Who thought that mixing those two dogs would be a good idea? One man can take full credit for the creation of Puggles right down to the name.

Wallace Haven is the man that can take proud credit for Puggles and their current popularity among many people. Despite the fact that they are so popular, they are still not recognized by any of the Kennel associations. So owners of Puggles and Puggle breeders will have to resign themselves to having to show off their prized pets in private local shows. Puggles make a great family pet with Puggle breeders saying as much when asked. Puggles are a relatively new breed having only been commercially bred on a large scale at the beginning of the year 2000 by the first of the Puggle breeders, their creator Wallace Haven.

Being a relatively active dog Puggles do require a bit of exercise though not much, so they would be well suited for apartment life. Their size and relative heartiness makes them a fine pet for a family. Though they are of a mix breed that has the habit of being born with the same defects as their parents, Puggle breeders take the time with careful parent choice to ensure for the healthiest puppies possible. Seeing as they are not a registered breed of dog the going price that Puggle breeders ask for varies from puppy to puppy. This is because Puggle breeders charge based on the blood lines of the parent pair. The average listing price from Puggle breeders seems to be in the 500 dollar range going as high as 800 dollars in some cases.

Puggle breeders know that listing their puppies for a fair price improves the chances of them being bought. Puggle breeders know that Puggles pretty much sell themselves with their high intelligence, and the ease of maintenance. Though they may not be a breed that can be shown in all those fancy shows they are still a popular breed. People need to understand and realize that all of the current breeds that can be registered currently were once breeds that were not recognized. It will likely take time before the Puggle is a recognized breed. Soon we could see their wrinkled little faces trotting down the red carpet amongst the flashes of cameras and fellow Puggle enthusiasts.

Puggle Breeders Online Want You To Know How To Handle Your Puggle During Thunderstorms

Puggle breeders online want you to know that if your Puggles shake uncontrollably, pant like crazy, hide, or follow you around the house during a thunderstorm, there is nothing wrong with them. Some Puggles are simply afraid of thunder. This is a natural and common occurrence. Experts and Puggle breeders online are not exactly sure if it is the loud noise or vibrations from thunder that scare Puggles.

It is not always recommended to keep your TV or radio on during a thunderstorm. If the storm is still a good distance away or rolling around you, try turning up one or the other. Puggle breeders online suggest giving Puggles a distraction. Give them another noise besides the thunder to concentrate on. Also try giving them a new rawhide to chew on or entice them with a squeaky toy.

Some Puggle breeders online will be the first to tell you that their Puggle runs straight for the cellar or under the bed at the first hint of a thunderstorm. There is no harm in letting your Puggle hide. If he wants to do it, let him. Puggles who hide during a thunderstorm are looking for security. If you happen to be outside when a storm approaches, hold your Puggles tightly or get them inside. The last thing you want is to have to scour the neighborhood for your lost and scared dog.

Other Puggle breeders online will laugh and joke about how their Puggle insist on following them around the house during a thunderstorm. Restrain from yelling at or scolding your Puggles. This will only add to their nervousness and frighten them even more.

As much as you may be tempted too, do not baby your Puggle during a thunderstorm. Puggle breeders online say this can reassert their fear of thunderstorms. Do not give them any more reason to be scared. Carry on like you normally would as if there wasn't a storm.

If you prefer to sit in your favorite chair and watch the storm, Puggle breeders online say it is okay to let your Puggle sit with you. Puggles like to feel safe and secure, so give them a blanket to curl up and hide under for an extra sense of security. It's okay to pet them and talk them through the storm.

Puggle breeders online know that not all of these methods work. If your Puggle is absolutely terrified of thunder to the point where you think it is unhealthy for them, consult your vet. There are medications that can be given to Puggles during a thunderstorm which will calm them down. Some Puggle breeders online prefer products that are all natural. These are available to, so ask your vet about an herbal remedy.

Vets and Veterinary Surgeons

The word 'vets' is actually short for veterinary surgeon. The word comes from the Latin 'veterinae', which means 'working animals'. Vets look after the health of all sorts of animals and have to go through many years of training before they qualify to practice veterinary medicine. A degree in veterinary medicine is required (BVS, BVMS or BVSc), and a license to practice. Veterinary nurses also need qualifications in veterinary medicine.

Vets may choose to specialise in certain areas such as pets, farm animals or exotic animals. Some vets choose to specialise in production medicine where they will be helping farmers with the production of beef, dairy cattle, sheep etc. They may also practice equine medicine and help keep race or show horses healthy.

Instead of specialising in treating certain animals, vets can also specialise in certain areas of medicine such dermatology or surgery. Others prefer to carry on in an academic field and research and advance the field of veterinary science.

Not all of the work a practicing vet does is to treat sick animals. Some of it is preventative such as inoculations, and some of it is to help prevent unwanted animals being created - neutering. Unfortunately, some procedures that are asked of vets are more for the benefit of the animal owners than the pet. This is the case for requesting the de-clawing of a cat. Cat claws can do a lot of damage in a house because cats will not always use the scratching posts bought for them and so owners want the claws removed to protect their possessions.

Vets are now commonplace in towns and cities, providing a service to both householders for their pets, and those that work with animals for a living in food production or sport.

Are Your Pets Safe From Pest Control Products?

The active ingredient in rodent control baits, bromadiolone, has put pet owners all over the nation in fear of secondary poisonings to their pets. Secondary pet poisonings can be caused by direct or indirect ingestion of baits. An indirect poisoning can be caused by your pet ingesting a rat or rodent that has consumed toxic bait. However, scientists have proven that normal distribution of rodenticides and pesticides during a pest control program, the risk of secondary poisonings to pets is extremely low.

Basically, the risk depends on the correlation between the amount ingested and the size and weight of the animal. Also, the poisonings are dependent on the pet's sensitivity to the active ingredient in the rodenticide. Fortunately, a single rodent cannot consume enough bait to kill a pet that has ingested the dead rodent; therefore, the pet would have to eat multiple rats to reach a dangerous dose. Only a steady diet of eating the bait-filled rats will cause your companion animal to reach higher toxic levels from the bait.

But exactly how many bait-filled rodents would a cat or dog have to eat to reach a lethal dosage?

A study has shown that a 22 lb. dog would have to consume 77 ounces of bromadiolone (nearly 5 pounds) to be poisoned. A single rat consumes a maximum of less than an ounce of food (even less for mice), so the 22 lb. dog would have to find and eat 77 rats that are completely stuffed with bait.

A 4.4 lb. cat needs 35 ounces of bait product or nearly 3 dozen rats stuffed with bait for secondary poisonings to take effect.

Nonetheless, secondary poisonings are not impossible - the situation should be considered when a rodent control plan is in effect at your home. Each pet has their own sensitivity level to baits and can be different from the numbers revealed in the study.

A good pest control company takes precautions to protect your pets and other non-targeted animals (hawks, owls, etc.).

Your rodent technician should come out weekly during the rodent control plan to quickly remove dead rodents and provide maintenance to traps and bait stations. This will hinder any chances of pets obtaining bait-filled rodents or unsafe traps. Rodent technicians should monitors the quantity of bait placed to maximize the effectiveness against controlling the rodent population while minimizing the chance for excess bait to get outside the box.

Tamper-proof bait stations are a plus. They securely store the bait product inside, therefore the baits are only directly accessible to the rodents. A good rodent control company will not have you worrying about harm from chemicals to their families or pets.

Treating Bad Breath In Dogs and Cats

Treating bad breath in dogs and cats is important since it often indicates a bigger problem such as dental plaque or tooth decay. In fact, bad breath or halitosis is a common complaint for many pet owners. A pet with halitosis can lead to embarrassment for the pet owners during family events, parties, and special gatherings.

What are the causes?

Bad breath in dogs and cats can be caused by a poor diet. If pets are unintentionally fed a diet that includes spoiled foods, bad breath can result. More commonly, pets that are fed kitchen scraps can develop halitosis since the food is sometimes left for an hour or more before the pet eats it.

Even pets that are fed a diet of dry pet food or a combination of dry and wet pet food can develop bad breath. If cats and dogs do not receive dental care, it is possible for plaque to build up on their teeth. This is known as calculus buildup, and it is this buildup that can lead to breath problems.

The presence of teeth that are decaying can also lead to bad breath. Decaying teeth are often the result of poor dental care for the pet. If the decaying tooth is not treated, not only can it continue to cause bad breath, but it can also lead to health problems for the pet.

Occasionally, awful breath is actually caused by a pet who insists on eating things that they should not. Coprophagia or feces eating is actually quite common in dogs. While this behavior may not appear to be normal, certain studies have suggested that dogs eat feces as a way of identifying the animals that have produced it. Coprophagia has also been blamed on poor diets and underlying health conditions. Whatever the reason behind a pet's indulging in a bit of feces eating, it can lead to terrible breath when it occurs frequently. Unfortunately, coprophagia is known to become an habitual behavior in canines and so it is quite difficult to cure even with persistent effort.

Halitosis can also be caused by an underlying medical condition such as kidney and liver ailments. If your pet shows other signs of physical disorders, it is extremely important that you visit the veterinarian. Moreover, if you attempt to treat your pet's bad breath but do not see any signs of improvement, you might want to visit the veterinarian and get a full physical to determine the status of your pet's health. Of course, I always recommend a holistic veterinarian.

Treating Bad Breath in Dogs and Cats

In addition to preventing your pet's objectionable breath by feeding your cat or dog a proper diet, it is important to provide dental care. A number of dental products for cats and dogs are available for the prevention of calculus buildup and bad breath. To avoid toxins and harmful ingredients, it is important to use a dental care product for pets that has been formulated with natural ingredients. Look for a dental care product made with grape seed extract and grapefruit seed extract for the best results in preventing plaque buildup, oral infections, and bad breath.

3 Reasons Elderly People Need Pets

Pets can really add to a person's life. Whether you are young or old, a pet will become a trusted companion, give you a reason to get up in the morning, and be a source of never ending entertainment. Even people who profess to not like pets can benefit from having a furry friend around the house. Many elderly people may have never had a pet in their adult years and insist that they don't want one now. But there are many reasons why a pet is something that senior citizens should seriously consider.

First of all it gives them a reason to get up in the morning. Many older people live alone. Their children have moved away and many times they have lost their spouse. It is not unusually for elderly people to feel depressed and down at times. But if they have a pet that depends on them for care, life takes on a new meaning. These pet owners will busy themselves with finding the best ways to care for their new companion. This renewed sense of responsibility helps to bring them out of loneliness.
Everyone needs a companion! An empty house or apartment can seem very quiet and lonely. But you add a cat or a dog and the home feels like a home again. The pet gives the person a companion to talk to, walk with, and snuggle with on a cold evening. The nice thing about having a pet when you live alone is they become very devoted to their owner. In fact, they can become downright territorial about their master! These pets give unconditional love to the person who cares for them and that can really make a lonely person's day.
People who have pets are generally healthier. There have been studies done that show that caring for a pet helps to lower blood pressure and pulse rate. People who have pets have a lower incidence of depression. In addition, elderly people say that having a pet helps them overcome sadness, touching their pet helps them feel better physically, and that they routinely talk to and confide in their pet.

Studies show that having a pet improves the overall health and mental wellbeing of elderly people. There are many adult pets at animal shelters that would make wonderful pets for senior citizens because the animal is past the puppy or kitten stage. If your family member insists that they do not want a pet, ask them to care for one on a trial basis. They may be surprised how quickly they grow to love the animal.

Pets are a wonderful addition to a senior citizens life. The benefits of better health, less stress and loneliness are just the tip of the iceberg. The pet owner will benefit the most from having a loyal companion.

Choosing A Pet That Fits Your Family

Christmas is near and around this time of year your kids start to behave a lot better. They may have hopes of getting a new puppy or maybe a hamster. If you plan on getting a pet here are some saving tips to consider before bringing your new joy home.

Pets are cute and fun, but also a responsibility. Before you run out and buy a new pet, do some research on the costs to care for it. There is the cost of food, vet bills, toys, accessories, and the training.

It is a lot easier to have small pets such as hamsters, gerbils or parakeets. They are inexpensive and require less attention.

You should consider adopting a pet from your local animal shelter, rather than from a store or breeder. They will be less expensive, will be vaccinated and spayed/neutered and you save an animal's life.

You can make toys for pets yourself. Pets are much like infants and children. They are just as happy to play with the box you bought the toy in and not the actual toy. I am sure you have plenty of items around the house to chew on. Just make sure the pet knows what they can and can't sink their teeth into.

Install doggie doors if possible, this way you won't have to keep opening and closing the door wasting heat and air conditioning. You may also experience less pet accidents, if they can easily get in and out when needed

When buying pet food, check your prices. Brand names and generics have pretty much the same ingredients, with a huge price difference. You can always save a great deal when you comparison shop. Buy pet food in bulk when you can, this saves you money. Shop online, you often will get great discounts and free shipping on bulk items.

Don't overfeed your pet. It not only costs extra money but also will cause more vet bills. Overfeeding causes obesity and joint issues in dogs.

Be sure if you have pets that need vaccinations that you have them done. If you do not, it can cost you hundreds of dollars in vet bills later down the line. Do your research, as veterinarians can be quite expensive. Most shelters or clinics offer discount prices and your local township will usually offer free rabies shots once a year. In some states you can buy the vaccinations online for only $5.00 for the 5 in 1 shot. Also, look into spaying and neutering clinics, they have a lot of programs at low costs to help control pet population.

You should learn to groom the pet on your own.You can find information at your library or on the internet on how to groom your pet. If you have a pet that needs constant grooming, this would be the best idea for you.

You will never be able to put a dollar sign on the love and affection and joys of having a pet, but these tips can help you save and care for your pet properly to enjoy a long, healthy life.

My passion is to help others through their journey in life. To help those who find it difficult to follow the right path, and to teach my children to offer their hands in life. I have a great passion in giving and finding peace and hope in all types of relationships.

Changing Lifestyle Causing Obesity in Pets

Today, there are many pets that suffer from obesity. In fact, a recent study has shown that more than 25 percent of the pets suffer from obesity. Most pet owners are unaware of the factors that are causing obesity in their pets. The problem in pets is caused to advancement in technology and changing lifestyle of people.

Most people have become accustomed to the benefits that technology has offered us. We try to take short-cuts to reach our goals. For instance, we require a transport when we go for jogging even if the park is close to our home. Scientists have created gadgets like cell phones, dishwashers and many other gadgets that have made life simple and easy. Even though we have many gadgets to make are life easy we still don't find time to take care of our pets. We fell lazy to take out pet for a walk that can do wonders to their health.

Most people want to be a part of the mad rush to reach the top without knowing how to deal with people who care for them. They forget to spend time with their loved ones because they don't know how to slow down. They have time to stare at their screen but don't find time to spend with their pets. Earlier, most people enjoyed outdoor activities because it gave them an opportunity to spend time with their family and friends. Today, most people want to earn more in the limited time that they have. They are looking for higher status in the society and are losing out on their family life.

When we start neglecting our family they look at ways of filling up that void. Your pets are a part of your family and they are usually dependent on their owners for their needs. When you don't take care of them they become dull and obese. They are forced to live in cramped places because you have shift to a new location for better job opportunities. As apartments become cramped, they don't have their own space and they are forced to invade our space.

Obesity in pets can have adverse impact on their life span. Obesity not only reduces their life span but also makes them dull and unhealthy. When your pet is unhealthy they develop several complications like problems in joints, heart and even diabetes.

Since we have little time for our pets be try to feed them ready-made pet food that is not healthy for them. We start taking short-cuts and give them fast food that is easy to prepare and serve. We don't have to toil in the kitchen to make food that is nutritious and healthy for them.

People who stay at home and don't take their outdoors are risking the life of their pet. Sedentary lifestyle that causes diabetes in humans can also cause diabetes in pets. Most people who are unable to spend time with their pets try to compensate them with gifts that aggravate the problem. They get them food that has high carbohydrate content that is tasty but unhealthy.

How to Care for Your Pet While You Holiday

There are many people who wish to take a break or vacation but are unable to do so because they have a pet at home. They are worried that their little buddy will face difficulties if they are not at home. These people can take a vacation to a pet friendly place where they can enjoy their vacation and take care of their pet. However, there are not many exotic locations that allow pets to enter their place.

If you are visiting a place that does not allow pets then you can choose from any of the following options:


This is the best option to choose if you have a cat or dog at home. If you are looking for a temporary home for your exotic pet, then this may not be the best option. Even if you have a pet that can be boarded in a kennel make sure you check out the condition of the place before you make a reservation.

Check the condition of the cage, food they serve, attitude of people who deal with pets and all other factors that could affect your pet. Make sure you check out the facilities available at few places before you decide on what is best for your pet. Many people who feel guilty about leaving their pets in a mediocre boarding facility can choose a super deluxe boarding facility. These facilities are expensive but have most features that pets need when you go on a holiday or vacation.

Leaving your pet with your Neighbor

If you feel that your pet will not be treated well in a boarding facility you can leave them with your neighbors. Make sure the neighbor you leave your pet cares for your pet as much as you do. If you feel that your neighbor may not be able to take care of your pet, it is best that you leave them in a decent boarding facility.

Hiring a Pet Sitter

This is another option that pet owners can choose when they plan to go out on a holiday. When you hire a pet sitter they will take care of your pet in your absence. Hiring a pet sitter is a good option if your pet is shy and does to mingle with other pets easily. The pet sitter can also take care of your home and water the plants when you are not in town.

If you are unable to find a local pet sitter, you can search for them online. There are many professional pet sitters who offer their services through online classified websites. You can also get help from your friends, family and colleagues who have a pet at home.

Before you hire a pet sitter make sure you tell them what you would like this person to do in your absence. For instance, do you want the pet sitter to take care of your pet for the whole day or do you want them to stop for one or two hours a day. If you want to this person to take care of your home, make sure you inform them in advance.

Once you have defined the job role, it becomes easy for the pet sitter you hire to perform their task in your absence.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Few Factors That Affect Your Decision of Buying Pet Steps

Do you know your dog puts a lot of pressure on his joints while jumping on and off the bed? It is same for other pets as when they jump off a high-up place, their joints take a lot of pounding. It is extremely important for dog lovers to do something to ensure that their pets stay away from joint injuries. Spinal and joint injuries are quite common in dogs, especially in dogs having short legs and long spine. But it doesn't matter if you have dogs or other pets for that matter, you can keep them healthy just by buying pet steps.

Whether you have a small pet or a big one, you can find pet stairs to suit the needs of your pet. However, the important thing to understand is that you will have to consider several things before making a purchase. For instance, if you need dog or pet steps for beds, you will have to proceed while keeping a number of things in mind. Here, you first need to decide on the right size of your pet steps. For this, you need to measure the distance from the floor up to the mattress on your bed. If you choose these steps according to this measurement, you will be able to keep your dog from tripping himself while getting on to the bed. Moreover, this will spare you from dealing with the issue you face when your dog jumps off and on your bed in the middle of the night. Give him a smooth passage to get to you and you can keep having your dreams.

Another important consideration is to buy such pet steps that not only serve the basic function of paving the way for your dog to get to high-up places but also offer some more features. For instance, it is a good idea to opt for such steps that come with built-in compartments. These compartments can be used to store specific dog accessories, along with treats and toys.

Something that most buyers fail to consider is the width of these steps. Generally, the length of these stairs is given more importance, which is why it is obvious to see people getting wrong pet steps. When making a purchase, consider the size and weight of your dog and then decide on how wide pet steps should be. For instance, for a small dog, it is better to have steps that are 12 inches wide - this is for a dog weighing less than 20 pounds. For a dog weighing over 30 pounds, pet steps should be 16 inches wide.

The fact of the matter is that pet stairs are extremely important for all dog lovers. Not only can these stairs keep your dog from waking you up in the middle of the night, but they can also keep your dog from falling prey to certain bone and joint injuries. Just keep in mind that buying these steps is a tricky decision which you should make considering important factors.

Beekeeping Lessons

Once you have made the decision to become a beekeeper, you will need some beekeeping lessons to ensure your hobby or business venture is a safe and memorable experience. It is imperative that you are trained before you actually come into contact with the bees.

There are a variety of options available to you for training. You may need to combine a few of these beekeeping lessons in order to get a full view of beekeeping. It is extremely important that you take the time to ensure you are fully trained. Beekeeping is most definitely a fascinating hobby or business, but it could turn deadly. Explore as many avenues of beekeeping lessons as you can to ensure a lifetime of enjoyment from beekeeping.=

Options for Beekeeping Lessons

Beekeeper Associations - Many states have beekeeper associations. The purpose of a beekeeper association is to teach people about bees in general and offer education on how to safely and responsibly keep bees. An association will also provide a forum where you can communicate with other beekeepers for support.
Local 4-H - Your local 4-H may have a time when they are studying beekeeping. It is also the perfect opportunity to teach children the basics of beekeeping.
Local University Agriculture Agent - An agriculture agent is someone who is employed by the government to help people who live in rural areas with different methods of farming and economics. Consider talking to an agriculture agent from a local university. This person should be able to give you detailed information about beekeeping.
Internet - The Internet has endless possibilities for learning about beekeeping. When using the Internet, it is important to research a variety of sites. Compare these sites to make sure the information you are getting is current and accurate. The problem with the Internet is that anyone can post information on the web. The Internet is a great way to determine if beekeeping is for you, as it will give you some basic information about beekeeping and will give you some things to consider before starting this hobby or business.
Beekeeping Guides - A guide will generally give you more in-depth information. It will not only give you the basics of beekeeping, but it will also share with you different obstacles you may encounter and how to avoid or handle these situations. Beekeeping guides can be found at your local library, in book stores, or on the Internet in the form of an e-book or in print for purchase.
Courses - There are many different courses you can take. Classes can be offered through the Internet, local beekeepers, 4-H organizations, and beekeeper associations. A class is similar to a beekeeping guide; however, a person is available to you for questions. It will give you complete details regarding beekeeping, and will provide more advanced information than what can be found free on the Internet.
Experienced Beekeepers - This is likely the best source for beekeeping lessons. An experienced beekeeper knows exactly what to teach you. This person will be able to share his/her experiences and give you detailed information and tips on how to keep bees responsibly. The beekeeping lessons you learn from an experienced beekeeper are priceless.

Tips for Beekeeping Lessons

Start your research during the winter months. This way you will be ready to start beekeeping in the early spring. When searching for the best source for beekeeping, make sure the source is reliable. Check references or search the Internet on the company, e-book, association, beekeeper, etc. Find out if there are any complaints on the information that is being provided.

Do not rely on just one source. Remember to try combining some or even all of the above beekeeping lessons to ensure you are receiving the most accurate and current information possible.

House Pet - Three Tips Worth Knowing Before You Buy A New Pet

If you intend to adopt a new house pet, then pull up a chair and buckle down because you may want to read this article. In the next few minutes, we're going to look at three possible elements that worthy of consideration before you are buying or adopting a house pet. First, we're going to explore a variety of pets that you can possibly keep. Next, we're going to discuss about which type of pets that are appropriate to your house environment. Finally, we're going to finish up by talking about how to feed your pet and introduce you to few types of pet food which are available on your local pet store.

First, let's start with knowing a variety of pets that you can keep. Cats and dogs are without a doubt the most popular pets of all. These two animals can live among human peacefully and easily adapt to our environment. Many families even consider them worthy of a family member and treat them like they treat their own children. Other animals that also popular are fishes and birds. People like to keep fishes inside an aquarium and some keep them outdoor in a fishpond. Birds are almost always kept in a cage. There are also an exotic pet, an exotic pet is a rare or unusual animal pet, kept as a pet which is not commonly thought of as a pet. Some examples of an exotic pet are ferrets, domestic rats, and iguanas.

Next, let's talk about an appropriate place to live for this pet together with you. If you live in a house with a backyard then it is possible that you are able to keep any type of pets you want like cats or dogs. It also gives you an opportunity to construct a fishpond right at your backyard. However, if you live in an apartment or a flat then that would be impossible. You can keep dogs or cats there but if you want to maintain a fish then you must get an aquarium. Any animals that live in cages such as birds or any kind of exotic pets are popular for people that live in an apartment. If somehow you are an animal lover and want to keep them all as a pet, I suggest you move to a bigger house. Be careful though, the time and maintenance cost might be very high.

Finally, let's talk about the pet food that is appropriate to your pet. There are a variety of foods that can be given to your pet. You can identify them by their name such as cat food, dog food, fish food, etc. They can also be easily found and sold at your local pet stores and supermarket. There is a type of feeding called "raw feeding". It is the practice of feeding domestic dogs and cats a diet primarily of uncooked meat and bones. When buying a pet food just make sure that the pet food you are going to buy is regulated by the FDA, USDA and FTC. Food safety is important because unregulated food can transmit disease to your pet.

These are the three critical elements you need to consider before you are going to get a new pet. Choose your pet carefully according to your liking, make sure that in your current house you have an appropriate place to live for them, and know beforehand what type of food that you want to feed them.

Pet Cloning - The State of the Industry

Whatever happened to pet cloning? As early as 2005, there were a number of news stories about dog cloning and cat cloning. Animal cloning had been old news for nearly a decade by then, with the revolutionary cloning of Dolly the sheep in Scotland, of course, but Snuppy was the first pet, a dog, to be cloned. Cloned by scientists at a Korean University, Snuppy would have seemed to be a harbinger of a new revolution in animal breeding. However, the pet cloning market has been quite cool in the five years since the Snuppy announcement. Here, we review the state of the pet cloning industry.

Since the cloning of Snuppy, there have been a number of very successful clonings of pets and other animals. Lou Hawthorne started BioArts while cloning his beloved mixed breed dog Missy. Hawthorne was very pleased with the results of the cloning, producing three successful clones that were very alike to the original in character and behavior. In January, 2009, a Florida couple, Ed and Nina Otto, announced that they had paid to have their Golden Retriever Lancelot cloned by BioArts. They also were very pleased with the results.

Still, response to the cloning has been cool. When Hawthorne ran a contest to have people clone their favorite pet, he was surprised to find that less than 250 people entered the contest. In addition, Hawthorne found that BioArts' prices were undercut by Korean competition. While the Ottos were very pleased with "Lancey," their pet clone, it was difficult for anyone not to note the prohibitive cost they paid: $155,000 USD. In addition, many people object to the idea of cloning pets when there are many animals being euthanized every day at animal shelters around the world. There are also issues with some abnormalities in the cloning process.

All of this is not to say that pet cloning is not very different from many other technologies that simply took a while to catch on. Some issues are outlined below, along with a discussion of how those issues might improve in the coming years.

The price problem. All new technology is overpriced. For example, personal computers were not very affordable at first. Only after the manufacturing process was streamlined was it possible for every household to have a computer. How much room there will be for organizations to reduce the price point on pet cloning without broad demand is of course questionable.
People resist change. This is especially true when it comes to tampering with living things, in this case beloved pets. Yet, we have "tampered" for a long time in breeding pets and domestic animals. In fact, controlling the genetics of domesticated animals and pets is accepted practice that people pay top dollar for. Organizations like PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) object to pet breeding. PETA claims that the American Kennel Club adds to the pet overpopulation problem by encouraging breeding pure bred dogs. Still, pet lovers pay for purebreds, and this is well accepted by mainstream society.
Demand may always be an issue. There are many great dogs and cats that can be found at the local dog pound or given away for "free to good homes" in classified ads. However, there is no limit to the value people place on a beloved pet or even on a sure thing. The Ottos are a good example of that, as is the practice of buying purebreds. If people can purchase a dog or cat with predictable behaviours and characteristics there is implicit value in that. There is a predictable market here, though it may always be limited in size.

While pet cloning has not taken off as some had hoped, it's clear that it will become a bigger market in the future and it will be increasingly viable for people to try this out. With the inevitable successes that cloned pet owners will have, the practice will become more widely accepted and it seems inevitable that there is a future for cloned dogs and cats.

The Final Home for Departed Companions

Your pet provided you with years of unconditional affection and faithfulness, and when such pets pass It is only appropriate that you give their life an unforgettable ending. Your pet was your defender; the companion who made you feel safe. They were faithful, loyal and just as happy to see you come home as the day you brought them home.

Just as with any other member of your family, the loss of a beloved family pet can be heartbreaking and devastating. Who else is capable of so much affection, so much devotion, and so many remembrances? When the time arrives, pet urns for the beloved ashes, pet monument markers, and garden rocks can be a marvelous way to memorialize your house pet.

Pet urns for ashes propose a beautiful and ornamental method to respect your pet's loving remembrance. Present are various distinctive choices attainable for you and your family. If you glance around different places, you will come upon one that will match the character, nature and disposition of your beloved pet. Of course, anything, you choose will be a fitting and proper memento of your time with each other; Make sure you choose an urn that is meaningful to you.

A more favored design of pet urns is a photo urn. These generally take the form of a wood-made frame with a compartment within to contain the ashes. The exterior of the container usually holds an area to exhibit a photograph or memento of your pet. The majority of patterns also include a custom etching of your pet's name. You can even have a message from you displayed on the outside. These types of urns are befitting to show on a mantelpiece, bookshelf or anywhere in your residence.

Pet remembrance garden stones are a beautiful method for memorizing a pet. There are assortments of types to pick from. One model is a limestone boulder urn that imitates an actual yard stone. These rocks normally have an etched metallic plate on the exterior on which your pet's name can be displayed. On the interior is a deep-set chamber where you can house your pet's ashes.

These styles of pet memorial plaques are a radiant addition to any landscaping. You can plant flowers, buds and other foliage around your pet's stone without worrying about potential damage. Choosing a garden stone type of urn for your pet will remind you of all the fond of your loved one along with a beautiful and peaceful garden.

Whichever style of pet urns for ashes that you choose, be sure to find one that honors your beloved pet. Your pet looked up to you, guarded you, relied on you, and cherished you with all of its heart, just as you did them. I understand how traumatic it is to lose a family pet and the urge to want to have them properly memorialized. Pet urns are a memorable way to stay connected with them, even after they are gone.

Pet Pens On Sale - You No Longer Need To Leave Your Pet Behind

Boarding your pet or leaving him at home with a sitter while the family goes on a trip is definitely unthinkable for many pet owners. Besides the cost, it can be a stressful experience which can make your trip not as fun as it could be. However you no longer have to even think about such a situation with the use of a pet pen.

Many of the transportable pens come with attachable sections where you can place pet toys and other items you will need to take along with your pet. You won't have to leave anything that helps make your pet's life easier behind. The makers of these pens have thought of just about everything possible to help make taking your pet with you more convenient and safe.

Pet pens are available in different sizes, prices, colors and designs and are easy to set up without needing any tools. There are many transportable models available which will make taking your pet on trips very easy. They are great for house training a new pet or if you have to leave your pet at home when you are away at work or doing chores. You know how difficult it is being away and worrying about whether your pet is safe or what condition you will return and find your home in. Getting rid of all these worries is more than worth the price. And the best part is these pens are very affordable.

Because most pets love to chew on things especially electrical wires, shoes or couch, a pet pen is a great way to keep them out of mischief and prevent them from destroying things in the home.

This will help you save on always replacing or repairing broking or damaged items.

So the next time you think about leaving your pet behind or just want them to be safe whether indoors or outdoors consider purchasing a pet pen and you and your pet's life will be so much more stress free.

Plastic Pet Pens On Sale - Easy To Use And Keeps Pets Safe And Secured

In this article I want to take a look at the Iris Plastic Pet pen. This pen is perfect for indoor use. It can also be used outdoors in the yard as well. It is manufactured using heavy-duty plastic and showcase latches made of double steel giving more security. The interlocking panel makes assembly very easy whereby no tools are required. For outdoor protection and stability it comes with stakes which can be driven into the ground keeping it secured and preventing your pet from knocking it over.

The Iris plastic Pet Pen comes in several sizes and height, perfect for small or larger pets. It is ideal for crate training and serves also as a travel home where your pet can feel secured while going on family trips or if you do dog shows this would be ideal for transporting the pets.

The paneling makes entering or exiting easy for clean up. All you do is pull the stakes out and access is available. If training your new pet is an issue or if you need to confine them for any reason this Iris plastic pen is ideal. We know how pets, especially dogs loves chewing on just about anything in sight. That why this pen is absolutely necessary when you have an active, pet that loves to get his teeth on just about anything he sees.

You can order additional panels and arrange the pen in the shape you desire. You must make sure you know the size of your pet before purchasing.

When your pet is safe and feels comfortable in his own area of the home everyone will be happy too. Taking care of your pet is a big responsibility and sometimes not too easy. Having a plastic pet pen will make this task much easier and every member of your family can get involved.

A Pet Exercise Pen Will Help You Keep Your Pet Healthy, Safe And Very Secured

Having a pet is great for every family, however it is important to keep them safe. Giving them room to roam without you having to think about them running off is an issue many pet owners have to deal with on a daily basis. A pet exercise pen does exactly that. It offers peace of mind to every pet owner.

Pet exercise pens are available for both indoor and outdoor use. They come in different sizes, colors and designs and you will be able to find one to fit your needs. They are made with your pets needs in mind and offer lots of flexibility to pet owners and freedom and comfort to pets.

When searching for the ideal pet pen make sure you have certain information readily available such as the size of your pet, the area where you plan top put the pen, color and design that will best suit the décor of your home. This will help make your search much easier and your decision to choose the right pet exercise pen will be a simple one.

These pens set up very easy without requiring the use of any special tools or no tools at all. They come with interlocking panels allowing you to create the perfect size and shape depending on the size of your pet and the available area space.

There are transportable pens so when going on family trips you can place it in your SUV or minivan and the family pet can travel along with other family members safely and secured. Because they allow a lot of visibility your pet can interact with the kids.

Keeping your pet safe healthy and secured has gotten so much easier with the use of a pet exercise pen and will allow your entire family to feel more relaxed knowing that your beloved pet will not have the opportunity of escaping so easily and harming himself.

Commanding Your Fear of Dogs to Heel

Cynophobia is the clinical term for an irrational fear of dogs and it is not a pleasant feeling to experience. Imagine being a mother of a two-year old child and you are walking in the park, pushing your baby along in his stroller, when suddenly you see a dog ahead. His tail is up and wagging, his tongue is lolling to the side as he pants gently, his eyes seem to twinkle and his ears are alert as he looks about for the tennis ball he is supposed to bring back to his human friend.

You panic. Your eyes begin to water, your chest seizes, lungs unable to hold air with breath coming in short, tight bursts. Every muscle in your body tenses with your fight or flight response kicking in and you run! Not far from your car, you lock yourself in safely, tears streaming down your cheeks, stomach in knots, breathing is painful and you look outside... and watch full of despair, yet unable to act, as your baby girl simply sits, alone, in her stroller. If this sounds outrageous, it might surprise you to know it is a true story and one with a happy ending. The terrified mother's mother-in-law was also accompanying them, so baby was safe. For an even happier ending, the young mother was able to overcome her massive phobia of dogs in only eight sessions, a very quick turnaround.

Phobias are anxiety attacks, often brought about by a trigger phrase or visual stimuli, like seeing a dog, which is not based in reality and has very little to do with logical reaction and everything to do with how your brain interprets events or possible events. Usually caused by some past traumatic event, like being attacked by a dog when a toddler, these fears get carried with you and rarely fade away without help. Anyone who does not have cynophobia would have noticed the friendly demeanor of the dog, known there was no danger and walked on by with little more than a smile in its direction. Indeed some may have stopped, pet the friendly dog and played catch for a moment with his owner.

Understand that irrational fear is just that - irrational. It does not go away by just telling yourself that you are being silly. It does not go away by facing dogs head on, it goes away with a bit of help once the brain has been re-taught to assess the situation. This is often called cognitive therapy and it works quite well. There are other methods, too, but cognitive therapy is quick and usually easy.

It begins with logically showing the ridiculousness of the expected outcome, not the fear itself, as it is far from funny. If the fear is that the dog will attack, maim and kill, then that is what the brain is absolutely convinced will happen. But what of those times when the sufferer has seen a dog and nothing happened? Had s/he seen a dog before? The answer of course is yes, and yet s/he is still alive. Ah, says the anxious victim, but that is because I ran and locked myself in a car. At this point, it is up to the counselor to expose the fear, argue otherwise and offer control of the situation by supplying the sufferer with alternative thoughts, positive ones, to replace the negative and also teach some coping mechanisms, like deep breathing and exercises to release tension.

Eventually, the cynophobe is reintroduced to dogs and, now understanding the fear and having devices with which to cope, a new dimension to life is found. This explanation was slightly over simplified, but not by much. With the correct help, the fear can be combated more easily than ever expected, increasing quality of life and empowering the anxiety sufferer to conquer their fear forever.

To give this story an even happier ending: the woman went on to one day own dogs of her own!